Medium sea suggestion

  • @white-tara-12 with all due respect i think you fail to sea why safer seas is safer seas and why stuff like emmisaries is removed from it.

    If you dont have pvp you have less resk, sailing as emmisary is peak risk vs reward.

    You are a bigger target for players and thus get a higher payout.

    No risk of pvp, no emmisaries less reward etc.

  • @captainwilks said in Medium sea suggestion:

    I think this thread has possibly reached a conclusion.

    I concur. I moved my exploration of an ACTUAL "medium seas" into a new thread. This one can sink in peace.

  • I really don't see a need, tbh.

    Safer Seas is a supplementary onboarding/reboarding experience for people to get into the swing of things, and the idea is to eventually migrate to High Seas. Of course if players don't wish to do this, they CAN play Safer Seas, but they rightfully limited on what they can achieve.

    That said, I do understand where you're coming from. If there's anything that I could really offer, advice-wise it's this; take PvP instances in stride, try and step out of your comfort zone a bit, and you might enjoy some of the PvP. Of course, people that are actually griefing (slurs, continuous no-objective spawn camping, preventing tall tale progress, actual harassment, etc) should be reported and action taken against them.

    But I really do need to stress that PvP, stealing loot, etc is all part of the package. Sure, it's not always fun to lose progress, but in the same wing, it's also part of the fun. Loot makes PvP worthwhile, and PvP makes turning in loot that much more adrenaline-inducing. If you're being spawn camped, remember there are two types, realistically:

    • Spawn-camping for a cause: this is killing a crew to prevent repairs of the ship, preventing bucketing, securing a true sink and siphoning supplies, offloading loot.

    • spawn camping to be toxic: repeated spawn killing, while repairing an enemy ship just enough to keep them afloat to continue spawn killing. Often accompanied with name calling, slurs, spam text. THIS is the instance you should report, always.

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