Closed Beta Install Instructions

  • @katttruewalker Helped me.

  • @katttruewalker thats they link that says "not available yet"

  • @caillot-laurent I am not aware of your exact problem, but I have seen in one of your posts an image of the Closed Beta. Do you still have access to the Alpha client download?
    I think I have read that for the founders, the alpha client will be updated to Closed Beta although the game is still called Technical Alpha in the store.

  • Has anyone else received their black dog code yet? I don't have mine.

  • @impish436 Hmm, that's the closed beta and not the pre order version, very strange, I would raise a ticket with Support in that case.

  • @el-espectro-0 no i dont have :( , do you have an old link who can maybee work please ?

  • Is it still supposed to say Alpha in game?
    (Mod Edit)

  • @khaleesibot I got an email that told me i have access to the closed beta a month ago but now it seems i have to pre order the game to play the closed beta so i'm confused can i play the closed beta or not?

  • @caillot-laurent This link sends me to the Alpha version, I hope to be correct.

  • @el-espectro-0 That link sends me to the closed beta

  • @mad-jack-ketch
    Don't take screenshots m8!!!
    The nda is still active until tomorrow noon GMT!!

  • @katttruewalker Please do that and post the answer i really want to play:)

  • @khaleesibot never mind about what i just said

  • @Caillot-Laurent @Impish436
    Try this, it's a long shot but may work

    Open up the "Microsoft Store" On your PC. And on the top right next to your account name click on the "..." Then click on "My Library" The closed beta showed up there!

    If it says "Install on Xbox One" click on the "..." again and click on "Game Hub", then click on "View in Microsoft Store" It'll let you download it from there!

  • Will the Pioneers get access to the Black Dog Pack aswell? Thought I heard about that a while ago.

  • @logansdadtoo It's not of gameplay, just of the splash screen and it is a general question which i'd like answered personally. The thing is, this could be confusing to many.

  • @mad-jack-ketch I removed the screenshot, but yes it still does.

  • @logansdadtoo i did it too :( , but i have only forza 6 and quantum break :( ...

  • @thomasbus31 said in Closed Beta Install Instructions:

    Will the Pioneers get access to the Black Dog Pack aswell? Thought I heard about that a while ago.

    The Black Dog Pack is a pre-order bonus, and currently only available through pre-order.

  • @khaleesibot Awesome and awesome, thanks :D I needed the screenshot to show what I meant :)

  • Should I just cancel my pre order through the market place on my xbox and buy elsewhere to get a code so that I can download becuase I will. I am really excited for being able to get content on this game for my subs and currently its a no go any help please and links to pc version on computer no and support page no reverts me to same thing and xbox code no becuase I pre ordered through the store thoughts?
    Not being rude just want to know if there is a current fix or not

  • hi, how big download for win10? mine downed 13+gb, and after that it downloading again 18.2gb till now... how much for full, pls?

  • @caillot-laurent
    Have you not had the tech alpha installed on pc or xbox before??

  • @logansdadtoo said in Closed Beta Install Instructions:

    @Caillot-Laurent @Impish436
    Try this, it's a long shot but may work

    Open up the "Microsoft Store" On your PC. And on the top right next to your account name click on the "..." Then click on "My Library" The closed beta showed up there!

    If it says "Install on Xbox One" click on the "..." again and click on "Game Hub", then click on "View in Microsoft Store" It'll let you download it from there!

    yhea tested this but the closed beta is not showing here either :/ something most be really wrong :/

  • @logansdadtoo i had

  • but i have a question , when im on a xbox site , i see "caillot laurent" but on a microsoft i see other name , cause my xbox account is linked to my mail , when im on xbox or hub xbox insider its caillot laurent , but on the store its my name ... but why in xbox app or in hub xbox insider , in content i dont see sea of thieves ??? , as you can see here on the forum there is no problem i am founder i got acces , but i still cannot download , i start to loose my mind a be crazy ....

  • @wirpsha OOF

  • @logansdadtoo never installed any version on my computer

  • @caillot-laurent
    It sounds like you could be logged in to a different account on the store!!!
    Logout of ms store on all devices, clear your browser cache, then log back in with the username & password of your gamertag that has founder access.

    Did you have it installed on xbox??

  • @impish436 I tried this method and it is downloading the beta on my PC but I pre ordered on my Xbox really strange

  • @cursingmushroom Play Anywhere is confirmed for the beta, so you should have it on Xbox as well.

  • @el-espectro-0 I know that is why it is strange I can only download for the pc version I have the pc for gaming but I prefer to play on console with friends and such.

  • @cursingmushroom Does not appear on your Xbox following the installation instructions of the original post?
    It is rare that you only appear on a platform.

  • @cursingmushroom
    Did you not redeem the black dog pack through the xbox???

  • I thought being in the insider program meant i would have access to the beta. :-(

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