Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat

  • The amount of cheating in the game is making the game kinda unplayable. Now I can say this since I've been playing the game for 3years and I have over 1k+ hours only figthing PvP (TDM) in old arena, and god knows how many hours I have spent figthing ships overall.

    My question is, since SOT has a huge problem with this (I say this because it's becoming more and more obvious) why don't they put external Anti-Cheat in their game ? I mean they are a "big company" they should be able to partner with Easy Anti-Cheat or some other external ACs, but rn the best option would be EAC since it is the hardest to bypass, being the programmer myself.

    I don't see a problem with adding EAC to your game. Sure they might want something in return for partnership but isn't it worth it ? I see a lot of people who aren't exceptionally good in PvP quit the game. Me personally I don't have a problem with fighting a cheater, sometimes it might be a good experience and that's how you get better but that's only if you are exceptionally good in PvP, otherwise people don't stand a chance.

    Also who knows how many people are actually cheating but hiding it ... (Cannon aim assistance, ESPs ..... etc, you know where i go with this).

    There is just a lot of new cheats coming and I don't think its possible for SOT developers to focus on anti-cheat and game itself because it is too much work.

    So my question here is why not use EAC ? (If I have misinformation about it, and Rare actually trying to get with them but failed, then it's my mistake lol)

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  • I'm not an expert on the matter. I remember seeing or hearing somewhere that the micrsoft azure (I don't even know what it is) is able to detect the stuff, so we already have some form of anti cheat? I'm not sure.

  • @karkona there is indeed some sort of detection active, although with some of the egregious things happening recently it is clear that more needs to be done.

    • players moving at impossible speeds
    • players teleporting across the map to get kegs and drop them off lit on decks
    • pinpoint accuracy on guns/cannons
    • players using the shipwright repair system while in the middle of a battle and sea multiple times in a row (just saw proof of that this morning)

    I have always been of the mindset that a small minority is actually using cheats but with a “game mode” like the hourglass it the minority just gets highlighted more.

    Let me be clear cheating will always happen, but currently the detection system is not up to where it should be and the punishment is WAY to lax, mainly because of people just able to create account after account for free.

    Imho hardware id bans should be happening way more, because that would at least weed out the people just using vpns to avoid ip bans

  • @CallMeBackdrafT

    Totally agreed. The biggest problem here is by my speculation that Sea of Thieves runs client side, and that's why all those hacks are possible. If SOT is truly Server sided it would be almost impossible to make speedhacks, teleporting, godmode and etc... although aim hacking and esping would be still possible on Server Side but that can be dealt with, with EAC. Because lets think logically here, who would create a bypass system for EAC and sell it for under a 1000$ ? Then lets think who would pay a 1000$ for a cheat to eventually get banned (Since EAC always updates and it will always patch possible new cheat versions).

    That's my point here. Also this might sound unreal but 10 days ago I fought a guy who was making my ship sink with water without having any holes by the way.

    EDIT: The thing is Season 8 is a massive update for SOT in every term possible but cheating is making it look like the developers don't care about it, but actually they do, it's just that they can't focus on updating their AC all the time and game content itself. Isn't it just smart to put an external AC as EAC ?

  • @piton2720 a lot is server side, like damage and player speed while on the ground. The speedhacks I've seen usually involve falling from height (the keg drops are usually from players teleporting in the sky to a keg, picking it up and then teleporting above your ship and dropping it) or when in the water. I haven't seen any fast running while on land or on a ship, which seems to indicate that they are only possible when the player isn't tethered to something.

  • Imo if anything the new content shows how few people in the community obviously cheat

    it's a low population fight zone where a large chunk of the activity are streamers, prime opportunity for the people involved in the chasing streamers around for clips (which is most of the obvious cheating in this game) yet the pvp streamers that are recording/sharing their gameplay only see the obvious cheats once or twice out of a quite a few fights (if at all). Take out repeat names that are cheating and that's not many different people obviously cheating.

    Does it show more than random adventure? sure it's a running man thunderdome, of course condensed fighting will show more examples of it in a shorter amount of time, but it's still not indicating any sort of clear increase in cheat use.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    Imo if anything the new content shows how few people in the community obviously cheat

    it's a low population fight zone where a large chunk of the activity are streamers, prime opportunity for the people involved in the chasing streamers around for clips (which is most of the obvious cheating in this game) yet the pvp streamers that are recording/sharing their gameplay only see the obvious cheats once or twice out of a quite a few fights (if at all). Take out repeat names that are cheating and that's not many different people obviously cheating.

