Game Shuts off entire PC

  • Background I am an IT professional I know how to troubleshoot problems. I have scanned event view updated drivers tested different GPU's my pc is overkill for any game with a 3080 TI a Ryzen 5900X 32 gigs of ram. I tried repairing the game reinstalling the game on a different SSD I have no crashes in any other games I found an old thread hear where someone else has the same issues I have zero heating issues with the PC i can run stress tests on the rig for hours with no issues at all. This game alone causes seemingly random shutdown of my entire pc. No relevant logged information in event viewer across multiple patches drivers etc. Would love to play your game but when its literally randomly shutting down my pc I cant anyone else have this issue and find the cause? Tried swapping ram mem tests etc no issues in any of the other games I play of which there are many most of which seem more intensive than this one. It seems to happen frequently as my ship is sinking I have-not tried causing it on purpose as I don't want to damage my pc but any time the kraken attacks the ship as I'm sinking the pc turns off. Would love any feedback from anyone with the same experience running on windows 10.

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  • What's the wattage on your PSU?
    Only time I ever had an issue like that was with my old Vega 64 on a 650w PSU instead of the recommended 750. You're running some power hungry hardware.

  • Game is crashing with any GPU, though?

  • Background I am an IT professional

    Hmmhmm. Sorry to hear that.

  • Thanks lol. The PSU is 750 gold Seagate and I tested on my old 1080ti as well also Lots of the others things I'm doing surely draw more power than sea of thieves IE stress testing. Oh well fun game figured if someone else had the issue it was worth the ask.

  • Just in case anyone has the same issue I figured it out On certain load screens the FPS spiked to like insane amounts on uncapped spiking the whole system simply setting a FPS cap fixed it. Seems similar to the bug in new world that was bricking GPUs.

  • @mangohabanero said in Game Shuts off entire PC:

    Thanks lol. The PSU is 750 gold Seagate and I tested on my old 1080ti as well also Lots of the others things I'm doing surely draw more power than sea of thieves IE stress testing. Oh well fun game figured if someone else had the issue it was worth the ask.

    Power draw spikes are likely the issue. That 750watt psu is underpowered for your pc. Ive seen my 3080ti without overclocking pull 400+ watts sustained. That would put spikes higher than that, which could be triggering the protections in your psu.

    Maybe try reducing the power litter on the gpu or under voting and seeing if that gives you more stability with the 750w psu.

  • Doing a small bit of research for a friend months back has told me that anything Ryzen and Sea of Thieves do not get along. He had horrible frame problems, crashes, pc shutdowns, etc… The only thing in common between him and other cases I was finding was Ryzen tech. Not sure why.

    I believe he uninstalled… GeForce or something? Some sort of game optimization built in. Uninstalled it, and the game works like a charm for him. Hope this helps!

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