[Mega Thread] - Death Cost

  • As a player who is tired of playing with people who don’t speak the same language or don’t speak at all and thusly plays alone, getting spawn camped by a full Galleon crew while they take whatever loot I managed to get in the last hour is already frustrating enough. Don’t tax me for getting spawn camped. I promise you’ll lose a few players from it

  • This is not only a bad idea, but a very poor one if I may say so. I feel that this is one of those "grasping at straws" moments . The idea I suppose is to limit some of the bullying and perhaps expand on the element of a more difficult pve experience. Question...WHY? This will obviously increase bullying and will only limit pve content due to the reluctance to do anything in the first place. This isn't dark souls and for good reason. Focus on the elements that need work and actual expansion. Not on the "end all be all" solution to stop bullying. Newsflash: You never will. It is the division's dark zone on steroids. Revel in what it is but don't make it more of *hit storm than it already is mates.

  • I'm new as of yesterday and feel this feature can be a great addition, but, only if it's handled correctly with all factors considered.
    I notice that taverns are intended as a safe zone yet you can be easily killed even in there, the doorway should have a barrier that blocks any gunfire and all weapons simply should be context locked like trying to dance if you're drunk, it just can't be done.
    PvP anywhere else could still make a penalty but I'm with the community on the trolling factors of griefers who know you'll lose money for spawn camping while they get off without penalty. (at the moment at least)
    A lot of high sea hijinx will be reduced too if there's a penalty but as said if handled correctly and not too exorbitant then it will still promote these shenanigans but just with the cost of knowing if it goes pear shaped you're gonna pay for it.

    Another thing that could be considered is adding some merry dead pirates on the ferry that are there simply to make a mess on the decks from partying up a storm and should you wish to partake in a side quest for a few minutes you could swab the decks and clean their mess as a favour to the ferryman in order to waive the fee especially in instances where you're penniless. Big point is if you die to PvP there's options and should you partake in the quest then upon spawn you end up in the tavern rather than your ship if it's a no combat zone... If not then good luck figuring out how to stop players being griefed...

  • @khaleesibot The real death cost should be that your ships spawns at least 5 islands away from your sinking position. Forget everything else. The gold cost, the timer, the blah blah blah. It's all secondary to the fact that you take all the advantage of winning a fight out of the picture by giving the losing crew a brand new ship in viewing distance of the ship that sank them. It's insane. If you win a fight, you should have time to loot the loser's ship, loot the skull island, whatever. Whats the point in winning if you won't even have a few minutes to gain the spoils before the loser can come right back down on you with a fully functional ship with fresh supplies? This is something that will have the 11 or 12 guys I play with all quit in frustration, so I know we can't be the only ones. Not a single one of us is okay with the current "you can still be a winner if you lose" ship respawn system.

  • @broker151 I certainly agree with this. I find myself slightly opposed to the option of being able to discern whether someone is more aggressive or passive, yet understand your argument.

    Perhaps there could be more of a bounty aspect similar to the Division where a RECENTLY aggressive ship is essentially put on the map for everyone to see for a period of time. I believe that would encourage more PVP battle as well as help those in a more PVE setting.

    As for the "safe zone". Yes, yes, and more YES! I spoke with a friend of mine about this concept just the other day. I think of many MMORPG's that utilize this same mechanic. Strong NPC's, accurate (not perfect...) canons, and associated bounties, like I mentioned before, all bundled into multiple sanctuaries or outposts. Perhaps even have some outposts in more convenient locations with the rules that are currently in place. This way if you want safety you have to go a little further, but if you want to hurry you'll have to risk it.

    Of course there absolutely must be a central hub of sorts. One massive sanctuary cliched right smack dab in the middle of the map. Full of merchants, taverns, brothels, and games for all the pirates to love. This is where the social aspect is lacking in the game and I do believe this would change it far for the better.


  • @khaleesibot Punishing players for dying isn't a flash idea. Not only would it become infuriating, but most of the fun is getting into dumb situations where you will die.

    I wouldn't mind seeing a feature where if you die you respawn at the closest Outpost as opposed to your ship. Currently during PVP it doesnt make sense for you to respawn at your ship during a fire fight.

    I'm surprised that the first feature Rare decides to add, is a feature that no one has asked for and something that will make the majority of their content redundant.

    Shipwrecks with sharks around? Good luck getting people to do those with a death tax. Skeleton forts? You can forget that as well. Seriously, who thought of this?