    Does it show more than random adventure? sure it's a running man thunderdome, of course condensed fighting will show more examples of it in a shorter amount of time, but it's still not indicating any sort of clear increase in cheat use.

    If you're not looking for some thing you wont see it.

    I havnt played in about 6 days game is in the roughest spot i have ever saw it.

    Servers are so laggy new bugs on top of old and now the easiest google search can get you stuff that i don't want to say to promote it lol.

    How RARE is it for a game to survive this long still being played by a decent number of people?

  • @wolfmanbush You woule be surprised how many people use cannon prediction

  • @piton2720 said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    @wolfmanbush You woule be surprised how many people use cannon prediction

    based on what? this game has a lot of people that can hit 80-85% of their shots calling people that hit 90% of their shots cheaters, it's just silly.

    the actual difference between highly skilled players that are popular and what people consider "sus" by others isn't much. It's a bit more accuracy in a game that has very skilled pvpers.

    The whole "they hit 100%" of their shots thing people say has always been exaggerated, it's extremely rare to see it, it's more in the 85%-90% range which is just slightly above the skilled shooting of the very people that are calling others cheaters.

    It's not like good cannons and good snipes are rare in skilled pvp.

    It's pretty ridiculous how many people in this game hit wild shots consistently and then turn around and call others sus for doing the same thing to them.

  • @WolfManbush Trust me when someone is experienced a lot (and I mean literally god knows how many hours in total), you can see that something is off, and also I know about 20,30 people myself who are known for cheating and still actively playing (And of course they aren't obvious). But that's not the topic.

    The actual question was why does Rare not partner up with EAC or did something in the past happened and they didn't want to. Honestly everyone would have their minds on ease if they were to partner up.

  • @piton2720

    Wouldn’t Microsoft have to give the go ahead for anti-cheat systems, as it would have to be applied to their Xbox system, would it not?

  • This is such a wild take

    @wolfmanbush said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    Imo if anything the new content shows how few people in the community obviously cheat

  • The amount of cheating in the game is making the game kinda unplayable.

    Where. When? Proof.

    Some people confuse. Good skill with cheats and it’s funny. Or poor server

  • @elk-1337 said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    This is such a wild take

    @wolfmanbush said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    Imo if anything the new content shows how few people in the community obviously cheat

    A decent chunk of streamers had a competition today specifically based on the new content

    Many different teams, and just like every other day since the content was released, obvious cheating was not a main or significant part of the experience. All those different teams in different fights, obvious cheating wasn't an issue.

    It's not a wild take, it's a take that is not filled with exaggerations.

  • No, this is absolutely a wild take.

    @wolfmanbush said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    @elk-1337 said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    This is such a wild take

    @wolfmanbush said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    Imo if anything the new content shows how few people in the community obviously cheat

    A decent chunk of streamers had a competition today specifically based on the new content

    Many different teams, and just like every other day since the content was released, obvious cheating was not a main or significant part of the experience. All those different teams in different fights, obvious cheating wasn't an issue.

    It's not a wild take, it's a take that is not filled with exaggerations.

  • @elk-1337 said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    No, this is absolutely a wild take.

    The difference in the amount of fights between random fighting and season 8 fighting is significant. Many more fights in a shorter amount of time, the evidence out there is still minimal, mass footage with significantly more fights yet the amount of obvious cheating appears to still be comparable to before season 8.

    "Trust me there is cheating" is no more reliable than the lack of video evidence for widespread cheating.

    "Sus " accusations are not proof of anything, no matter how credible or popular people are perceived as.

  • @wolfmanbush still a wild take. If you’re familiar with general software development and have a marginal amount of familiarity with how “hacks”/cheats/third party software exploits work, you can spend 30 minutes and learn that this game is severely exploitable, the exploits are free, readily available, and they are trivially installed with little to no consequence for those who are caught.

    If I’d never played Sea of Thieves before and did cursory research on the game I could tell you it’s being exploited rampantly. Your position is silly.

  • It is not being reported or it is incredibly hard to recognize so it is going unreported. How would you, as a player, in a heated battle even figure out someone is cheating unless they are being very obvious about it?

    Most things like aimbot or cannon prediction I do not expect the average player to even know about or be able to recognize and successfully report it.

    Yes it is still a small population of our very large player base but it is getting worse and they aren't catching them.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    It is not being reported or it is incredibly hard to recognize so it is going unreported. How would you, as a player, in a heated battle even figure out someone is cheating unless they are being very obvious about it?

