Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1

  • There are still no seagulls over barrels...
    My weapons still change when entering a new session...

    The most annoying bug (the push-to-talk option not working properly) isn't even adressed.

    You can turn your push to talk 'on', but it will be off again when when you enter a new session, but still showing as 'on'.
    If you turn it off and on again, it will work (workaround)... However, it sometimes turns itself off during a session, so you're on 'always send' without noticing.
    And you don't even have any kind of signal to tell you that everyone hears you (and your mom or your wife screaming at you).

    This bug isn't even mentioned in the patchnotes, and i can't believe RARE isn't aware of that. (Well, i sent a bug report in myself, and got several auto-replies saying 'thank you for reporting'...)
    Why is that???

  • @khaleesibot hey me and my friends have been enjoying your game very much ! We haven't been able to put it down . But we have a few concerns about players getting board after a while with the content right now . We just want more boss fight's that are just not skeleton's . Sense the game is has a very quirky funny side to it we would like to see a giant skeleton chicken to get its revenge on all the chickens we have killed over the time of the game . Also possibly unlock a boss battle with Davy Jones his self . We just would like to help make the game better , keep up the great work rare team !

  • @khaleesibot good job fixing the main bugs. Ideas for content I was thinking of adding a company for mapping. Sense the game in a way revolves around people, then why not let the people depend on exploring the rest of sea of thieves. You could add a certain number of islands or even regions so be explored and when someone finds an island it then appears on everyone's map. Or maybe you don't even need a company it could be added on the the merchant alliance to find and get an item at an island.

  • @mrtrendall But doing so eats up most of the time you had before they are actually back. It still provides no to little benefit for winning a fight.

  • @khaleesibot A nine gig patch was a excessively big for what the notes added. Is your patching process not optimized?

  • Hmm after another try to update/reinstall i have got the same 0x80070005 error. I'm little bit confused. So 40Gigs downloaded and still the same.

    What am i supposed to do with it?

  • @asuitandty said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @khaleesibot A nine gig patch was a excessively big for what the notes added. Is your patching process not optimized?

    It was easier for them to just release a new client as far as I'm aware. MS has to certify patches and that takes time. There is a patch coming in the near future, and the current fixes would have been in that patch, but they wanted to get the current fixes out asap, so it was easier to just release an updated client.

    All this is explained on this website, twitter posts etc...

  • @wociscz holly molly and after exit from windows store and running it again, it deleted the previous update.. this sucks a lot.
    So 40Gigs downloaded, still the same error, and the downloaded data are gone. So i must redownload it again to try it? And possibly end up with same error?

  • No death penalty for money ok fine but there needs to be some penalty for PvP because you will sink the same ship 4 or 5 times and they just keep coming back with free supplies its getting really annoying.

  • I was playing solo on my xbox last night and there was a noticeable increase in the amount of 'stuttering' (not sure what the correct technical term is) both on my sloop and while running around islands, especially the larger ones.

  • @gaddsp this is intentional! It's the magic of SoT... I've seen examples of those unmarked islands holding treasures in the Beta! Keep your eyes peeled.

  • For me the game runs ok, several bugs and glitches since the release, but the "patch" didn't change anything for my crew and me.

    Still bugs with starting weapons.
    sometimes laggy under deck or on islands.
    Still no achievements.

    But in the end it runs ok, had worse experiences with WOW back in 2004, so patiences is the key.

  • @asuitandty If you watch the video attached to the patch notes, you'll understand. You'll be downloading the full game so the developers can be sure that it will work. Updates like you see in other games will come, but for now they decided that updating the whole client would be faster than giving a small patch and hope it applies well.

    The patch was released during their maintenance, so if you wanted to play during the time, you could at least download it without missing the action (if your internet is fast enough to download the game in 4-5h)

  • Hi to all!

    I know that you are having troubles with bugs and errors. I think that your game is pretty new and probably you have the time over you since months!

    So I think it is normal in that kind of development, a development that is on the client side. I mean, I have the idea on my mind that the game wants to evolve more and more by the player feedbacks.

    It means that every little development have a really impact cost on your developers crew! Because it have to be good for the majority of users and sometimes the program could change cause of feedbacks.

    I think that you will have many bad comments and bad critics because your game, is really in the middle of the development (probably the way of the Sea Of Thieves is very large and the game wants to evolve into a really great game).

    On the other hand, the players, who bought you the game, the players who played on Alpha and Beta phases. Those players, like me, we understand that the game launching is only "another beta" is a real GAME yeah! but we know that the actual contents are only the beginning and now you really need how the community of players receipt the game in order to do the correct changes and updates and to mark the right way of the Sea Of Thieves Development.

