Toxicity rates of PvPers

  • Just a simple question and perhaps a conversation to ponder the deeper significance of what it means. Why is it that 99% of my encounters with PvPers has been toxic? In most engagements, for some reason, people like to trash talk unprovoked, calling me and my crew bad(and many worse things) before we even do anything or indicate that we're bad? Is it because we're actively running away from the engagement because we're trying to hand in our valuables?

    If this is what the PvP community is about then I don't see how appealing to them in any matter and attracting that crowd is healthy for the game.

    I'd like to mention that there was one instance that I could ever remember of none of this occurring and even having a "gg" at the end. Either side understood, no hard feelings, but apparently, all the other people we've fought are self absorbed

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  • @n0soup4u

    I’m sorry to say this as it may offend (and I genuinely do not wish to do so), but I feel that your claim of 99% of PvPers are toxic is highly exaggerated. Yes, there are toxic players out there, but 99% of PvPers being toxic? No, sorry, that I find hard to believe.

    I’ve been attacked by PvPers many times, but I have yet to meet such high a percentage being toxic. In fact, of the times I have sent a PM to the PvPer who killed me, telling them well done and that they out-played me, they have always responded with such comments as thank you for being a good sport or Thanks, you put up a good fight.

    Yes, there are toxic players but nowhere near as many as you claim.

  • @pumpa-cat Agreed, toxic can also be thin skinned. My experience is that I rarely find toxic players. Losing with grace takes practice, I am pro :)

  • @pumpa-cat

    Ok, it's 98%. The difference between you and me is that you engage in more PvP than I do, possibly even in hourglass pvp where it may or may not be more likely. So, purely based on the fact that you've been in a grand number of more fights than me means that you see "friendly" pvpers more often. It's not been my experience.

    I'd also like to add that I've experienced a gally bullying a couple of kids on a sloop because they found the kids angry reactions "funny". Me and my buddies went to save em and help them but that doesnt change the fact that the gally was purposefully not sinking them and killing them because they found their displeasure funny. That gally came back 3 or 4 times too. (I know it's an extreme example, but these are the kinds of people that we experience)

  • anyone that is having issues with pvp encounters should just mute other crews or at least have it hot keyed for toggling and turn on streamer names imo

    I've had literally thousands of random pvp encounters, people won't miss much by muting it.

    For the most part the only entertaining stuff is the inexperienced hostile crews, the sweaty stuff is rarely actually toxic but it's certainly not often pleasant.

    It's a game with a lot of peacocking and chest puffing and crew play, which isn't toxic but it will often be stuff that isn't necessary or pleasant to listen to

    I'd just ignore it with the mute tool on stand by

  • @n0soup4u

    I certainly do not engage in more PvP than you. In fact, like you, I run away. I only try fighting when I’m caught, or the PvPer sneaks up on me because I was not paying attention.

    All the times I have been sunk was purely down to me being dog at PvP, or even too scared to try to fight back.

    I think you suffer from the same problem I do: we both need to git gud.

  • @pumpa-cat said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:


    I think you suffer from the same problem I do: we both need to git gud.

    Sure, very funny, but doesn't change the fact that it discourages other and potentially less mature players from coming back or wanting to "git gud". As it currently stands, there's a plethora of reasons I'm not going to waste my time to "git gud".

  • @wolfmanbush said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    I'd just ignore it with the mute tool on stand by

    Probably a great idea but it's just a shame I'd have to resort to that and miss out on the friendly and wholesome moments I've experienced before among non-aggro players. Perhaps the definition of PvP players can be distinguished from hostile players in this case but eh

  • @n0soup4u said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    @wolfmanbush said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    I'd just ignore it with the mute tool on stand by

    Probably a great idea but it's just a shame I'd have to resort to that and miss out on the friendly and wholesome moments I've experienced before among non-aggro players. Perhaps the definition of PvP players can be distinguished from hostile players in this case but eh

    you just set it as a key and turn it on and off as needed

    everyone has different sensitivities to things it's just a tool for them to use when needed

    Toxicity is pretty low in this game compared to other games but the unpleasantness isn't that rare. People lump in what they don't like with toxicity but toxicity by the definition of the rules is fairly rare, it increases as people escalate communication during interactions

    A lot of the unpleasantness outside of it just being a part of random interaction is that this game is high on non invested casual players that bounce after a short time and heavily invested people that create content around the game

    A lot of the unpleasantness comes from the "don't care only here for a week" group and the big fish in a small pond attitude out of some of the group creating content

    When there was more of a middle to the game (large amounts of people outside of the above groups) the interactions were a lot more random, it's all pretty predictable and contrived these days.