    Most things like aimbot or cannon prediction I do not expect the average player to even know about or be able to recognize and successfully report it.

    Yes it is still a small population of our very large player base but it is getting worse and they aren't catching them.

    People acknowledge what you are saying and then make the accusations anyway. This isn't a "prove yourself innocent" environment.

  • @elk-1337 said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    @wolfmanbush still a wild take. If you’re familiar with general software development and have a marginal amount of familiarity with how “hacks”/cheats/third party software exploits work, you can spend 30 minutes and learn that this game is severely exploitable, the exploits are free, readily available, and they are trivially installed with little to no consequence for those who are caught.

    If I’d never played Sea of Thieves before and did cursory research on the game I could tell you it’s being exploited rampantly. Your position is silly.

    There are "free and readily available" cheats for everything online. You're using the existence of programs designed to spread malware to suggest it proves use. It doesn't prove use or effectiveness.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    You're using the existence of programs designed to spread malware

    No, how on earth can you be this uninformed about a topic and try to speak to it at all?

  • @wolfmanbush That's not how it works.

    Also cheating here is not a topic, I told you the fact that I know at least 30 people cheating, and I know the guys, and they ain't getting banned. That is not the topic here. Trust me someone with my experience in the game can easily sew if something is off. They get reported, but they cannot get banned because well they aint using obvious cheats, but they are using it.

    Also if you were a experienced programmer you would see how easy it is to bypass it. I am just tired of speculating that my opponent is 50,50% legit or cheating, and that is what's tiring my mind.

    I think they have AC on Xbox but it is very bad in my opinion.

    Just use EAC and put everyones mind at ease

  • @piton2720 said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    … I know at least 30 people cheating…

    30? Really? 🤔🤣

  • @pumpa-cat Haha yeah, and do you know what's the saddest thing ?

    When they buy those "ultra private" cheats they think they just got cheats on their PC and don't realize that their PCs are becoming bitcoin miners

    EDIT: Forgot to answer your question from before, does it need to actually ? I am not sure honestly since they can just implement it in SOT, because for EAC to work they actually need to have access from game files from developers. So I don't think Microsoft has to do anything here.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    Many different teams, and just like every other day since the content was released, obvious cheating was not a main or significant part of the experience.

    That's relative. How frequent does game-breakingly obvious cheating have to be before it's a significant part of the experience?

    Several of those streamers had to quit out of fights against obvious cheaters, with one team reporting four encounters in a row.
    I was watching Mino, and his team left a fight because lit kegs suddenly appeared on the tip of his harpoon a few seconds into the encounter (I'm not kidding, they had barely started the initial turn).

    In terms of raw numbers, a handful of encounters with cheaters out of a fairly large number of fights may not seem like all that many. However, it very much affects how people see and experience the game. That cheats like that are even possible may well be more than enough to keep players away from the mode, or indeed the game.

  • It only takes a player to encounter several cheaters over a short period of time to seriously consider wether its worth continuing to play a game.

    What is clear is that there is a lot of bad things happening.

    Radio silence as always from Rare.

    That doesn't give hope to players loosing faith with a game.

    But on a plus note. All is well on Xbox servers still 🥳

    Hope you all get help with this sooner rather than later.

  • @elk-1337 said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    @wolfmanbush said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    You're using the existence of programs designed to spread malware

    No, how on earth can you be this uninformed about a topic and try to speak to it at all?

    You have said nothing of substance about the topic, just saying I am wrong repeatedly. If you are claiming that free cheats are not spread around for malicious purposes that put people's accounts, information, and access at risk then it's not me that is uninformed about the topic.

    Everyone should avoid it, even though the "cheating is everywhere" crowd is constantly advertising that they exist and are putting out a narrative that they don't get banned, which isn't doing a service for the community. It's not awareness to just constantly do their advertising for them.

  • @wolfmanbush You got the point on this one. But the thing is everyone already knows it is easy to get them. Like it's not unknown thing.

    Trust me no one would dare to cheat if EAC was in the game, that's my point.

  • @piton2720 said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    @wolfmanbush You got the point on this one. But the thing is everyone already knows it is easy to get them. Like it's not unknown thing.

