Angling the Sails Against Wind

  • Ok, I can't believe I'm asking this just now after I've been playing SoT for like forever (right after Hungering Deep), but I'm trying to settle a debate.
    When going against the wind, I've always angled my sails in default position as I've been told there is no tacking of the sails. My friend is convinced that you should angle them all the way to the right or left depending on the direction of the wind.
    Which is the correct choice to get maximum speed when going against the wind? Thanks!

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  • If you are sailing a sloop, unless you are able to catch full billow, angle your sails in default position. All other ships, angle them to the side unless you are sailing directly into the wind in which case use default position.

  • @jasonk36o default into the wind

  • Dummy sails, or angling them strait into the wind is the fastest when you are sailing dead into the wind. In all other cases angling sails is better.

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