Captain returns / Vote for new captain.

  • Love the captain's ship but when playing on a crew and the captain leaves you lost the perks. Even if they come back after a disconnection issue.

    So if the captain returns to their ship they can get right back into being the captain and the voyage continues.

    If the captain leaves for good, the crew can vote for a new captain at the shipwright. A player who owns captained ship of that class can vote on the ships voyage table to change the name of the ship. Works the same as any voyage etc.

  • 21
  • This is just calling for alliance server commisions and nothing else.

  • If a DC happens, the player should be able to "rejoin" their session and assume the Captain role.

    As for voting up a new captain after the captain has officially left, the only way I'd support that is via the tunnels of the damned.

  • @thorumsu
    I have no idea what you are talking about here. How does this make an alliance server? We are talking about a single ship.

  • @miserenz, Captain returns / Vote for new captain. içinde yazdı:

    I have no idea what you are talking about here. How does this make an alliance server? We are talking about a single ship.

    You join an alliance server, leave, tell them to vote for a new captain and grind your ship while you are gone.

    Requiem would jump on this as they already take 5 dollars per month to join "their" servers.

  • @thorumsu
    Huh? I do not think I communicated it clearly because that would not be possible. If the captain leaves then so do the captaincy abilities just like now. The remainder of the crew could sail to an outpost and vote to sail under a new captain. And really I could not care less if someone wanted to do that, they are only cheating themselves.

    Who is Requiem?

  • @miserenz, Captain returns / Vote for new captain. içinde yazdı:

    Huh? I do not think I communicated it clearly because that would not be possible. If the captain leaves then so do the captaincy abilities just like now. The remainder of the crew could sail to an outpost and vote to sail under a new captain. And really I could not care less if someone wanted to do that, they are only cheating themselves.

    Who is Requiem?

    New captain, but the same ship. That makes this possible.

  • @thorumsu
    Ah, there the a misunderstanding. The ship would change to the new captain's ship, all commissions, etc would be earned under the new captain not the old. No commissions would carry over.

  • @miserenz, Captain returns / Vote for new captain. içinde yazdı:

    Ah, there the a misunderstanding. The ship would change to the new captain's ship, all commissions, etc would be earned under the new captain not the old. No commissions would carry over.

    What if the new captain has more than one ship? Which one will it count to?

    Makes no sense that a captain can take over a captained ship to earn milestones for an another captained ship.

  • @thorumsu
    You can't have more than one ship. Let me explain in full.

    You & I are on my captained brig "Sunset" with bob. I have to leave, and as soon as I do my ship becomes a non-captained ship just like now. No further commendations can be earnt. The only difference is after I leave, you and bob can sail to the nearest outpost. You put down a new captain's book for your Brig "Thrice". If bob votes for it then the ship name changes to "Thrice", the old book disappears, and your one becomes the captain's book. I come back, now I am on your crew not on mine. You have to be a member of the crew to vote to become captain. You can't vote for another ship to become their captain while sailing on your own.

  • @miserenz Fully agree with this; Sea of Thieves is definitely not immune to disconnects. This change would purely make the game more playable, and I don't see any real way this could be used to cheat the system.

  • @lassidagreat said in Captain returns / Vote for new captain.:

    @miserenz Fully agree with this; Sea of Thieves is definitely not immune to disconnects. This change would purely make the game more playable, and I don't see any real way this could be used to cheat the system.

    After a disconnect (that is not a Lazybeard) a Captain should retain their Captaincy if they can join the same session from the start screen. If not, it's time for a support ticket.

  • @lem0n-curry

    Never had a reconnect work. This Tool would fix that in the simplest way possible.


  • @miserenz said in Captain returns / Vote for new captain.:


    Never had a reconnect work. This Tool would fix that in the simplest way possible.


    That is, if the new captain would relinquish the Captaincy back to the one who got disconnected ... instead of a fix, you got yourself into a new set of issues.

    We've experienced mostly successful reconnects and continuation of Captaincy, don't forget to submit a ticket when you experience a bug (if Rare doesn't know, they can't fix).

  • @miserenz Contrary to your experience, I’ve never had the reconnect not work… how have you guys been disconnecting and rejoining? If you rejoin via the “would you like to rejoin your last crew” thing on the main menu, it hasn’t failed on me yet!

  • @lem0n-curry said in Captain returns / Vote for new captain.:

    @miserenz said in Captain returns / Vote for new captain.:


    Never had a reconnect work. This Tool would fix that in the simplest way possible.


    That is, if the new captain would relinquish the Captaincy back to the one who got disconnected ... instead of a fix, you got yourself into a new set of issues.

    We've experienced mostly successful reconnects and continuation of Captaincy, don't forget to submit a ticket when you experience a bug (if Rare doesn't know, they can't fix).


    Well, that is a clear misunderstanding of the Tool I have proposed.

    If a captain decides to leave the game, (i.e. there is no error message) then that would likely occur in most cases at an outpost after selling. In this instance, the crew can vote straight away for a new captain/ship name. The other player chooses to give up their ship by leaving the game. I would even go so far as to say that you could keep playing and then choose to vote down your own ship in this manner for someone else to have a turn on your server etc.

    If the person disconnects for some error reason, then most of the time this happens way from the outpost. There is a natural cool down in terms of the sailing time to get to the next outpost to vote for a new captain. If they do not reconnect before then they would have lost the captaincy anyway. At least this way they have a way to get it back. But if you are concerned about this mechanic the very simple fix would be to have a cool down before a new captain could be voted in after an error message. In the same way there is a cool down for buying crates at an outpost.

  • @klutchxking518

    I am referring to captaincy reconnection.

  • @miserenz said in Captain returns / Vote for new captain.:

    @lem0n-curry said in Captain returns / Vote for new captain.:

    @miserenz said in Captain returns / Vote for new captain.:


    Never had a reconnect work. This Tool would fix that in the simplest way possible.


    That is, if the new captain would relinquish the Captaincy back to the one who got disconnected ... instead of a fix, you got yourself into a new set of issues.

    We've experienced mostly successful reconnects and continuation of Captaincy, don't forget to submit a ticket when you experience a bug (if Rare doesn't know, they can't fix).


    Well, that is a clear misunderstanding of the Tool I have proposed.

    If a captain decides to leave the game, (i.e. there is no error message) then that would likely occur in most cases at an outpost after selling. In this instance, the crew can vote straight away for a new captain/ship name. The other player chooses to give up their ship by leaving the game. I would even go so far as to say that you could keep playing and then choose to vote down your own ship in this manner for someone else to have a turn on your server etc.

    Ah, but then it becomes a tool to gain milestones on someone's ship who hasn't do the appropriate work for it. For instance the crew digs up tons of chests and the ship gains milestones in days sailed and treasure voyages &c. Before selling someone wants to have increase their milestones in gold handed in at gold hoarders or sovereigns and they want to switch.

    This would disassociate a ship and what their milestones / trinkets represent and Captaincy only becomes a grinding thing.

  • Then the first ship misses out on the gold sold. If someone wants to short change themselves in this way then I do not care. Captaincy for me is more about the selling point, ability to gain resources and captain's voyages. Such milestones come organically. More over , I don't think the few that would grind for such metrics matters when compared to benefit. But if it is that important make it a voyages through a portal then.

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