Twitch Drops Suggestion

  • I would love to see another round of the Frozen Horizon Drops for the upcoming winter holidays! Just as the ancestral or the halo set had multiple windows to be collected via twitch drops. :)

  • 6
  • Aye! That would be awesome! I’m still missing the jacket and hook myself. I somehow always seem to miss the jacket :/

  • Same here for like 80% of it, only two things I have on me are the frozen beard and peg leg. It had to be the time I decided to take a break that they wanted to release this set xD

  • I like having cosmetics (even though I pretty much never use most of them) but I have zero interest in people being locked out of things that aren't from significant in game grinding.

    Give 'em all out imo. We see people anywhere from seconds to a few minutes during an average random encounter lol doesn't bother me at all if people have stuff from drops.

    I sat my rear end during that orb thing to pick up a few drops from the omen set I had missed and I lucked out and got them, other people should be able to have an opportunity like that too imo.

    I've seen a lot of kids and adults get super excited over cosmetics they think are cool or cute or pretty, that's qol. Let me share 'em, donate 'em or just drop 'em

  • Missing gloves and belt, so this here pirate says, "AYE!"

  • @wolfmanbush That actually makes sense, having cool items is one thing (no pun intended) but having cool items that show up for only one day that you could never get again is another. I think you hit the mark perfectly on that!

3 out of 6