Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked"

  • Or

    "Sea of Thieves, not Sea of Cuddles"

    I don't mind PVP. I don't seek it out, and I will roll over like an antelope caught in the jaws of a lion if somebody starts firing on me. It happens very rarely anyway. I mostly get attacked before I have left port.

    However, i am tired of the whole "pirates attack other pirates, so that is what we are doing" thing. Why can't people just say "I want to ruin somebody's day" instead?

    There is scant historical evidence that pirates would attack other pirates. In fact, most would go out of their way to avoid attacking other pirates. If you attacked other pirates, you were essentially attacking an incredibly well-armed ship, and you run the risk of losing a lot of your crew. It was much better to forge an alliance.

    Although, I suppose maybe some pirates in this game could be described as 'modern muggers' i.e. looking for an easy target and running away at the smallest risk of a threat.

    But yeah. The whole "pirates attacking pirates" didn't really happen. Not saying it didn't happen, but it was so incredibly rare. Stop using it as an excuse to attack others. Just be honest and say that your whole aim is to ruin somebody's day.

    Also, as a side note, one of the reasons why I don't randomly attack somebody is because I have no idea what that person has gone through that day, or that week.

    Their kid could have died. Their wife could have been diagnosed with cancer. They may have been conscripted. The last thing they really want is for me to hop on their boat, blasting grime music through my headset to the point of distortion, and then teabagging their corpse.

  • 39
  • @pirateryang said in Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked":

    Just be honest and say that your whole aim is to ruin somebody's day.

    Also, as a side note, one of the reasons why I don't randomly attack somebody is because I have no idea what that person has gone through that day, or that week.

    This is a positive when it comes to behavior but people get to play the game how they want.

    It's helpful to the environment to be considerate to others when it comes to words but pvping in a game that has pvp isn't violating decency as the game offers that option to them.

    People get to follow their personal codes but their personal codes do not turn into universal obligations for others.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked":

    @pirateryang said in Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked":

    Just be honest and say that your whole aim is to ruin somebody's day.

    Also, as a side note, one of the reasons why I don't randomly attack somebody is because I have no idea what that person has gone through that day, or that week.

    This is a positive when it comes to behavior but people get to play the game how they want.

    It's helpful to the environment to be considerate to others when it comes to words but pvping in a game that has pvp isn't violating decency as the game offers that option to them.

    People get to follow their personal codes but their personal codes do not turn into universal obligations for others.

    But if people get to play the game how they want, isn't their decision impacting how somebody else gets to experience the game?

  • @pirateryang said in Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked":

    @wolfmanbush said in Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked":

    @pirateryang said in Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked":

    Just be honest and say that your whole aim is to ruin somebody's day.

    Also, as a side note, one of the reasons why I don't randomly attack somebody is because I have no idea what that person has gone through that day, or that week.

    This is a positive when it comes to behavior but people get to play the game how they want.

    It's helpful to the environment to be considerate to others when it comes to words but pvping in a game that has pvp isn't violating decency as the game offers that option to them.

    People get to follow their personal codes but their personal codes do not turn into universal obligations for others.

    But if people get to play the game how they want, isn't their decision impacting how somebody else gets to experience the game?

    Doesn't make them responsible for the pain in another's life

    This game is for pvers and pvpers and both get to do what they want but neither gets to win all the time.

  • @pirateryang it's a game. A game you consented to pvp the moment you signed on. We don't attack others to ruin their day. We attack other players because fighting in a fantasy pirate game is fun.

    PvEvP game.

  • @Mastersword7410 Your post has been removed as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • Also, as a side note, one of the reasons why I don't randomly attack somebody is because I have no idea what that person has gone through that day, or that week.

    Good on you. But that won’t stop others from attacking. Everyone has bad days. If a video game is gonna trigger you, don’t play that game.

  • @pirateryang said in Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked":

    @wolfmanbush said in Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked":

    @pirateryang said in Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked":

    Just be honest and say that your whole aim is to ruin somebody's day.

    Also, as a side note, one of the reasons why I don't randomly attack somebody is because I have no idea what that person has gone through that day, or that week.

    This is a positive when it comes to behavior but people get to play the game how they want.

    It's helpful to the environment to be considerate to others when it comes to words but pvping in a game that has pvp isn't violating decency as the game offers that option to them.

