Hey PC players, did you know...

  • Hey PC players, did you know that xbox players can't chat in the world if they are in a party?

    I just learned that. Seems lame.

    Rare should patch it so they have a PTT keybind for hot mic communication.

  • 24
  • @tenriak whole heartedly agree. I have seen xbox games before that allow you to speak and hear in both at once, so it’s doable. It’s unfair that only PC players can use both and hear things, and it honestly disincentivizes using Gamechat at all, especially if most other are going to be in a party anyways.

  • Not being able to communicate with pirates in the world seems like a terrible disadvantage.

  • @tenriak Rare seems to pretty much encourage it with all the options that disables any and all communication with other players.

  • @tenriak Mics save lives. There's been a couple of times that we stopped sinking someone before because they started talking. Most memorably was a guy and his son, we had them almost sunk when they started talking. We learned they were good sports and newer players. We saved their ship, helped patch it up, then helped them do the ashen winds we were going to sink them for.

  • Mics cost lives, too. Double-edge sword ;)

  • You can switch the chat channel and speak in the game world, but it's super cumbersome because you have to open the Xbox menu, go to your profile, select party, then select the channel.

    By the time you're done with all that you may as well be dead. Not only does it force you to go through too many steps, you're also completely vulnerable while doing it, because you're navigating through side menus outside of the game.

    Having the option to be in a party where others can't hear you is a good thing, but switching out of it should be instantaneous if you want/need to do so.

  • @tenriak sagte in Hey PC players, did you know...:

    Hey PC players, did you know that xbox players can't chat in the world if they are in a party?

    I just learned that. Seems lame.

    Rare should patch it so they have a PTT keybind for hot mic communication.

    That's an XBox/MS thing, not a Rare thing

    Do it, like I do...use a chatpad on the controller, so you can textwrite with everybody...very useful

  • @liberance sagte in Hey PC players, did you know...:

    You can switch the chat channel and speak in the game world, but it's super cumbersome because you have to open the Xbox menu, go to your profile, select party, then select the channel.

    Not as complicated as you say...just press XBox guide button, now there should be an extra option next to the menu (record video/photo, and options to change to ingame and back to party chat)
    Gotta check this again at home, could be, that you have to go with the cursor to the party (without opening it)

  • @schwammlgott You have to go to the party after opening the dashboard, which is the one step that makes it all awkward. It may not look like a lot, but when you're in the middle of the game and need to react immediately, it becomes one step too many.

  • @liberance sagte in Hey PC players, did you know...:

    @schwammlgott You have to go to the party after opening the dashboard, which is the one step that makes it all awkward. It may not look like a lot, but when you're in the middle of the game and need to react immediately, it becomes one step too many.

    Oh...so one or two steps down...ok
    I use the original XBox chatpad, there are 2 extra buttons on it...one for screenshot the other for videos...without any menus

  • @schwammlgott Well, I mean... alright man, if you want to get technical, it goes like this:

    • Press Xbox button for side menu
    • Move 3 tabs right to Parties & Chats
    • Select Game Chat

    It's too long for an action that often times needs to be instant. It may not bother you much, but to me and probably many others, it's awkward and clunky. Not game breaking stuff or anything, but I don't see the reason to defend something that could just be better.

  • @schwammlgott said in [Hey PC players, did you know...]

    That's an XBox/MS thing, not a Rare thing

    Incorrect, There are other games that let you hear in-game voice chat & also speak in game chat while in a Xbox Party.

  • @liberance sagte in Hey PC players, did you know...:

    @schwammlgott Well, I mean... alright man, if you want to get technical, it goes like this:

    • Press Xbox button for side menu
    • Move 3 tabs right to Parties & Chats
    • Select Game Chat

    It's too long for an action that often times needs to be instant. It may not bother you much, but to me and probably many others, it's awkward and clunky. Not game breaking stuff or anything, but I don't see the reason to defend something that could just be better.

    ACTUALLY...gotta clear something...I changed party&chats to my first page...so it's just 2 or 3 steps down...sorry forgot about that

  • @jumli7 sagte in Hey PC players, did you know...:

    @schwammlgott said in [Hey PC players, did you know...]