  • I think they should make higher level items do something extra beyond the cosmetics of it all (which are very well done and a joy to behold with some minor clipping issues). Like maybe the spyglass that has been upgraded a few times can give a greater indication of another pirate's renown. So if this player has been PvP'ing and killing many pirates then "word has traveled of Pirate Bullyman" and when you spy his ship through a spyglass it let's you know he's hostile? Shows his pirate honor level? Or maybe that player has to actually raise a skull and crossbones on his ship to indicate he has hostile intent as a bloodthirsty pirate and then can attack other players? They let it be known they are willing to kill other pirates? Black flag yo, look out!
    I certainly want some honor among these pirates and actual reasons to attack, not just because I can. A mutual enemy may curb the constant pirate on pirate killing.... and brothels... lol.

  • It would be cool if there were "jobs" as well like fisherman, blacksmith, ship maker, etc. where materials found in the wilderness and crafted items could be sold as wares in a trade house. Extra mission givers and item buyers that reward the sharp-eyed pirate. I want to collect things out in the wild and put them in my hold and sell them without getting a voyage for it because sometimes I want to just explore and not be stuck in the confides of a merchant mission.

    Maybe that is my day job as a pirate? I fish all week then plunder other pirates and forts on the weekends? I know some good spots where more rare fish will spawn and I make some good gold to waste in the tavern and betting games. I go on a voyage and then when completed go back to fishing in a new spot.... etc. etc.

    My crew and I would know whats up and have routine between missions and making bank mining a good spot for ore or fish or whatever. It could just be a new production faction. I need more player interaction because as of now I play alone and rarely see anyone. Maybe that's because I am very stealthy and I'm just grinding solo and escaping all other ships... but that has to do with the annoying hostility and with how hard it is to go solo.

    I'm sticking to the game and finally got my pre-order outfit... having fun but want to see some improvements and additions really fast... please don't No Man's Sky this and not add stuff for 3 months.... :-/

    I believe in you Rare.

  • Don't bother with a death penalty that would destroy the game even if you just had pve death penalties and if you did do just a pve penalty no more then 25-75 gold max and you would have to lower the skull fort difficulty some. As for PvP give a player 2-5 chances at most before they are forced to respawn at the farthest point of the map from where they died. It gives just enough attempts to try and retake a skull fort from enemy players and removes the battle of wills aspect of pvp'ing over a skull fort. Players like my crew will continue to assault a skull fort and the players there until we take it or the key is lost to all. Force us to the opposite side of the map eliminates the issue the other crew faces when being fought by my crew or other crews like mine over a skull fort. And vice versa when we are on the receiving end.

    As for spawn camping same rules apply you get x amount of attempts to retake your ship before you sit on Davey Jones ship until your last crewman dies and he spawns you at the farthest outpost. And your old ship auto sinks taking anything and anyone on it with it.

  • I'd rather the team focus on more ways to make gold not take it away. Let non player enemies drop gold and cosmetics for example. And for the love of God give up on this silly idea of enemy players working together!!!!!!! It rarely happens, so please stop giving players more ways to screw each other over.

  • @khaleesibot seems like a bad idea, please do not add this, so many people would not like this at all. Why get a small fee taken from someone that is dead, what is he going to use the gold for if he is in the void.

  • I don’t think implementing a gold fee would be a bad idea, but I think if they would do this they would also have to add some type of player level as well and maybe set it to players level 5 and up are charged a small fee for dying. That way New players to the game aren’t dying with the little loot they’ve earned and losing it because they’re unsure of what they’re doing.

  • Balance should be the more important focus. The games about piracy but servers are hardly fair in one aspect, sailing alone.

    I play often with friends but I play a d8fferent style altogether when sailing alone and after 2 hours of grinding out a skull fort all by myself with no one in sight, a gallon with 4 people spawns two islands away just as I defeated the captain but I didn't see them on my run because their ship had spawned in yet. So you can imagine my absolutely disgusted face when i get pummeled by 4 as they laugh on Mic about their luck.... sail alone should have it's own server set with other sloops sailing alone. The chances that people might enjoy the oven experience or even make friends on the open sea would be greater if they had a chance to talk and not be consistently bullied by others. There's a difference between piracy and griefing and unfortunately, unlike my experience in the beta, griefing has taken precedent.

    Now I know we are only having a half realistic experience but their should be a determinant in place for things like this, solo spawns faster than group, or group has to wait until they all hit the ferryman before respawn. This is a very unique game with a lot of potential, but unless you plan to enforce the pirate code you established, you'll have a dead game full of griefers before you even have the chance to expand upon its marvel.