    People get to follow their personal codes but their personal codes do not turn into universal obligations for others.

    But if people get to play the game how they want, isn't their decision impacting how somebody else gets to experience the game?

    That is absolutely how it works, but when you join a game that works a specific way, you cant expect it not to play out in that way. In this, its intended that anyone can attack at any time, and the devs have expressed so many times over the lifespan of the game.

  • I respect that you don't potentially want to make someone's day harder, than it may already be. However, I really need to stress that players seeking and engaging in PvP are not doing anything wrong, nor are they out to ruin anyone's time or day (there are a very small % that do, but this is very rare). PvP is just as much a part of the game as PvE, and there are a plethora of reasons someone may choose to attack - none of which require any sort of explanation, as the game is meant to be played in these ways.

    Now, yes, I 100% understand it's frustrating to be attacked at an outpost, but picture this from a mindset of someone with a huge loot haul, coming towards an outpost, and seeing a ship docked there. Maybe you're also on a time crunch, or a different scenario - point being, you're wanting to sell your loot, and hop off. Would you rather spend more time sailing to a different, further away outpost, or sink the ship that may or may not be a fresh spawn. Would you want to potentially risk your loot haul?

    There are a lot of legitimate reasons to sink another player/crew, and unless someone is being rude and offensive on voice comms, or text chat, there is nothing wrong with players attacking other players - it's part of the gameplay loop.

  • @valor-omega it upsets me that the honorable folk come here to try and explain pvp to pve'ers but fail to acknowledge the large percentage of trolls in this game. the log onto the game with thier advanced ship and gear and large crew, hover around spawn areas.. (not coming in with a big load of loot) stalking new boats and players. as an example, the 4th time i installed this and tried to play with 3 friends. spawn in, look at boat, gather supplies, get quest.. board boat.. before sails are even up a giant ship rolls in with a crew shouting racial slurs and telling us that we should go fornicate with jesus, we ignore and jump back onto shore to wait a few to see if they go away.. they proceed to hang around for 10 minutes, half of them following us around the island declaring we must be the n word and slimey drug addicted losers. we give up, log out, log back in to try a different server... this time we get about 4 boat lengths from the docks when 3 little ships come from both sides of the island and attack sinking the boat, laughing and jeering and yelling stuff like go home (insert racial slur). we give up and log out, 2 days later we agree to try again... log in, get boat, go on a treasure hunt, are at island digging up treasure when 2 large ships show up side by side yelling at us to kiss our butts good bye, no god will save us.. sink our ship and kill us on the island BEFORE we even get to dig up the chest. logged out and uninstalled, this is the typical type of experience weve faced over 2 years and 4 attempts to try the game.

    so not sure why you dont think its a common occurrence that players are out to ruin folks day.. or maybe your leveled far enough that folks dont bother you that much. but saying its a small percentage is ridiculous on the face of it.

  • @pirateryang said in Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked":

    But yeah. The whole "pirates attacking pirates" didn't really happen. Not saying it didn't happen, but it was so incredibly rare. Stop using it as an excuse to attack others. Just be honest and say that your whole aim is to ruin somebody's day.

    Honestly, attacking others in this game has nothing to do with some historical account of pirates stealing from others, but this behavior doesn't even require an excuse to be valid or reasonable...

    Strip away the pirate ships, palm trees, angry skeletons, and cannon fire and take a look at what the black and white mechanical purpose of this game is. It is a shared world sandbox game where players are able to interact with eachother in whatever ways they'd like. The fact that you can get attacked or build alliances brings the element of uncertainty that is at the core of the Sea of Thieves experience.

    So no, I won't say "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked." What I will suggest instead is "maybe don't play an online multiplayer sandbox game if you can't lose sometimes and still have fun."

    Their kid could have died. Their wife could have been diagnosed with cancer. They may have been conscripted. The last thing they really want is for me to hop on their boat, blasting grime music through my headset to the point of distortion, and then teabagging their corpse.

    Okay, come on now... really?

    Sure, the winners of the fight should behave gracefully and be good sports, but it's not right to try and impose guilt related to someone else's real life tragedy onto people who are just playing this video game as it was designed to be played. I agree that verbal abuse should not be tolerated, but being attacked in and of itself is not a problem.