  • @n0soup4u Don't see those examples you cited as the PvP community.

    People who are really from the PvP community appreciate a good battle and in the end, regardless of who sank, there's a GG and a lot of respect. Of course, there are rivalries in the PvP community, but those who are usually offended are those people who are not there for PvP, but to annoy others.

    Apart from these people, the offense usually comes from players who clearly don't like a good battle, they are there to get the curse, do events, it's the PvE people who fill our forums with complaints, that's all.

    Try sinking an alliance and you'll see what real toxicity is.

  • @n0soup4u said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    Is it because we're actively running away from the engagement because we're trying to hand in our valuables?

    Impatient combat-oriented players do not like a crew that refuses to fight back, especially when their intention is to practice fighting/steal loot. Poor offensive skills get pointed out the most because players wouldn't mind some pushback for their amusement.

    Note that none of this means most people approve of this behavior, but it's often very familiar. Chances are if you're encountering this during Season 8, you're dealing with people that have massive egos they actually don't deserve to have and just bully lesser players for their enjoyment. Most respectable players will tell you not to run from a fight, usually out of their own impatience, but not to completely discourage you - that is unless you're saying stuff back.

    Please for the love of grog if you have nothing nice to say in a losing fight, don't say a damn thing back. Follow Manbush's advice and just mute other crew communications, cause chances are PvP scenarios aren't pleasant most of the time.

  • @targasbr

    Gonna do exactly what you did and say I don't see those examples you cited as the PvP community. Also, all the replies from said PvP players to said PvE "complainers" usually are low effort "git gud" replies, and idea shoot downs without any substance.

  • @nex-stargaze said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    @n0soup4u said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    Is it because we're actively running away from the engagement because we're trying to hand in our valuables?

    Impatient combat-oriented players do not like a crew that refuses to fight back, especially when their intention is to practice fighting/steal loot. Poor offensive skills get pointed out the most because players wouldn't mind some pushback for their amusement.

    Note that none of this means most people approve of this behavior, but it's often very familiar. Chances are if you're encountering this during Season 8, you're dealing with people that have massive egos they actually don't deserve to have and just bully lesser players for their enjoyment. Most respectable players will tell you not to run from a fight, usually out of their own impatience, but not to completely discourage you - that is unless you're saying stuff back.

    Please for the love of grog if you have nothing nice to say in a losing fight, don't say a damn thing back. Follow Manbush's advice and just mute other crew communications, cause chances are PvP scenarios aren't pleasant most of the time.

    If I reply it's usually to ask why they are bothering me or if they can leave me alone because I have nothing of value to offer (never works). I think my biggest problem is that in a era of S8 when the hour glass exists I can't see the "wanting practice" as an excuse. Just use the hourglass.

    You're right though, and I think your analysis is pretty accurate.

  • @n0soup4u said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:


    Gonna do exactly what you did and say I don't see those examples you cited as the PvP community. Also, all the replies from said PvP players to said PvE "complainers" usually are low effort "git gud" replies, and idea shoot downs without any substance.

    "Git gud" is not toxicity, and in every case I've seen it was only mentioned after a complaint, and let's face it, it's very annoying to hear complaints about PvP in a PvP game.
    My advice is to try to play with people who are really in the PvP community, those who participated in NAL/SOC, those who play in LBH and others. That's the REAL PvP community.

  • @targasbr said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    "Git gud" is not toxicity, and in every case I've seen it was only mentioned after a complaint, and let's face it, it's very annoying to hear complaints about PvP in a PvP game.

    Git gud is short hand for "your complaints are invalid and you're just bad", I'm not gonna argue semantics of something at the very least coming off as rude.

    Also, it's not a PvP game. Just because there's PvP IN IT doesn't mean it's a PvP game necessarily.

  • @n0soup4u said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    @targasbr said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    "Git gud" is not toxicity, and in every case I've seen it was only mentioned after a complaint, and let's face it, it's very annoying to hear complaints about PvP in a PvP game.

    Git gud is short hand for "your complaints are invalid and you're just bad", I'm not gonna argue semantics of something at the very least coming off as rude.

    You should stop taking it so seriously, it's just a game.

    Also, it's not a PvP game. Just because there's PvP IN IT doesn't mean it's a PvP game necessarily.

    Rare itself said that if the game has PvP, it is a PvP game.

  • @targasbr said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    You should stop taking it so seriously, it's just a game.

    Might as well shut down the forums, nothing here matters, let's move on.

    Rare itself said that if the game has PvP, it is a PvP game.