    Sincerely yours,

    A very shaken and downtrodden sea dog.

  • @volgonrath sorry for the autocorrect but you get my just.

  • Make them pay their way out of the ferry in another form.

    Let them work for the ferry captain. That ship could us some pirate love on it, and the reckless dead should be the ones to do it.

    Make the dead ship more alive! With the bodies of the fallen!

  • @crisp-the-fox said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    Make them pay their way out of the ferry in another form.

    Let them work for the ferry captain. That ship could us some pirate love on it, and the reckless dead should be the ones to do it.

    Make the dead ship more alive! With the bodies of the fallen!

    ooh! make them repair the hull, adjust the sails, bail ghost water out, and other maintenance things for the ghost ship.

  • @crisp-the-fox If implemented right THIS could be the answer. Believe me the ship looks cool. Doing chores for the duration of the wait time for the dutchman would be way better then stealing people's hard earned cash after every death. Also it would be unique to this game since i don't think this has been done before... I approve.

  • I'm wholly against the death cost. I don't even see what that's supposed to deter, since they've said it wasn't meant to affect PvP fights. Whatever it is you're wanting to reduce, there are much better suggestions in here for reducing it.

    But seriously, what issue is the death cost supposed to be addressing? To stop people from recklessly throwing themselves at waves of skeletons? If so, that seems like it would be an exceedingly minor concern.

  • @khaleesibot It would be better to add new things to the game rather than penalising players for playing what is here.

  • @khaleesibot

    So ? If we die because someone sink our ship at the outpost there will be no cost ?
    (And obviously kill us by the way)

  • Very bad idea game already has many snow flakey types on it this will force them away & encourage griefing

  • @keelhaulkarma Same problem last night we defeated X2 galleons at the fort but they kept respawnign and sailing straight back till we ran out of supplies

  • No one asked for this, and no one wants this.

  • "We understand that this addition to the release notes was a little confusing, and in the future we will ensure that any future updates we discuss give you a better understanding of how and why we're implementing it. Sea of Thieves is constantly evolving, and any feature we will test, monitor data and listen to your feedback to ensure we're making the right decisions."

    But are you actually listening though? I hope so because if 9 out of 10 people are all against something due to it going against the entire spirit of the game and you still put it in then you really arent listening at all. so lets hope we at least hear back from Somebody at Rare about this whole thing.

  • @khaleesibot I kind of think the death cost is a nice addition to the game, we are a family of four and love this game. My kids are always doing something to get to land or from land quicker, testing if a sword will blow up the powder keg, racing to the sunken ships and drowning ect. We always laugh and say paid for that one huh. Its not just a game to us, we all four love everything about this game and hope the updates are just added features. Thanks for a great game.

  • @daftpirate said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    I'm wholly against the death cost. I don't even see what that's supposed to deter, since they've said it wasn't meant to affect PvP fights. Whatever it is you're wanting to reduce, there are much better suggestions in here for reducing it.

    But seriously, what issue is the death cost supposed to be addressing? To stop people from recklessly throwing themselves at waves of skeletons? If so, that seems like it would be an exceedingly minor concern.

    I agree, we completed a skull fort and turned in literally every item that was in the vault and only netted about 16k gold granted that is alot compared to a gold hoarder mission or a merchant quest but, for all of that work that's only like 1/5th of a single ship customization item. so I dont see how making people lose money for trying to do what few pve things they can do to actually earn gold in the game is a good thing at all...

  • @kondrites said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    @khaleesibot I kind of think the death cost is a nice addition to the game, we are a family of four and love this game. My kids are always doing something to get to land or from land quicker, testing if a sword will blow up the powder keg, racing to the sunken ships and drowning ect. We always laugh and say paid for that one huh. Its not just a game to us, we all four love everything about this game and hope the updates are just added features. Thanks for a great game.

    just wanting more features for the sake of having a longer list of features and just saying that whatever the developer does is fine without giving any feedback at all is a very ignorance is bliss way of going about it that doesnt help anything. it may be fine for you to just go with it, but I still dont even see why this feature needs to be a thing or a priority in a game that is amazing but lets be honest is light on non-emergent storytelling content atm.

  • I have played this game for about 30 hours so far, mostly Solo and from my brief experience having a "death cost" when there are so many groups of players and even Solo players camping out at ports to needlessly and in violation of the pirates code posted in the door of the pub, article 3,5 and 7 waylaying players because there's no " safe" environment in ports is just going to be a death toll to this game. Rare has created an environment of misbehavior and bullying and I am happy I'm only renting this game from Gamefly. In it's current state there's no way I am buying it, too many issues and too many players preying on other smaller crews or Soloist. Toxic in game environment supporting bullying behavior without consistent or any repercussions.