    If losing in this game is "ruining someone's day" then perhaps said person should take a step back and examine whether or not they have a healthy relationship with video games. It is 100% not that serious. Losing in video games is not a new or radical concept.

  • @pteth said in Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked":

    it upsets me that the honorable folk come here to try and explain pvp to pve'ers but fail to acknowledge the large percentage of trolls in this game. the log onto the game with thier advanced ship and gear and large crew, hover around spawn areas.. (not coming in with a big load of loot) stalking new boats and players. as an example, the 4th time i installed this and tried to play with 3 friends. spawn in, look at boat, gather supplies, get quest.. board boat.. before sails are even up a giant ship rolls in with a crew shouting racial slurs and telling us that we should go fornicate with jesus, we ignore and jump back onto shore to wait a few to see if they go away.. they proceed to hang around for 10 minutes, half of them following us around the island declaring we must be the n word and slimey drug addicted losers. we give up, log out, log back in to try a different server... this time we get about 4 boat lengths from the docks when 3 little ships come from both sides of the island and attack sinking the boat, laughing and jeering and yelling stuff like go home (insert racial slur). we give up and log out, 2 days later we agree to try again... log in, get boat, go on a treasure hunt, are at island digging up treasure when 2 large ships show up side by side yelling at us to kiss our butts good bye, no god will save us.. sink our ship and kill us on the island BEFORE we even get to dig up the chest. logged out and uninstalled, this is the typical type of experience weve faced over 2 years and 4 attempts to try the game.

    so not sure why you dont think its a common occurrence that players are out to ruin folks day.. or maybe your leveled far enough that folks dont bother you that much. but saying its a small percentage is ridiculous on the face of it.

    Super negative things do happen, no denying that

    in my experience it's pretty rare

    that's not to say people are often friendly or chill, there is plenty of unpleasantness and mild rudeness but often not a violation of the rules.

    If someone were to adopt the code of no escalation and use the tools they have to mute people they can have mostly a chill experience

    that applies to pve and pvp

    in my experience and observations a lot of the objective toxicity is brought on by dueling escalation. Something both pvers and pvpers are often contributing to.

    So much of the objectively toxic stuff that happens in the game wouldn't exist if people stopped with the escalating and baiting that happens during these encounters.

    Some of it is clearly on one side of the encounter but a lot of it is a result of actions by both.

  • Youre playing an online sandbox video game, where everyone is allowed to play as they please and gamers tend to prefer interacting with other players, which often includes killing those players. Is this better?

  • @pirateryang

    While I did same points in the past, know that this game is better described as an arena game with some PvE encounters on the periphery between fights. And felt-endless tasks to grind for.

    Of course, we also do not want to talk about topics or make suggestions that make fans or moderators feel uneasy, believe me, no reasoning is welcome, only demand counts and either the game has to adapt or gets shut down when the demand changes.

    You will find that there is some toxicity to be had, you named the reasons, essentially time spent can be completely wasted and that seems to be the major issue, but will also find that perception can also be selective, and thus we are having only a good time here.


    Obviously not, right? Or can he play like he wants? He can play the victim, but of course not, some moderators could find this statement of mine disrespectful and we all respect each other, right?

  • Crossing my fingers that this is pure bait but I'm gonna bite anyways.

    By playing the game you opt-in to sink people or be sunk for any reason at all (you know being a PvPvE game and all that), sure there is the famous pirate code with some un-spoken etiquette guidelines but that does not prevent me from attacking others when they are on port or anything like that, if you don't want to attack others that's ok but what's not is shaming others for deciding to PvP in an online sandbox game.

    Oh yeah by the way this game is not historically accurate at all, pretty sure pirates never fought a skeleton that spits fire out of its mouth due to being cursed to a giant shouting head in the sky so advocating for "realism" kinda falls flat...

  • Look it’s easier to take loot than to grind it…… most of the time. That being said and as other have said I operate by a code of sorts. If you are doing a tall tale I’ll help repair and leave you be. A few other things I’ll let people slide on as well. I also like to negotiate. Something PVE players don’t seem to understand is how VALUABLE that little grade 5 flag you have flying up there is at reapers if you are a G5 reaper. So that flag IS my treasure. Fresh spawns we usually leave alone. I’m sorry you feel it’s a slight against you, I promise it isn’t, but I’m finna get rich lol

  • TLDR - provide pvp and pve servers and the pve'ers will help the game survive longer.