    That's an XBox/MS thing, not a Rare thing

    Incorrect, There are other games that let you hear in-game voice chat & also speak in game chat while in a Xbox Party.

    I know just one...that's Borderlands , but just since crossplay got introduced...for this game a friend had to mute me on xbox because my voice came through xbox and through (what is that gearbox launcher or whatever it's called)...this is more a bug, a useful, but a bug

  • This is why most people I play with use Speech to Text or say something in game but also type. So it comes through both possible ways of communication. I am both a PC and XBOX player, so gotta cover all the bases.

  • @abjectarity said in Hey PC players, did you know...:

    This is why most people I play with use Speech to Text or say something in game but also type. So it comes through both possible ways of communication. I am both a PC and XBOX player, so gotta cover all the bases.

    Yup, it is also valuable for reporting.

  • @tenriak said in Hey PC players, did you know...:

    Not being able to communicate with pirates in the world seems like a terrible disadvantage.

    Yep it’s a huge disadvantage. PLEASE FIX THIS, RARE!!!!


    I was hoping Discord would be our saviour but it’s the EXACT SAME THING.



    Please, can we get some attention on this issue?
    Thank you, Rare.

  • You can plug a keyboard into the USB port on an Xbox or use a Chatpad connected to a controller and bind the Text Chat option to a button on the controller. For example; UP on the D-pad.

    When on a PC server using an Xbox, you can press the letter "T" on the keyboard or Chatpad to pull up the virtual keyboard.

    You can also use the legacy Xbox One Smartglass app to type a message on a PC or phone to be displayed on an Xbox that is on the same network after pulling up the virtual keyboard.

  • @the-crazy-beard said in Hey PC players, did you know...:

    You can plug a keyboard into the USB port on an Xbox or use a Chatpad connected to a controller and bind the Text Chat option to a button on the controller. For example; UP on the D-pad.

    When on a PC server using an Xbox, you can press the letter "T" on the keyboard or Chatpad to pull up the virtual keyboard.

    You can also use the legacy Xbox One Smartglass app to type a message on a PC or phone to be displayed on an Xbox that is on the same network after pulling up the virtual keyboard.

    Yeah, those are options. Personally I don’t want to waste a keybind on virtual chat, and have to waste time typing when I’d rather be negotiating while being in control of my character.
    These are solutions to a problem that Rare/Xbox really should have solved by now. And will hopefully give their attention to at some point.
    The shame is that I have never heard Rare ever acknowledge the issue.

  • If I am not mistaken, Sea of Thieves uses Xbox party "under the hood" for the game chat. So to me it seems more like a technical issue? There has been dozens of threads mentioning this since the release of the game, this is nothing new.

    Nowadays you can use Speaking Trumpet's secondary action (RMB or RT) to "whisper" so your enemies wouldn't hear you.

  • @ondrejbakan said in Hey PC players, did you know...:

    If I am not mistaken, Sea of Thieves uses Xbox party "under the hood" for the game chat. So to me it seems more like a technical issue? There has been dozens of threads mentioning this since the release of the game, this is nothing new.

    Nowadays you can use Speaking Trumpet's secondary action (RMB or RT) to "whisper" so your enemies wouldn't hear you.

    It can't possibly be a technical issue as I can talk in party and have a keybind for local voice.

  • @ondrejbakan said in Hey PC players, did you know...:

    If I am not mistaken, Sea of Thieves uses Xbox party "under the hood" for the game chat. So to me it seems more like a technical issue? There has been dozens of threads mentioning this since the release of the game, this is nothing new.

    Nowadays you can use Speaking Trumpet's secondary action (RMB or RT) to "whisper" so your enemies wouldn't hear you.

    We can use those. But they’re a super impractical solution when trying to communicate with your crew on a galleon in battle and not be overheard.

    I have always given it the benefit of the doubt. But now that we have discord funcationality and it still doesn’t work for Xbox, it feels like it’s time to ask “why?”

  • I promise that I’m not trying to bump an old thread, mods.

    This is for those on this thread that might be interested, I brought this topic up on the KeelHauled podcast last week.
    Captain Logun did a pretty decent segment on the issue.


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