  • @deadactionjones This feature is avoidable. Do everything in your power to stay alive. Saying you are ok with the feature is actually giving feedback the same as saying you prefer not to have it.

  • @pumpkinkangaroo said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    @deadactionjones This feature is avoidable. Do everything in your power to stay alive. Saying you are ok with the feature is actually giving feedback the same as saying you prefer not to have it.

    just saying that "whatever the developer does is fine all glory to the developer who can do no wrong" is not reallyfeedback though. that's fanaticism.

  • @deadactionjones said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    @pumpkinkangaroo said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    @deadactionjones This feature is avoidable. Do everything in your power to stay alive. Saying you are ok with the feature is actually giving feedback the same as saying you prefer not to have it.

    just saying that "whatever the developer does is fine all glory to the developer who can do no wrong" is not reallyfeedback though. that's fanaticism.

    I don't see anyone saying "anything the developer does is fine". I see people saying they don't mind being taxed a coin or two. I've had some silly deaths especially when I first started and wasn't prepared. I've actually killed myself to fix the weapon bug. I am ok with paying a few gold to tell me that wasn't the smartest of moves.

    It's been said that PvP isn't included in this mechanism. I really don't understand why so many are having an issue with it.

  • @pumpkinkangaroo said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    @deadactionjones This feature is avoidable. Do everything in your power to stay alive. Saying you are ok with the feature is actually giving feedback the same as saying you prefer not to have it.

    also this feature really isnt avoidable. im only level 15 with teh order of souls and if they are going to have an entire crew of 8 shadow skeletons spawn all with blunderbusses. you are gonna pay for it. that is all there is to it. you cant just "get gud" when it comes to that you have to use a lantern on them to even hurt them which means getting close and flashing the lantern so even if you DID wanna use your ship to just blast them with cannons at best you could have your crew pull the ship up beside the island and fire at the skeletons with cannons once they have been flashed but the ones that are having to make the sacrifice to light up the skeletons so they can even be hurt. how is that fair to them to just lose gold because "well you died give me some of what little money you have earned in the game because rngsus was against you." It's just a bad idea all the way around. if they are trying to stop people from just throwing bodies at skeleton forts then why are they doing that? it takes forever to do it that way and if they paid for the game and that is how they want to spend their time playing the game then they should be able to do so. just like the a******s with bloodlust b****s who attack literally every ship they see EVER have the right to do that but there isnt an a*****e tax. it just doesnt make ANY sense at all to punish players of pve who may only have 2-3 people together in a group who may die a couple of times accomplishing something but at least they can say "man that was tough, but we did it." with this rule in place it will be "i dont know guys ive already died like 5 times trying to beat this one order of souls crew. I dont wanna lose any more money trying to earn gold so im just gonna cut my losses and go play something else." because that is what is going to end up happening. disengagement among a playerbase is a terrible thing to have happen. its an even worse thing to cause it when it is avoidable and even more so this soon after launch.

  • @pumpkinkangaroo said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    @deadactionjones said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    @pumpkinkangaroo said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    @deadactionjones This feature is avoidable. Do everything in your power to stay alive. Saying you are ok with the feature is actually giving feedback the same as saying you prefer not to have it.

    just saying that "whatever the developer does is fine all glory to the developer who can do no wrong" is not reallyfeedback though. that's fanaticism.

    I don't see anyone saying "anything the developer does is fine". I see people saying they don't mind being taxed a coin or two. I've had some silly deaths especially when I first started and wasn't prepared. I've actually killed myself to fix the weapon bug. I am ok with paying a few gold to tell me that wasn't the smartest of moves.

    It's been said that PvP isn't included in this mechanism. I really don't understand why so many are having an issue with it.

    kondrites' response literally reads like something that a polygamist wife would write about her sister wives and husband and you dont see anybody talking like a fanatic? id go give it a read.

  • Yeah I don't think adding a death cost will be a good idea. We are all ready playing a game where we can have all our loot taken from us if we are not careful. Having the gold we have safe taken from us because a crew mate wants to be an idiot is a very bad idea.

  • @deadactionjones So anyone that says their family is loving the game and they laugh at how they may pay (again, a coin or two) for being reckless is somehow a fanatic? So does that make anyone complaining a troll?

    I did read his post and I laughed

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