    I think the balance between pvp and pve is fine but with every game that has forced pvp the game would probably have a bigger following if they offered some pve servers for those people that just don't care for pvp. Even if you advocate for pvp you gain nothing from trying to force people to pvp when they don't want to. There are just people that don't like it and games die if they don't look after the pve'ers. Been proven by so many survival games.

    I personally would always jump on the pvp servers as I enjoy the risk of getting attacked by other players when you've collected a boat load of treasure because at the end of the day pvp provides a randomness to the difficulty that AI just can't fulfil. And the fact that it's a session based game I can always collect the same stuff next time.

  • @PirateRyanG In my opinion is talking about Good sportsmanship. A value lost in time in this modern world. Just look at football for example or many other sports.

    Obviously technically speaking the maths of saying - you purchased the game and you play how you want, does check out. But you can equally buy a football and basketball and if you are celebrating and try to be proud about beating people smaller/younger than you or worse in skill - somethings wrong with you and this is just cuddling a very small and insecure ego.

    Perhaps some might not find my opinion fair, but we must then discuss what this game is. If this is a family friendly experience - pirate fantasy etc - You can't argue I'm wrong and person behaving like this has problems that such behavior compensates, but does not solve.

    If this is a competitive PVP game - Sure fair game, but you don't get any real reputation or respect from peers of your skill and above. If you have not noticed the best people in this game(at least the ones on youtube) are usually good sports and seek a challange against odds, not stomping on noobs/lesser crews/parked defenseless ships. Why? Because its weak.

  • don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked

  • Hi. I am new to SoT, playing on XsX since about two weeks ago, just before Season 8 dropped.

    I almost did not get this game due to the number of negative reviews on XBox store, crying out about griefers and so-called "sweats" hiding behind every wave. I am glad I did not pay too much attention to them as I am loving the game. I have played almost every day for about an hour or two, over the past 2 weeks. I've been attacked once and chased once. Both times it was because I was not paying attention to my surroundings. I have come to realise that the terms “griefer” and “sweat” basically mean I got beaten by somebody who was better than me, even worse if the person who beat me is a 10-year-old boy

    A couple of things I have learned in this short time of playing (as a lone slooper):

    1. Always be observant as to who is around you. Before I land at any island or port I quickly climb my mast and do a 360 degree sweep with the make one naked eye, and the telescope - just to make sure nobody who may harm me is nearby. If there is I go elsewhere or wait to see what they are going to do.

    2. I always keep my cannons loaded but pointing straight up in the air to show that I am not hostile. I am not sure how effective it is, but it's at least a token effort.

    3. Do not load up your ship with many treasures. I head back to an outpost after every treasure pick up, unless there are two nearby, or I find one on my way back floating on the sea. This avoids being sunk with lots of treasures that have taken me half a day to muster.

    4. Treat everybody with a healthy caution. I will go out of my way to avoid others, and I generally run away from PvP.

    I do think that the constant wailing about griefers is nothing short of hysteria. I am not a PvP player, but I fully accept that this is a game centred around PvP, and so I am willing to take that risk every time I play. I find it quite exhilarating and exciting, wondering whether that ship I see on the horizon is friendly or not. I watch it in my telescope, and if I see it turning in my direction - I am off!

    I think it's a shame when a team of developers create and release a game that is based on their own ideas and visions, only for other people to start demanding they change the way their game works as they don't like it.

    SoT is a fantastic game, and the graphics are truly a delight to behold, especially the motion of my ship on the waves. Being ex-RN it's quite nostalgic for me - though, admittedly, the ships I sailed on were made of steel. ;-)

    Anyway, just wanted to say thank you to the devs.

    To other players: if you see a sloop running away from you like the devil was after it because you happened to glance over in its direction - that'll be me! :)

  • @crowedhunter said...

    A lot of people just wanna talk.

    True. I saw a sloop and he ran away from me, not knowing I was not going to attack him.

  • I stopped asking these type of questions about a decade ago because I finally realized that trying to change the behavior of random players in ANY game is a futile endeavor.

