Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2

  • @mcdougle99 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @dr-killjoy147 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @mcdougle99 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @dr-killjoy147 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @underwrldqueen said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @s1ictrck umm you need to take a chill pill. It's obvious that rare needs to put more content in this game but that takes time. The game just came out..Please be patient!

    The content exists already though. It was in the betas and the promotional trailers.

    i was in betas and alphas and pioneer alphas and i am unsure what you know about in those test sessions? but it all is in the game in its current form. Or would you like 3 randomly generated quests to appear in your inventory and cash them in at the shipwright?

    Im talking about outfits and ship customizations. Those are content as well as new activities.

    ship customisations were completely randomly generated for 90% of the play tests as well as outfits. at no point was anything set in stone until the very last play test.

    The content you are talking about was the team testing, testing the pirate generator, testing the clothing implementation to make sure it would fit on the pirates who are randomly generated. You can't expect anything used for testing purposes to appear in the final game.

    you'd be surprised at how much content is cut from the final game of many games

    "You can't expect anything used for testing purposes to appear in the final game."

    Um.... what? what's the point of testing it in a beta state if its not planned to be released? And why advertise content that is not in the game as well? Isn't that the basis of false advertising? Showing something that doesn't actually come with what you buy?

    Also these are skins or static models. There's not really any testing to be done with them beyond "does it sit right". It did in the beta so why isn't it in the full paid release?

  • @s1ictrck ha detto in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @scrub-toaster said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    Patience is rare in these forums. More updates will come. Rare seem like a company that care about their community. But they cannot fix everything all at once, nor can they add more content at the drop of a hat.

    If they care about the community or this game they whould listen to the billion threads that states we need more meaningfull content.


  • @bloodfrenzy187 Agreed - my point was just that they had mentioned it was still a known issue, which hopefully implies that they are still working on fixing it - from my own experience bugs that only occur sometimes are often the slowest to fix as you can't accurately reproduce them, so finding the root cause can be quite tricky.

  • Thank god... They have changed the spawn zones :o But if outside of visible view is enough? :x How long does it take to get back to the point? 2 more minutes? Mh... We will see if its enough :) But first: thanks for the hard work you guys are doing here :)

  • Yay respawn fixed ! Keep up the good work but please fix the bounty quest issues sailing away and coming back is not a good work around

  • @iceman-0007
    Sometimes even THAT doesn't work. Yesterday we sailed away and get back 3 times... Still nothing :D We aborted the voyage then.

  • @dr-killjoy147 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @mcdougle99 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @dr-killjoy147 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @mcdougle99 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @dr-killjoy147 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @underwrldqueen said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @s1ictrck umm you need to take a chill pill. It's obvious that rare needs to put more content in this game but that takes time. The game just came out..Please be patient!

    The content exists already though. It was in the betas and the promotional trailers.

    i was in betas and alphas and pioneer alphas and i am unsure what you know about in those test sessions? but it all is in the game in its current form. Or would you like 3 randomly generated quests to appear in your inventory and cash them in at the shipwright?

    Im talking about outfits and ship customizations. Those are content as well as new activities.

    ship customisations were completely randomly generated for 90% of the play tests as well as outfits. at no point was anything set in stone until the very last play test.

    The content you are talking about was the team testing, testing the pirate generator, testing the clothing implementation to make sure it would fit on the pirates who are randomly generated. You can't expect anything used for testing purposes to appear in the final game.

    you'd be surprised at how much content is cut from the final game of many games

    "You can't expect anything used for testing purposes to appear in the final game."

    Um.... what? what's the point of testing it in a beta state if its not planned to be released? And why advertise content that is not in the game as well? Isn't that the basis of false advertising? Showing something that doesn't actually come with what you buy?

    a beta has absolutely nothing to do with the content, and customisation, they were server session playtests. Rare them selves called them play tests.

    If it was called a demo that would be a different argument.

    essentially rare has systems in place, algorithms, that they used to generate the pirates. so their art team would have chopped up some quick content to test. ensure that all pirates clothing and features fitted and worked. What better way to test that then have the community play it for you. That is why it is called a beta. i promise you there isn't a vault of content rare are sitting on that they don't want to release because of the s***s and giggles. They are most likely old assets, that never got updated or made it into the final product because the team didn't want to add it. Maybe the final asset pipeline changed midway through development and to remodel and rework those legacy assets would have taken 4 months and a delay. We don't know the official reasons why things that existed prior are not in the game now. But it is definitely not because the head of Rare is the Joker wanting to watch the world burn.

  • @irishviking23 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    Nice job on the whole ship spawn thing. That will be nice. I’d like to see something done to matchmaking though. If I’ve got space on my ship (or visa versa with my buddy) I’d really like to be able to Have him join me in game instead of having to back out of the game and lose all progress on my voyage or make him wait while I finish said voyage. I understand some may take advantage of this system to level up quicker but I feel it’s a necessity to make the game more accessible. It makes the grind more fun with a ship mate and rewards our time in game better I think.

    This is an issue that needs some attention. It's really weird that Rare has designed a game for shared adventures, and made it so damn difficult to actually share it. It is beyond annoying that you have to leave your game to have friends join. I can understand it if you are on a sloop and wants to run a galleon, but if you are on a solo sloop, you should be able to invite a friend that just came online without having to relog.

    Matchmaking in this game that is all about adventures with your friends is horrible. That needs some attention.

  • Really appreciate the continuous updates the team has been releasing! When are we going to experience new content ;)?

