The hungering deep a familiar face

  • @hynieth i agree! Its part of the thrill.

  • @power-hansen Its just part of the fun :)

  • @imperial-fathom sagte in The hungering deep a familiar face:

    @power-hansen Its just part of the fun :)

    It sure is. Love me some good tin-foil-hatting every now and then.

  • @sshteeve you're gonna need lot's of players to play those drums. so let's just call the whole community so we can drum that shark to death.

  • @sshteeve said in The hungering deep a familiar face:

    One thing is for sure all you Sloopers out there:
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    If they limit this event to Galleons only, I am done with SoT.

  • @madrabbit999 said in The hungering deep a familiar face:

    If they limit this event to Galleons only, I am done with SoT.

    Why? Don't we all have access to Galleons? It's not like they're excluding you from anything.

  • @hynieth I have a very short time limit to play games as I work full time plus I work on my own business, and I only play this game with friends, so playing together is quite rare, except for another guy, whom I meet regularly with for 2-3 hours during evenings. We hate using the galleon in 2-3, it is not pleasant, but stressful, so when me and my friend play alone, we go for the sloop, and the game becomes 10 times more fun for us.

    When I cannot play with him, I play solo and if the game locks features for smaller crew sizes then I will lose all respect for Rare for literally giving us a giant middle finger and going "well, it's a game for groups". As a game developer myself that is a c****y attitude to have toward your customers. But I am sure people at Rare do care for smaller crews as well so I will keep hopeful for now.

  • @madrabbit999
    I'm in the same boat, but I've managed to aquire a few reliable online friends through various discords. So now I can almost always get a full galleon running, even when I don't have much time.

    I'd like to say it's not like Rare to make content unavailable for some players. But on the other hand, the kraken can only spawn on galleons too, and technically you do have the choice to play with larger crews, so you would not be excluded by game design, but rather by your own circumstances or choices.
    But it's too early to worry about this. We should just wait for the update first. :)

  • @nebenkuh Exactly, I have 3 hours tops per evening to play. I'm always on a galleon with friends from a discord. It's not hard to get things going if you try a bit and use the right tools. (discord in my case)

    Although I can understand that it's fustrating to be locked out of content in certain casses this makes the said content a lot more epic. Take for example raids in MMORPG's. You had to get 40 man together to do raids in WoW but when you did the thing was epic (and a huge clusterthing) SoT has a lot lower bar of entry if they ever give more Galleon exclusive encounters but those encounters are tuned to be more epic then when you'd encounter them in a sloop. (imagine a kraken with just 3 tentacles or something).

    Besides noone is stopping you from sailing into it with a sloop. Same as with the Kraken, see a Galleon fighting it? Sail into it and help/ profit from their misfortune.

  • @nebenkuh said in The hungering deep a familiar face:

    But it's too early to worry about this. We should just wait for the update first. :)

    This. All boils down to this.

  • Would also be cool if we had two sea monsters in the same update. Giant crab and giant shark.

  • @jorin33 said in The hungering deep a familiar face:

    @sshteeve said in The hungering deep a familiar face:

    To be perfectly honest, the fact that the new AI Threat seems to be a version of the shark shows this is a quick, mid-sized update as they confirmed trying to utilise as much of what they already have.

    Speculation is awesome and some great ideas here, but has me thinking of a simple Kraken 2.0 - random sea spawn of a larger shark in the water, different model (slightly) and maybe, just maybe drums from the flashback and perhaps a new NPC...

    One thing is for sure all you Sloopers out there:
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    you're not only gonna need a bigger boat. you're gonna need more and bigger boats (and maybe help of the kraken too)

  • @imperial-fathom If you really want to blow your mind, check out the name of the ship in the movie Jaws. It’s named “Orca” aka Killer Whale. The pirate is covered in shark tattoos, while sitting on Shark Bait Cove as well. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

    I’m 99.9% sure we’re going to be fighting a megladon type creature.

  • @sshteeve I'm sure a certain Pixie and a certain Great Dane could assist me

  • @reedski the mighty sshteeve will be on call... when he's back from his jolly. .. :'(

  • @daddy-sanctus wow my guy my mind is blown i love that movie to btw. Good that you told me that. Something definitely to think about.

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