The hungering deep a familiar face

  • I watched the hungering deep trailer today and was very happy with what i saw. But i couldn't help but notice a familiar face. The pirate telling the tale i believe to be the same pirate or captain in the killer whale sunken ship. If you ever been to the killer whale wreckage and been inside of the captain's quarters you will notice a framed photo of the story teller of the new trailer. In my opinion i believe he was the captain of this ship. Im excited to find out more about this mysterious character. Also in the trailer i noticed he is at a sort of fishing camp with dead fish bones around him as if he also may serve as maybe a fish trader or some sort of trader on different islands or on the island where the killer whales wreckage is. Side notes i noticed the shark bites on his body as a sign of maybe what we can expect from the new AI threat. And his chest tattoo that also may indicate a shark. They also show a tiny crab in the beginning interested in his story of ancient people worshiping these huge sea monsters. I was in a cave on a certain island and seen a huge crab being worshipped by ancient people. Maybe its also a sign of another future sea monster a massive killer crab. What do you guys think?

  • 51
  • I think you're right!

  • @nebenkuh i cant wait to find out more

  • @hoppentosse

  • @imperial-fathom
    For some reason imgur doesnt load the image of the painting, but it's there if you click on the link. Definetely the same guy!

    So the new shark whatever sunk his ship, ate his legs and one arm and now he's coping with the trauma by saying it's impossible and just a legend. Poor guy!

  • @imperial-fathom That's some Columbo stuff right here!
    Also, like so many users have noticed from the trailer, there is picture of a female player model on this website and she is holding a spear.
    So spears and maybe spearfishing could be a thing for THD.
    But maybe it's just concept art and won't find it's way into the game.

  • @nebenkuh sagte in The hungering deep a familiar face:

    For some reason imgur doesnt load the image of the painting, but it's there if you click on the link. Definetely the same guy!

    So the new shark whatever sunk his ship, ate his legs and one arm and now he's coping with the trauma by saying it's impossible and just a legend. Poor guy!

    Bild Text

    image property of @Nebenkuh

  • @nebenkuh I really like this character so far i noticed the tea and the barrels surrounding him lol must of been his goods that he recovered from the killer whale. He was a merchant it seems. Which i think is why they said due to a late delivery of items! The killer whale was the ship that was supposed to deliver the goods. Thats why items are scattered around different outposts.!

  • @power-hansen ill have to watch again i did not notice this part. That would be awesome for sure

  • @imperial-fathom sagte in The hungering deep a familiar face:

    @power-hansen ill have to watch again i did not notice this part. That wpuld be awesome for sure

    It's the part in the trailer when the paintings of the small boats show up and the dudes on the ship start throwing said spears at what appears to be just simple sharks.

  • Definitely a shark jaws tattoo on his chest, with the bites as well.
    Notice the people drumming music on the ship to summon? Drums may well be making an appearance!

    Think the spears to catch sharks could be a red herring (apologies) but it could signal fishing...

    Shame we got so very little information to say it's out in just over a week! :'(

  • Here is that chick i was talking about.
    Bild Text
    copyright and everything by Rare®

  • My conclusion is that this new character is the captain of the killer whale which was sunk by the new AI threat. The killer whale was the merchant ship that caused Regional Stock - Shopkeepers in different regions now only stock certain item sets, due to some mistimed deliveries. Because of what happend to the killer whale. I believe we will be able to buy the new items from him maybe spears and other new items since he was carrying these new items when his ship was destroyed.

  • @power-hansen oh cool! I was hoping for fishing poles but spearing would also be cool.

  • @sshteeve haha yeah i can picture crews coming together to summon these beasts with drums that sounds so fun

  • @a-trusty-mango Im a patient type of guy i know making these games isnt easy i know rare cares alot about this game. And i know sometimes things take time im not going to base why i like this game on miner mistakes because i know in time it will get fixed. Yeah i noticed the bullet hole didnt really know what to make of it.

  • @imperial-fathom i agree and what a conspiracy theorie this is haha

  • @power-hansen
    That looks more like a spade to me tbh

    Just having some fun speculation is all. :)
    But yea I suspect many people will experience severe dissapointment because they're building up unreasonable expactations from a "medium sized update".

  • @nebenkuh sagte in The hungering deep a familiar face:

    That looks more like a spade to me tbh


    Well now that you've said it, it really does. :D

  • @power-hansen
    But there were spears in the trailer so we might get some anyway :)

  • @killer91-nl haha but i think its definitely worth talking about.

  • @nebenkuh sagte in The hungering deep a familiar face:

    Just looks too short and thick. (thats what she said!)

    But there were spears in the trailer so we might get some anyway :)

    You've heard it here first: SPEARS CONFIRMED!

    "5/10 - Too much spears" – IGN

  • @power-hansen said in The hungering deep a familiar face:

    @nebenkuh sagte in The hungering deep a familiar face:

    Just looks too short and thick. (thats what she said!)

    But there were spears in the trailer so we might get some anyway :)

    You've heard it here first: SPEARS CONFIRMED!

    "5/10 - Too much spears" – IGN

    Lol this real?

  • To be perfectly honest, the fact that the new AI Threat seems to be a version of the shark shows this is a quick, mid-sized update as they confirmed trying to utilise as much of what they already have.

    Speculation is awesome and some great ideas here, but has me thinking of a simple Kraken 2.0 - random sea spawn of a larger shark in the water, different model (slightly) and maybe, just maybe drums from the flashback and perhaps a new NPC...

    One thing is for sure all you Sloopers out there:
    alt text

  • @sshteeve haha that meme made me chuckle. Lets just hope that whatever it is its a fun update. I have hopes that it will keep us entertained.

  • Can someone check the Killer Whale right now to see if there are items about that might give clues? A Drum maybe a spear etc?

    It would not surprise me if Rare dropped some enviromental hints in and around the Killer Whale Wreck that give away some gameplay features and items soon to be implemented in the hungering deep.

    I'm at work now so I cant check myself...

  • Gutted that I am away in Wales, without the XBox or an internet connection from the 28th to the 1st...

    Oh well, all the sweeter that weekend getting to play! @Reedski you are my eyes and ears for this one Captain! ;P

  • @hynieth yeah should check the island too for the camp or anything else that could indicate that he will be there

  • @hynieth im also working

  • @imperial-fathom I love these kind of things where the community tries to find clues and solve riddles.
    People can say the teaser was short and showed little all the want but you need to read between the lines ;-)

  • @hynieth sagte in The hungering deep a familiar face:

    @imperial-fathom I love these kind of things where the community tries to find clues and solve riddles.
    People can say the teaser was short and showed little all the want but you need to read between the lines ;-)

    Well i just hope it's worth the effort we are putting into it. :/

  • @a-trusty-mango im aware that i may be wrong on some of what ive speculated. Your right but there is no harm to have a discussion with open eyes

  • @sshteeve said in The hungering deep a familiar face:

    To be perfectly honest, the fact that the new AI Threat seems to be a version of the shark shows this is a quick, mid-sized update as they confirmed trying to utilise as much of what they already have.

    Speculation is awesome and some great ideas here, but has me thinking of a simple Kraken 2.0 - random sea spawn of a larger shark in the water, different model (slightly) and maybe, just maybe drums from the flashback and perhaps a new NPC...

    One thing is for sure all you Sloopers out there:
    alt text

    you're not only gonna need a bigger boat. you're gonna need more and bigger boats (and maybe help of the kraken too)

  • @jorin33 And drums... oh so many drums! :D

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