  • @dubhaze93 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    Thank god... They have changed the spawn zones :o But if outside of visible view is enough? :x How long does it take to get back to the point? 2 more minutes? Mh... We will see if its enough :) But first: thanks for the hard work you guys are doing here :)

    it sadly sounds like skull forts wont be fixed. just more distance for griefers to travel. but i am happy the day to day Grind will be enhanced by once off PvP interactions and then exploration again rather than constant grief

  • @khaleesibot Thank you guys for working so h*****n this game. I understand there are so many people complaining but you guys are and have been doing the best you can. I love the game and will continue to support you to the end.

  • @diamondvp said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    GJ, but where is the content?

    Always planned for June

  • The workaround for the 1 weapon bug does not work, it's been 6 days that I'm stuck with only one weapon, it is impossible to play the game like that, I can do small voyages and that's it, no pvp.

  • I am still getting error code 0x80070005 when I try to install this update

  • @bombetao I don’t agree with your assessment. I’ve actually been seeing a lot of ships lately and the skull clouds are ripe with action, generally 2-3 ships at a time fighting. It has been generally noted that those are the best places to find other pvp type ships to have good battles.

    Actually outside the rest of the game.. it appears people are a lot more friendly now then they were at launch. I dunno if its just because the vast majority of agressive players have already moved on.. or what.. but I went sailing one night looking for a fight (we have a no shoot first policy) but no one would fire. In fact.. we came up to one boat and the dude just scuttled his ship leaving behind all his stuff.

    One crew did fire first at a skull fort.. but then after we sunk them they came back and tried again before realizing we outmatched them... they ended up giving us half their skeleton fort when we stopped sinking them.. we just camped outside the fort and let them do all the work.

    I play solo and had some crews outpost camp me while I was unloading. It was my bad for not keeping an eye on my surroundings and they stole my whole haul. I didn’t cry in the forums, I got outplayed. I came back and sunk their ship as retailation.. but I didn’t consider it griefing like some of these whiners are doing.

  • Thank you for the update.

    It is a bit underwhelming, two whole weeks to correct only these two issues seem like a lot, but I'm not a programmer so I guess it was harder than I expected.

    To be honest, I renewed my game pass to see where this game is going, but I'm not so sure I want to play it anymore when I see how slow patchs are and how shallow the content is (not to mention the "Pirate Legend" gameplay about which you clearly made false statement). :'/ I'm still figuring out if the game is worth the wait.

  • Nice changes, but I'm a bit disappointed that there is no fix for the second weapon bug yet. I have to kill myself each time that I log in to make it work again and I'm sick of it.

  • @x1-two campers ? LOL this isn’t a call of duty game there guy . If you see a huge ship “camping on the horizon” waiting for you to finish the skull fortress then they are so dumb that it should be easy enough for you to destroy them when you see them lurching towards you .

    Come on bud , think with that brain of yours cuz camping really doesn’t exist in this game- and if you fall prey to it then the “campers” truly deserve that prize cuz you should have easily avoided such a trick .

  • @haplomega Just look for mermaids that are not yours.

  • How moch longer do I have waite till I can play?

  • I am so excited!

  • Keep up the good work.

  • So now the new best annoying grieving strategy is just to wait for fort to clear(camp) and come in, sink their ship and steal loot...the ship that took 45 mins. To beat skull fort is now too far away and campers are rewarded....real smart move to unbalance it even more.

  • No disrespect, but people think changing ship spawning distance is a great and meaningful update? As a developer, I'm sure there's more complications in the code that have to be accounted for, but this has been mentioned for a year already and now it's the top fix in the second update for the game after launch? It's important as far as players are concerned, but what a small update.

    What about fixing the fact that now when I zoom in with my scope the islands look like a Minecraft blocky mess, despite me being on an Xbox One X? The game had no framerate issues at all until the last patch, and now trying to see what's on an island before I'm 100ft from it is entirely useless. You literally can't even see buildings on the island because they're incredibly low-res models.

    What about the actual performance issues introduced in the last patch? The game stutters pretty regularly now, when it didn't before the patch.

    What about any type of content addition, or at least speaking to the roadmap?

    Sorry guys...but the updates we're getting from you guys are starting to be depressing, because it's not just PR spin -- it's intentionally not letting us know what's going on.

  • @diamondvp What? The game haven't been out for a month and you cry for more content? I guess you have reached Pirate Legend and finished the Athena reputation then as you don't have anymore content to do.

  • Having error installing patch. It downloads and starts install but only gets to 95% (approx.) then I get an error. any one else?

  • I'm thankful for the patch update and the correction of raid respawns but I'm not very satisfied with the amount of content released. 60 dollars is a lot of money and the fact that it took this long for only these issues fixed makes me hope they are working on a large content update!

  • @u-go-6-ft-below Get good!

  • @u-go-6-ft-below said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    So now the new best annoying grieving strategy is just to wait for fort to clear(camp) and come in, sink their ship and steal loot...the ship that took 45 mins. To beat skull fort is now too far away and campers are rewarded....real smart move to unbalance it even more.

    actually that is a fair strategy, I don't feel that is abusive in anyway. and i am all for getting rid of griefing. If the people waiting and camping only have one shot to sink your ship then isn't that fair, as well as vice versa.

  • @stephenfarren said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @u-go-6-ft-below Get good!


  • Finally you can't come back after 5 minutes when doing the skull
    great update!

  • @puck269 Hello Puck, maybe the time I'm playing the servers is more empty them the launch week it is my perspection, but could be the time, around 20h in Brazil, and forts too, yesterday I did fort 3 times, only one scoop that give away in the first time we sink them...

  • @l0ver0fmys0ul It is seriously 2 weeks after launch, relax. Content is coming in June.

  • Spawn distance thing is absolutely [mod edited]

119 out of 473