My saved cosmetics on ship reverted to Default

  • Stop paying to save for now then.

  • Now the cosmetics are back. Hopefully to stay this time.

  • Same here. Everything I put on day one of Captain update I have lost except for my capstan, which I changed again just before update. It seems to have stayed , but nothing else saved. Very frustrating and expensive. Not keen to try again as there seems to be no answers to this problem. I'm a 54yr old gamer not just complaining for the sake of it. Silence by Rare is not good

  • I put in a support ticket about this issue and asked for a refund for the 70k+ I've lost. They gave me the generic "Rare is aware of this issue and is working on a fix" response while just ignoring my request for a refund. Nice.

    Also, this recent update didn't fix the problem. The rest of my re-saved cosmetics on my sloop were all deleted today when I logged in.

  • @oreguard same here.

    Seems We'd continue set up the whole ship at every login, once more! :')

  • Just happened to me an hour ago. Lost table, rug, sails, wheel cosmetics; but still have hull, capstan, cannons cosmetics. This happened before and I paid to restore the cosmetics but I am going to wait for the fix this time.

  • I lost everything on my saved ship and my pirate! Startscreen, I'm standing i my boxers with a keg! Even lost my beard, my hat and my pegleg!
    This is 400 k in gold total and I'm a casual player grinding season 6 and saving for saeson 7! Thougt this was a pirate game, not a real life simulator for bad investments!

  • @tobiastobias343 said in My saved cosmetics on ship reverted to Default:

    I lost everything on my saved ship and my pirate! Startscreen, I'm standing i my boxers with a keg! Even lost my beard, my hat and my pegleg!
    This is 400 k in gold total and I'm a casual player grinding season 6 and saving for saeson 7! Thougt this was a pirate game, not a real life simulator for bad investments!

    You haven't lost your items, just the saving it to the ship.

    If you did lose all the items you bought, submit a ticket to support, because that's a completely different bug - or you logging into a different account ;).

  • My ship cosmetics also just reverted to default after buying every aspect of my ship.

  • @lem0n-curry

    Hi again!
    I put my clothes back on, put The cosmetics back on my ship, but didn't pay again to save them, played 1 hour, then quit and reloaded the game!

    Was in no rush during the starting sequense, so I didn't press anything!

    This time my clothes stayed from my latest logout, but only the hull was right from my paid change!

    You were totally right, just the save file that is messed up!

    So I will still have to change my paid saved cosmetics everytime I will play, (don't want to pay twice) until they maybe will come up with an anser about why!

    I'll qoute my daughter: "Dad, don't get angry, it's just a game!"

    Thank you for your answer

    With best regards


  • @tobiastobias343
    Glad to hear.

    Yeah, I'm not paying for stuff that will most likely be removed the next session; I hope they fix that soon.

  • Same issue...

  • @lem0n-curry honestly, I think they should just do away with the fee to save to ship.

    You just dropped 8 million gold plus on dark adventurer sails only to get stung again to put said sails on your ship... Ouch

  • Anybody know if it safe to save ship cosmetics yet?

  • Lost all saved cosmetics two days ago, when it was so bugged that I ended up on uncaptained ships altough I loaded into my captained ship.
    It is all "a known issue" and I am not paying anymore gold to save stuff for nothing.

  • Still a known issue after this update.

  • Basically what's about to happen is all the gold you've earned will be refunded to you in the form of a Quest of Restitution.

    What this really means is you now need to spend hours re-earning the gold you already earned that has the potential for someone else to steal from you. Now Rare and other players can steal time and money from you all because you wanted to play the new update.

    At this point make saving ship cosmetics free across the board until it's properly addressed. If not give everyone who has bought ships 100k gold.

  • Happened to me last night. No saved livery, wheel, or figurehead, but the rest was there. Also, the first time I logged in, I once again got the bug where banners wouldn't show. It's not fixed.

  • Since season 7 it has worked pretty reliably for me. With the exception of the 1st time I loaded in after I saved my cosmetics. Got a default ship but quitting and starting a new session and everything was as it should be. Two days ago the game was just broken altogether. My saved ships didn't load 9 times out of 10 attempts. The one time they did load, the second I woke up in the tavern I got the "captain has left your crew" message and had a default sloop tied up at the jetty. So I shelved the game for a day because Rare said they were working on it. I come back a day later, Ships load fine, I don't get booted from captaincy. But all my saved cosmetics are gone with a default sloop at the jetty. I only saved the hull, sails, and figurehead. But that's like 23K down the drain. For a noob solo slooper 23K is a lot of gold to just toss in the garbage. Season 7 is a month old and the main mechanic/feature of the update still doesn't work properly.

  • Happened to me, all reset and it wants me to pay gold to apply the changes. I've only been playing a week or so and I can't keep spending 50k to apply changes :(

    Which BTW is lame as hell considering I paid $$$ for the skin in the first place, you should not have to pay additional gold ingame to use a cosmetic that sells for RL cash. Lrn2Monetize!

  • @foambreaker

  • @lizalaroo mmh its so long, why its not blocked save for wait the patch? you let people spend their time and come and complain to repost the same thing for 1 month... not everyone spends their life on the forums, remove the backup and make your patch...

  • Same issue here. Is there an ETA of the fix? Are they going to refund the in-game gold we spent? I personally saved the customizations several times. They stayed for a while but then they disappear. Today, ALL customizations disappeared. Ship cosmetics, clothes worn, even the emote wheel had been reset. Only trinkets and tools stayed.

  • Until they roll out a proper fix for those that are still having an issue please start a new session to see if the saved skins and other items are applied properly when the initial load fails to do so.

  • I lost all my ship cosmetics except for my Ashen Dragon figurehead while playing. This sucks.

  • Update 2 days ago. Seems no progress has been made and rare has not indicated any sort of information besides "Just don't save anything."

  • @kaelaniknak said in My saved cosmetics on ship reverted to Default:

    Update 2 days ago. Seems no progress has been made and rare has not indicated any sort of information besides "Just don't save anything."

    Huh ?

    From the patch notes:

    • The first Captained ship to join a server should now consistently retain previously saved ship decorations.
    • Saving a customisation to a Captained ship should now consistently ensure that the item is equipped in the next session.
  • ok to be fair i didn;t read the patch notes. Came to this thread for news and didn;t see anything. So It's safe to attept to save this for the 3rd time? What happens to the 67K I spent already then?

  • I hav e the same problem. Rare is surely onto it.

  • Same here. Happens only on my Brig.
    Sloop and Galleon are working as intended (for now?).

  • @tawny-beard Same thing happened to me twice now. I’ve had to pay 80,000 good to get it saved again and it’s toll not on my ship. Absolute trash of an update.

  • Its been six months and i just got the bug. I thought it was supposed to be fixed?

  • 2024 - February Season 11 - still hasnt been fixed yet omfg

  • @wavingmite9373 said in My saved cosmetics on ship reverted to Default:

    2024 - February Season 11 - still hasnt been fixed yet omfg

    Submit a ticket. It's been working fine. Cost to save has been severely reduced. Sure you didn't lease a ship? Necro thread.

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