Hourglass flags

  • With the new update brining same faction fights, I believe it makes sense for Athena to be able to sell Athena flags to the stranger, as Reaper can sell both reaper and Athena flags to the servant. It’s tough when you fight only 5 Athena’s as an Athena and wanted to sell the flags but instead they end up piling up and going to a reaper to sell later on. An Athena flag sold back to the stranger is one less flag to the reaper. So it makes sense for the stranger to want them as well.

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  • @luckoftheirishv only compared to reapers you are able to sell flags at any outpost.

  • Yeah currently still massively in favour of athena as the balance stands. I'm not against your idea but reapers also need to be able to sell at outposts, trying to claim an imbalance as reason behind it is bit ironic

  • @hiradc oh I definitely agree, reapers hide out could/should get harpoons like Athena can use at outposts as well as you should be able to sell Athena flags at reaper outpost tables. Maybe hand them in to the skeleton in the cage or something haha.

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