    They're wrong lol

  • @n0soup4u said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    @targasbr said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    You should stop taking it so seriously, it's just a game.

    Might as well shut down the forums, nothing here matters, let's move on.

    Rare itself said that if the game has PvP, it is a PvP game.

    They're wrong lol

    Yes, of course, the game's creator is wrong...
    This is why aliens don't talk to us...

  • @n0soup4u said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    If I reply it's usually to ask why they are bothering me or if they can leave me alone because I have nothing of value to offer (never works).

    Avoid saying that.

    Avoid trying to ask a player why they're doing things to you. That immediately sparks hostile conflicts because of the name and nature of the damn game. It happens with PvP Content creators, PvP players, anyone that has the intention of doing PvP should not get questioned and judged for doing it from people that aren't interested in said PvP.

  • @targasbr

    Thank you for your valuable contribution and ever so insightful wisdom.

  • @nex-stargaze

    So..the PvP community are sensitive and merely asking them will enrage them in an uncontrollable bloodthirst? lol sounds like a great bunch of people after all.

    Either way I will heed your advice in the future, I guess it was my mistake for thinking they were rational humans that you could merely talk to

  • @n0soup4u said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:


    Thank you for your valuable contribution and ever so insightful wisdom.

    I thank you for your time, although deep down I really think it was in vain...

  • @targasbr said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    Yes, of course, the game's creator is wrong...
    This is why aliens don't talk to us...

    Technically, this is a remark they made in one of their podcasts: "If you have a game and you've got combat in it, it's a combat game." They made this remark because they realize how seriously players take combat in games, and they are now faced with the fact that their game, is a combat game, which makes the mechanics of PvP, very serious and competitive. (Makes you wonder what's taking them so long to at least rebalance the sword if they know how seriously people take combat.) This doesn't mean the game isn't PvPvE.

  • Disable other crew voice chat and text

    You will save yourself a lot of issues

  • @nex-stargaze said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    @targasbr said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    Yes, of course, the game's creator is wrong...
    This is why aliens don't talk to us...

    Technically, this is a remark they made in one of their podcasts: "If you have a game and you've got combat in it, it's a combat game." They made this remark because they realize how seriously players take combat in games, and they are now faced with the fact that their game, is a combat game, which makes the mechanics of PvP, very serious and competitive. (Makes you wonder what's taking them so long to at least rebalance the sword if they know how seriously people take combat.) This doesn't mean the game isn't PvPvE.

    I never said it's not a PvPvE game, I said it's a PvP game and that's part of the game, the game is PvP as well as PvE.

  • @n0soup4u said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:


    So..the PvP community are sensitive and merely asking them will enrage them in an uncontrollable bloodthirst? lol sounds like a great bunch of people after all.

    Not entirely correct, "highly strung" is the better term. Many players have egos but they came to play the game to do their thing and have fun doing it.

    Either way I will heed your advice in the future, I guess it was my mistake for thinking they were rational humans that you could merely talk to

    I'm sorry but... what's rational asking "Why are you attacking me" in a game where you can be attacked by anyone and almost anytime with little to no warning and for any reason whatsoever?

  • Your problem is with toxic players, which are present across the whole spectrum of the game, not "PvPers"

    I've done 98 solo hourglass battles (I have spreadsheet, cos stats!) and nearly every single one has ended in a "GG". I can think of a single instance where someone was super salty and angry at the end. Where there hasn't been a "GG" it's mostly because one or the other of us has been on the ferry, unable to communicate in game, and sometimes there's just been silence. This suggests to me that most PvP players are respectful and/or friendly.

    In another comment you said "The difference between you and me is that you engage in more PvP than I do, possibly even in hourglass pvp where it may or may not be more likely. So, purely based on the fact that you've been in a grand number of more fights than me means that you see "friendly" pvpers more often. It's not been my experience."

    I'm going to suggest that your play style leads you to encountering more toxic players. Toxic players want soft targets who won't fight back. Players who are experienced in PvP are harder to catch/sink/spawn camp, and thus less attractive targets.

    To be clear, you should play however you want, and toxic players should be kicked out of the game with extreme prejudice. But I firmly believe that the above is why you and I have completely different experiences of the player base in this community.

  • @knurd9369 said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    I've done 98 solo hourglass battles (I have spreadsheet, cos stats!) and nearly every single one has ended in a "GG". I can think of a single instance where someone was super salty and angry at the end. Where there hasn't been a "GG" it's mostly because one or the other of us has been on the ferry, unable to communicate in game, and sometimes there's just been silence. This suggests to me that most PvP players are respectful and/or friendly.