    So please, I hope it works and the development life of the game don't fell into the initial bad critics of people that are so comfort we actual game that doesn't improve the mechanics of the game only a good story, good characters and new graphics and that's all. Your game is really really different to that kind of games.

    So I think you are doing a great Job with this development.

    Thank you for dedicate your life in this game! =)

    Now, I will talk about the release notes.

    I don't mind in the errors or bugs because, as a alpha player I see that you responds to it as fast as you can and I feels really comfort with you in that way.

    Over the death cost I think you probably will need to design a way that it is not free to kill others. I mean as I'm a pirate I want to try stealing other crews their treasures. But, as they are pirates too, they are dangerous!

    So, If I dont have any treasures and I go for them, I have nothing to lose except time. It won't more interesting if I risk something too?? I don't know but my death or if my ship were sunk, I think that probably we as a community will need something to lose ever with the death!

    I don't know what it have to be because of the bullying but probably there is a way that you don't lose anything if you are the victim of an attack but if you starts the attack you must to pay a failed attack or something like that.

    It will help that player have a communication before than attacking others (Obviously if you win the attack you only can win something without losses!)

  • This is all good rare and i think that its all good that you have fixed some issues but what about the missing content problem which i would say if the biggest problem after the connection issue. Well done for fixing connectivity but content has to come guys.

  • @khaleesibot You guys have made a fantastically looking game but the lack of content right now is a bit of a joke, i hope in the coming months you can make it more in-depth and make sea of thieves the game that it was destined to be.

  • since the update I can no longer capture or take screenshots on pc. saying its not allowed. has this been temporally disabled? also see when you doing merchant quest, why cant you collect another cage from the merchant if another player steals it and turns it in. cause you end up with no way to capture whatever your after or the other option is a very slim chance of finding another cage randomly on a island.

  • Hi. I played a few hours after patch but still got no achievements. 🤔

  • @bl4cksh33p Achievements are still temporarily delayed/paused.

  • I don't know if any Devs read these but, I ran into an issue where chests (sometimes) get stuck in the ladder up to the crows nest if you try dropping them from the top. Don't ask me why I do it. Just know it's a problem. It happened to me on a sloop.

  • @scott-the-scot I think it is your job as a commerciant to protect your cages! If you lost the cages, you lost the quest! at least if you don't have more cages or you dont try to find more!

    (A trick that you can do is to cancel several merchant quest in order to take more cages and then, qhen you have more than the necessary, you can start the quest!)

  • @lumpaywk Just because you reply doesn't make your post anymore right. Please learn to respectfully agree or disagree with someone instead of shoving your ideas down other peoples throats, thank you. Also, a greater punishment system for sinking ship is needed. Once your ship is sunk, you loose the battle, they shouldn't get an infinite fighting chance to sink the other ship, especially since right now, the one being penalized is the ship that won the battle (Less wood, resources, etc) while the other gets an infinite supply as long as it continues to sink and respawn

  • I think its a mistake to not include some sort of penalty for death. Most of the complaints I saw have something to do with PvP... it is not. The penalty is ONLY for PvE (such as death by skeletons, falling from a high place, drowning). There was never any intention to punish players killed by other players.

    I think they should implement it as a system, and I also think there should be a cost associated with getting your ship back. Maybe if people had to consider consequences for raiding we would have less greifing as a community.

  • @wkk-sh4d0ws

    agreed currently players grief and grief due to no penalties for it.

    I got in a battle with a ship sunk it and had to sink it immediately 3 more times until finally just had to sail away for around 15 minutes just to get let alone a little. I understand its an open world PVP and I love PVP but that's definitely abusing the system by dieing and less than 2 minutes later they run right back on you again. Maybe a system that penalizes you if you attack the same crew over and over. There has to be away to fix that part of it.

  • Keep it up, Rare! This game is amazing as-is. Really enjoying the updates!

  • Observations after a few hours of gameplay (Pc)

    Still no seagulls over barrels
    Encountered an instance where I could not interact with the wheel or the anchor... swapping weapons in the weapons locker "woke it up"

    Voice chat for one of us was not working for several minutes.. then it just resolved itself.

    We've never seen any lag at all till last night... we are both on a wired line to our router.. on my wife's system, it was fine... on mine the lag was unbearable! I would rubber band back a few seconds, fall through docks, and at times not be able to access a container. Relogging (recommended NOT to do) was the only cure. (This was FAR worse than even playing the beta.)