    Trust me no one would dare to cheat if EAC was in the game, that's my point.

    cheats everywhere
    cheats free
    cheats easy
    many are doing it and not getting banned

    This is setting people up to fail. People hear that messaging over and over and they start thinking "everyone else is doing it" "people aren't getting banned for it" "it's the only way I can compete"

    It's not safe, mass use isn't proven fact, it's opinion, people do get banned in this game, it's not worth it, avoid the cheat sites, avoid the advertising, avoid spreading around narratives that may lead others into putting themselves and their access at risk.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    cheats everywhere
    cheats free
    cheats easy
    many are doing it and not getting banned

    This is correct, well, mostly. People are getting banned but the consequences are negligible because you can create accounts for cheap or free.

    No one can prove to you that open source, code auditable, maintained exploits are readily available on this forum for obvious reasons, but anyone with google and a few minutes can verify. Heck, I’ve heard sometimes you don’t even need google, sometimes you can just check the emissary leaderboards in game.

    All the proof is at your fingertips, I can’t help you find fresh bread if you won’t leave the frozen section of the grocery.

  • @wolfmanbush What would you consider proven fact? I'm sure these paid cheat sites will have ledgers of how many users but I doubt they would give that information. Not saying it's high or low just that evidence will be out there just not easy to come by. I suppose some kind of investigation into a cheat sites tax details or website details may provide the information of weekly/monthly/yearly paid users.

  • @shadyriddler said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    @wolfmanbush What would you consider proven fact? I'm sure these paid cheat sites will have ledgers of how many users but I doubt they would give that information. Not saying it's high or low just that evidence will be out there just not easy to come by. I suppose some kind of investigation into a cheat sites tax details or website details may provide the information of weekly/monthly/yearly paid users.

    It's on people to support their claims with evidence

    It's not on people or the community to prove that they aren't cheating.

    "Trust me" "I know what I am talking about" are irrelevant to accusation. All signs point to minimal cheating, which is not no cheating.

    A majority of players in this game are not pvp focused, servers have rarely been all out full server brawls, it's a couple to three ship battles, sometimes, and lots of times not at all. Many of these players avoid pvp entirely, zero reason to suspect random pvers of cheating in this scenario.

    This is a heavily streamed game when it comes to pvp, minimal obvious cheating during these encounters. Streamer specific targeting with cheats is not something the rest of us see as much as they do if we don't have a name that people want on clips.

    Many of the skilled pvpers have had the same account for years, with thousands of hours of effort put into cosmetics and different grinds.

    Difficult to make a claim for widespread cheating when most of the people that play the game are not doing anything that even warrants any sort of suspicion at all.

    A lot of the activity is also on xbox servers and alliance servers, so a lot of the game activity isn't even seen by the rest of us or a part of our combat scenarios.

    This new content regularly has people fighting the same people 4 5 6 7+ times a day, it's not like there is even enough activity in the new content to suggest anything widespread.

  • @wolfmanbush What would you accept as proven fact?

  • @shadyriddler said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    @wolfmanbush What would you accept as proven fact?

    What I would accept as strong evidence of mass cheating is:

    mass bans (this is what I would accept as proof)

    (evidence) widespread streamed encounters of cheating, not streamers calling non-suspicious things suspicious, not frustration accusations, clear cheating across different regions and with different encounters, something that currently doesn't exist in any sort of ( a lot of people are doing this) kind of way

    (evidence) personal encounters with consistent and clear cheating, I've played this game more than most in a fairly unique way that is heavy on encounters and combat against pvpers specifically and have consistently done so for years, 100% organic play style as a risk taker, if it existed widespread, I would see it.

    People make claims about widespread esp as well, from my experience I doubt it. Between the mass hopping for marked boats and the hundreds if not thousands of times I've seen pvpers make wrong calls in game about who to chase and where to look, I doubt it.

    The difference in experience between high risk activity and profitable/safer treasure gathering is night and day, it wouldn't be that way with widespread esp, there wouldn't be a safer way to move quality treasure around and there just is, and has been for a long time. People hop for marked targets and miss out on people being sneaky all the time, not a sign of mass esp use, indicates pvpers probably aren't mass using it.

    Because it always gets lost in these threads I'll once again make it clear, saying there isn't evidence or signs of mass cheating is not the same as saying there isn't cheating, everyone acknowledges that cheating exists.

  • @wolfmanbush

    I have to agree with your points there.

    Yes, cheating does occur, but some seem to provide “evidence” such as, well, a well-known YouTube streamer said the player he was fighting was cheating, therefore it must be true. That’s mere hearsay.

    I have seen one video where a player had all sorts of symbols popping up on his screen, including one that appeared to show him where to aim his cannons in order for the ball to hit his target. (Though he still didn’t manage to hit his target 🤣). That is what I call evidence, not so-and-so said it was cheating.

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