    HG is different than random adventure

    HG has a lot of sus accusations but overall is fairly chill with some exceptions. A lot of skill in there so people have been humbled more and know it's right around the corner again and so many HGers are recording content it has people smiling for the camera.

    Random adventure has a lot different power dynamic between pvp and pve which is what a majority of random adventure fights are. Pvers give plenty of heat when they take losses and they take a lot of unpleasantness in those random scenarios

    but like I always say, rarely toxic, mostly unpleasant

    still too many random slurs and overly targeting personal insults no matter the amount, it's 2023 people don't need to be acting like it's 1997 on the basketball court in the cartoon pirate game.

  • @nex-stargaze said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    @n0soup4u said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    @nex-stargaze said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    @n0soup4u said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    Is it because we're actively running away from the engagement because we're trying to hand in our valuables?

    Impatient combat-oriented players do not like a crew that refuses to fight back, especially when their intention is to practice fighting/steal loot. Poor offensive skills get pointed out the most because players wouldn't mind some pushback for their amusement.

    Note that none of this means most people approve of this behavior, but it's often very familiar. Chances are if you're encountering this during Season 8, you're dealing with people that have massive egos they actually don't deserve to have and just bully lesser players for their enjoyment. Most respectable players will tell you not to run from a fight, usually out of their own impatience, but not to completely discourage you - that is unless you're saying stuff back.

    Please for the love of grog if you have nothing nice to say in a losing fight, don't say a damn thing back. Follow Manbush's advice and just mute other crew communications, cause chances are PvP scenarios aren't pleasant most of the time.

    If I reply it's usually to ask why they are bothering me or if they can leave me alone because I have nothing of value to offer (never works).

    Avoid saying that.

    Avoid trying to ask a player why they're doing things to you. That immediately sparks hostile conflicts because of the name and nature of the damn game.

    I agree with this statement. Some people get off on upsetting players. It's best to avoid feeding the trolls in those moments. Having said that, not every crew out there is heartless. When we encounter new players or less skilled players in adventure, we don't stomp them into oblivion. Usually, we try to help those players out or teach them something to help them improve. We gauge every encounter and determine how to act. My crew and I feel that it's better to help people enjoy the game than to crush them, potentially causing them to never return. Hang in there. Not all PvP players are toxic.

  • @nex-stargaze said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    I'm sorry but... what's rational asking "Why are you attacking me" in a game where you can be attacked by anyone and almost anytime with little to no warning and for any reason whatsoever?

    Because in the ERA of Season 8 there's no reason. You want pvp you can find it by queueing for it. Prior to S8 there might be an argument for loot, prior to that, it's RDM

  • @knurd9369

    My only question would be, how would they know? I'm not exactly incapable of PvP, my buddy and myself can typically handle our own, but given the skill gap in this game we cannot compete with the highest because we aren't actively searching it like many others. It's times like these(and just poor game function/balance) that makes us both not want to touch the hourglass with a 50ft pole, which is sad because PvP can be fun every now and again.

  • @jester1027

    I appreciate to know people like you are out there, and even though I don't PvP a whole lot myself, me and my buddies typically try to help out others as well.

  • Yeah almost every crew that actually uses proxy chat just trash talks from what I've experienced.

    But a few of them ended up being chill after we fought long enough z or finished the fight and met back up.

  • @n0soup4u said in Toxicity rates of PvPers:

    Because in the ERA of Season 8 there's no reason. You want pvp you can find it by queueing for it. Prior to S8 there might be an argument for loot, prior to that, it's RDM

    It's funny, 2 years ago that was the same sentiment done for The Arena, and when it shut down last year, that sentiment mysteriously vanished.

    Trying to relegate other players that are looking to steal loot or sink ships for any reason to a mode where fighting is at it's most intense and is infested with terrible matchmaking and smurf accounts with cheats, I feel like I'd be rather upset that my playstyle is just suddenly "condemnable" in Adventure because I didn't vote Hourglass up.

  • @nex-stargaze
    Sounds like you have a problem with Rare not me. Fact of the matter is, just cause people call it a "PvP" game it doesn't act like it, especially not a typical one because of it's open world and pve natures. It's no different that other open world games with pvp enabled, RDM is frowned upon because it feels unprovoked and mean and the same applies here whether people like it or not. We'll take the easy example and use minecraft. On minecraft servers PvP is enabled, its allowed, but if you're some bum building a dirt house it would feel a little mean to get RDMed. The analogy applies to new players of this game as well, and we can see how that can push people away.

    Don't get angry at me, this is just how people are and how they feel.

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