    We still experienced delays in faction advancement, but gold updates did seem somewhat better than before. (Still not 100% right, with some delays.)

  • @red0demon0 said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @lumpaywk Just because you reply doesn't make your post anymore right. Please learn to respectfully agree or disagree with someone instead of shoving your ideas down other peoples throats, thank you. Also, a greater punishment system for sinking ship is needed. Once your ship is sunk, you loose the battle, they shouldn't get an infinite fighting chance to sink the other ship, especially since right now, the one being penalized is the ship that won the battle (Less wood, resources, etc) while the other gets an infinite supply as long as it continues to sink and respawn

    As you didn't hit quote I have no idea what you are referencing to here but it seems your having a go at me for having an opinion then shoving your opinion in my face. Not an issue because tbh everyone is entitled to there opinion just pointing out the hypocrisy in your statement! I am not the OP and i have as much right as you to put forward my opinion. You don't like it then it sucks to be you really. The ship that won the battle is in no way penalised lol. If you sink a ship you have either successfully attacked or defended your position. If defending you then have a chance to get away quite easily as they spawn a couple islands away. If your the attacker you have the chance to sack them for gold and have won a fight you started while they lose either gold or at minimum time spent trying to get some.

    So i respectfully disagree with you.

  • I was on this morning for2 hrs up to the servers shut, this was after the patch was downloaded and I could only have one weapon and couldn’t fire from the cannons

  • @lumpaywk said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @red0demon0 said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:


    just because you use all caps does not mean your idea is any less wrong. This unduly punishes peoople whonhave already been sunk and further penalising solo players.

    I'm not forcing anyone ideas, your the one that came in telling me my idea is wrong. If you don't remember what you said, I would advice you re read your own posts in your own profile, or else you might run the risk of responding in a hypocritical fashion and directly replying in a way that describes exactly what you had posted (As my post was just a reflection of your own reply to me. In other words, it followed the same idea and format you had conveyed)

  • @lumpaywk But thank you for that last part. I understand your point of view on the topic of ship respawn consequences. I feel that as it stands, loot and forts could very well possibly last an infinite amount of time since a ship that is sunk can easily catch up again to the crew that was victorious. Its basically a war of attrition with the deciding cause being will or desire to continue the fight

  • @red0demon0 said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @lumpaywk said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @red0demon0 said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:


    just because you use all caps does not mean your idea is any less wrong. This unduly punishes peoople whonhave already been sunk and further penalising solo players.

    I'm not forcing anyone ideas, your the one that came in telling me my idea is wrong. If you don't remember what you said, I would advice you re read your own posts in your own profile, or else you might run the risk of responding in a hypocritical fashion and directly replying in a way that describes exactly what you had posted (As my post was just a reflection of your own reply to me. In other words, it followed the same idea and format you had conveyed)

    oh yes I see how we are getting in a round about lol. (I have a fair amount of posts sorry). Yeah I was in my first post simply responding to the all caps approach as that symbolizes shouting within a forum.

    ref to the catching up i fail to see how as the ships all move at the same speed. If your a galleon being chased by a sloop (this is embarrassing) turn to have the wind behind you. If you are a sloop escaping a galleon turn into wind. is you against the same type then it doesn't matter as you can only match the same speed and they should be a couple islands away. As i said we both have our opinions and i think they are now well aired. Whatever they decide to do some will be happy other wont but the game will still rock all the same :)

    • Weapon, clothing and ship cosmetic changes made after migrating server will now persist across sessions

    Additionally, is it possible to keep ship customizations from one session to the next? When I reload the game, I gotta remember to re-outfit my ship with all the pretties I bought. It would just be nice to have that stick around from one game to the next.

    On that note: Every game, I spawn with a sword and sniper rifle, rather than what I left the game with. Likewise, can this be saved and carried over to the next play session?

  • Just wanted to add to the discussion. Already made a thread but it's just got lost amongst everything else. Lots of websites and news outlets are reporting that the Xbox One X Performance Issues have been fixed. I wanted to report that this is absolutely not the case, the game is still dropping frames and tearing in exactly the same areas as it was before the patch. I think the only place that may possibly have been fixed in regards to screen tearing is inside Taverns. Under water at outposts, caves and certain areas on big islands are still screen tearing including some of the outposts. I was at Ancient Spire I believe or Galleons Grave and it was tearing terribly.

  • We need penalty when dying

    Right now people can die 1000 times and still "successfully" win against skeleton forts.

  • I missed the discussion on no death cost. So no cost for being sunk unless you have loot? Takes a lot of the thrill out of the PvP doesnt it?

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