Gamer tag water removal.

  • Okay so I know that this has happened not really any issues, have rare removed the swimming sound too or is my game bugged?

  • 6
  • @th3-ch4dw1n no, i believe there is a bug related to certain sound cues. Music instruments and splash sounds are affecting me and a few others I've seen on the forums here. I submitted a ticket related to this but got a generic response that had nothing to do with the bug report i sent in.

  • @xgodkevin yeah I thought so me and a friend got boarded twice and there was no sound que for swimming or climbing up a ladder. I took a record off it just encase it hadn’t been reported.

  • @th3-ch4dw1n yep, they got some work to do, the sound bugs are nasty.

  • @xgodkevin I don’t mind the gamer tag removal but not having any sort of cue for swimming etc is bad for everyone. I mean Getting boarded because your not paying attention is different to getting boarded because there is an ultimatum stealth ninja pirate that makes no sound 😂.

  • @xgodkevin Thank god it's not just me!
    My instruments just don't seem to want to play at all when other sound queues have been called...

    A prime example is when the snakes I am carrying start to hiss - the game doesn't play my hurdy gurdy sound...

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