    You have to go in to every game that involves other players with the attitude of "I can't change how other people play, the only thing I have any measure of control over is how I react to them". And believe me, it's an ongoing process. I'm more or less accepted that "Randoms are going to random" and do every thing under the sun to annoy me. Best approach I found is just to have the mindset that a vast majority of people who are playing in a manner I dislike are not out to annoy me and I need to either just bite the bullet and carry on; or decide enough is enough and log off for the night.

    I believe those of us who enjoy this gaming hobby need to have less of the "these people are out to ruin my goodtime" mindset and give people the benefit of the doubt. And it starts by ceasing to label valid gameplay as "Toxic" or "bullying".

  • @frenziedroach The issue, is what some people perceive as "trying to ruin my experience" is in reality "I like fighting other pirates".

    Asking people to not attack you in a shared world adventure game is comical. Sure it works, but make the interaction interesting, don't just beg.

  • (Replying to Title)

    I doubt it, i try not to engage the community very often personally.

    They like the game a certain way and will vehemently attack anyone who wants to change it or disagrees with what they think are core principles of said game.

    For instance, I dislike free roam PvP. As a solo slooper i don't think it's fair that a brig or galleon can just rock up on me if i'm not paying attention and ruin my entire play session.

    I do love the hourglass PvP though, i'm down for a fight so long as everyone is on a relatively equal playing field.

  • I miss the point where sea of thieves is historically accurate.

  • @wolfmanbush The ONLY thing we said was "would you please stop sinking our ship so we can play?" is that escalating things while they are shouting racial slurs and the like?

    @elevatedlawyer7 said in Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked":

    TLDR - provide pvp and pve servers and the pve'ers will help the game survive longer.

    I think the balance between pvp and pve is fine but with every game that has forced pvp the game would probably have a bigger following if they offered some pve servers for those people that just don't care for pvp. Even if you advocate for pvp you gain nothing from trying to force people to pvp when they don't want to. There are just people that don't like it and games die if they don't look after the pve'ers. Been proven by so many survival games.

    this every day, all day, and twice on sunday

    instead they offer private servers with zero gains when they could just offer a set of servers for both types and just lock out any transfer between them and everyone gets to pay them to play the game and enjoy it, instead of letting toxic dbags drive players away from the game.

  • @pteth said in Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked":

    @wolfmanbush The ONLY thing we said was "would you please stop sinking our ship so we can play?" is that escalating things while they are shouting racial slurs and the like?

    @elevatedlawyer7 said in Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked":

    TLDR - provide pvp and pve servers and the pve'ers will help the game survive longer.

    I think the balance between pvp and pve is fine but with every game that has forced pvp the game would probably have a bigger following if they offered some pve servers for those people that just don't care for pvp. Even if you advocate for pvp you gain nothing from trying to force people to pvp when they don't want to. There are just people that don't like it and games die if they don't look after the pve'ers. Been proven by so many survival games.

    this every day, all day, and twice on sunday

    instead they offer private servers with zero gains when they could just offer a set of servers for both types and just lock out any transfer between them and everyone gets to pay them to play the game and enjoy it, instead of letting toxic dbags drive players away from the game.

    To be direct, I think that people often escalate things without even realizing it.

    Some of the most aggressive people I have seen in the game see themselves as victims of toxicity and see themselves as people that do not escalate things.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked":

    To be direct, I think that people often escalate things without even realizing it.

    Some of the most aggressive people I have seen in the game see themselves as victims of toxicity and see themselves as people that do not escalate things.

    Have to agree wholeheartedly here. It occurs in this forum too. People come here ranting about toxicity, yet are toxic towards other posters who express their opinions on the matter. You’ll always have those with a victim mentality, just as you have those who are aggressive in the game.

    When I got sunk the other day by another player who suddenly attacked me (I foolishly let my guard down), I had two options. 1) Let it be a lesson to me, take it as an experience and carry on playing the game or, 2) act like I’m a victim and come here spitting poison towards the developers and other members.

    I chose option 1. I really can’t get that worked up over a computer game. There’s enough in life, especially nowadays, to worry about.

  • There was only one time I remember me and my crew were distinctly being griefed and harassed by a Brigantine, it was when we were doing a Tall Tale, the other ship was absolutely aware of this and they kept coming back to our ship multiple times as a fresh spawn. They called us insulting words and tried to trigger us, might I say successfully.

    The above described is not PvP, but every other encounter I had with another ship since then has been with clear PvP intention only, as the game design intended. These things do happen but not everyone is out to ruin someone else's day. In fact probably the large majority just sits down to play Sea of Thieves.

    I haven't played in a long time, simply because I lost interest but I want to point out one thing that OP is right in. Please stop using the excuse of "Pirates attacked other pirates, it is a pirate game yarr..." because it is wildly inaccurate, historically. Instead say "The game is designed in a way that your ship is in constant danger when sailing the Sea of Thieves. Adapt to it. :)" this is a much better and 100% true excuse statement you can provide to anyone complaining about the PvP element of the game.

  • @kozakderg said

    Instead say "The game is designed in a way that your ship is in constant danger when sailing the Sea of Thieves. Adapt to it. :)" this is a much better and 100% true excuse statement you can provide to anyone complaining about the PvP element of the game.

    That’s a good statement.

    I’m not sure what pirates really got up to, and I’m not totally convinced anybody really does know. Though I am sure they probably didn’t go around burying treasure everywhere. 🙂

  • @crowedhunter said in Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked":

    This reminds me of a guy I used to work with who tried to "teach" me something. He thought of himself as something of a social engineer, and he was actually very good at it too. Very Machiavellian. He hollers after a coworker and says "Hey, can you get this thing for me?" the manager wasn't particularly busy either. So the coworker does the task and my manager thanks him. And this guy goes "Did you see how I got him to do that for me?" with a solemn satisfaction. This man has been living his whole life thinking that treating people politely was a manipulation tactic. That's how foreign the concept of respect for another human's thoughts and feelings was to him.

    This reminds me of a guy I used to know. He would speak about people as though they're not standing in front of them. Attempting to virtue signal and make that person feel bad for simply pointing out reality. He would use examples that had no actual comparisons to draw from, but would still attempt to connect the two with long winded nonsense. Clearly he had an ability to speak eloquently and he would use that ability to say awful things about someone, having known nothing about that person. He was a complete sociopath.

    So I don't believe youre a sociopath and I don't actually know anyone like that, but I would hope you can see how completely wacky your post was and how it's clearly just an attack on my character without knowing anything about me. I can completely empathize with others feelings, however that doesn't mean I will ignore objective reality. If the OP isn't interested in engaging with other players, then they need to find a new game. This is the only game I've ever played where there is a portion of the player base that simply refuses to accept the fundamental mechanics of the game. I wouldn't play DayZ, for example (which this game was inspired by), and be so upset that another player hunted and killed me that I would be compelled to go post on the forums about it. I don't go out of my way to sink anyone and I only sink players I know have loot. That doesn't mean I, nor anyone else, should expect to be treated differently in a game where players are allowed to do whatever they want. It doesn't matter if the OP wants to start talking about historical facts about pirates (which is completely bananas in a game with mermaids, ghosts, walking skeletons and magic cannonballs). This is an online sandbox. Live with it or try another game.

  • "Can we stop with the whole "don't play a pirate game if you don't want to get attacked"


  • @crowedhunter And I dont see how me telling someone this game is not for them makes me a bully or someone who can't empathize. You compared me to someone who manipulates people for personal gain, which flat out isn't something I did. My hopes in my response was that you would recognize that everything you are now accusing me of doing you just did to me. I plainly said I don't believe you are a sociopath, simply that it's very easy to attack someone's character simply by comparing them to someone else and insulting that person instead. You continue to insult me and compare me to this person you know. Why? I fail to see the similarity in me rewording a complaint, to be broad enough to apply to any game, and someone who treats others like they are less than them. If you can't take being called out for trashing someone, then don't do it yourself. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

    Again, I'm not saying "go away". I'm saying that if you can't deal with being attacked at any moment by another player, then this game is simply not for you. There are plenty of games that I don't play because I don't like the community or I don't agree with the core mechanics of the game, so I don't play them. You are welcome to read this however you like though. I really am not interested in whether you or OP or anyone else takes it personally when someone points out the reality of online gaming. Do not expect another reply from me as I'm not interested in engaging in hurling insults at others just because they disagreed with something they wrote. If you can't recognize that you were the first to engage in insults and bullying then I really don't know what to tell you.

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