Returning player, looking for nice people to enjoy the game with

  • Arr, scallywags!

    I am a returning pirate who plays the game for all it has to offer - voyage's, events, adventures, PvP - but also fooling around, exploring, getting drunk, playin' shanties and launching people from canons.

    I am looking for good people - and when I say that, I don't mean good players. I am not that good'a buccaneer meself.

    I am looking for genuine nice and fun people to enjoy the game without pressure, eventually to slowly become proficient pirates together, regardless of skill level.

    I have only two particular conditions that I look for - pirates who have a decent mic and are above 19-20 years old (so we think more alike, which can only benefit our friendship).

    My galleon, St Catherine's Wail, is ready to serve you as well on the high seas, should you chose to join me. I am also willing to join your own ship, if you already captain one.

    If you are interested in plundering together, please leave a reply with a Discord name / gamer tag and your favourite activity in the Sea of Thieves.

    To everyone else - May God have mercy on your souls and ships should you ever hear the sorrowing Wail of St Catherine.

    To your stations,
    Admiral Edgard Teach

    alt text

  • 12
  • I would be down but I'm on Pacific timezone and only play at night.
    I notice a lot of posts but no one puts play times lol

    Discord: Candynoodles

  • Discord . ronin#0900
    Xbox . purplek7

  • @edgard-teach welcome back me matey!

  • Been looking for more people to play this game with for awhile. It’s so much better with chill crew mates, so if you want we can sail sometime.
    I’m in my 20s
    Xbox is Lollygag7742, I play on the Microsoft store version of the game through pc
    Time zone is EST
    English speaker

  • Shiver me timbers, had I been expecting such powerful response, I would have launched a call ages ago!

    We cannot fit more than 4 on our fine vessel, but its also true we're all pirates from different corners o'the sea, plundering in different times of the day.

    That is why I thought of creating a Discord Group for all of ye who wish to sail together! In this group we, mind-alike privateers, can set sail whenever we're online with whoever is online.

    And all of ye who want to join our mighty fleet, be sure to post your discord below or send a message to me on the Xbox Bar (my gamertag is Edgard Teach).

    Mighty winds in sails, me hearties.

    Of with ye,
    Admiral Edgard Teach

  • Welcome back scallywag 🏴‍☠️. I am returning aswell from the depts of the sea if you want a good fellow to join you on your journey. A nice country boy like me that loves some good whiskey or two. Is willing to join you
    Discord HITxWORM#4261
    Xbox account Sluggishduck352
    See you in the sea of the damned - preston aka duck 352

  • I'm ready to sign up. wildcat#8318/wildBcat - I usually like to do small quests while experiencing all the distractions the seas offer, but I am really liking the PVP Tall Tales too.
    I'm in my 30's, and am in Eastern time. I play mainly on Friday and Saturday evenings, but try to squeeze in some short gameplay most weekday nights.

  • I too would like to sail in your crew for I came back to the seas after 2 years, I still need to fully regain my sealegs. You can contact me DM me here or on Xbox, my gamer tag is same as my username

  • Discord: Billy Rubinn#1231
    Xbox: Billy Rubinn

    CST- North Texas
    16:00-21:00 everyday (2:00 on days off)
    Bilge Rat(or Flex)/Navigator/decent knowledge of the map and islands)

    I absolutely love playing SoT. I do not like the time dedicated to finding crews for single sessions on discord. I enjoy all the voyages and lore of the game and miss out when playing discord crews. I know this post is from a month ago but I’m interested if you’re still trying to build a crew.

    HMU on discord or Xbox.

  • Hello Edgard, I am looking for a crew as well. I am an expert pirate in SOT, 90% of the game complete until last year. Legendary and with the best stories over the seas...
    I am looking also to return to the game, find nice people and go, more pvp in my opinion than the StoryTails...

    So send me an invite in Xbox and let's sail!! I'm up for Sloop 2 players crew too.

    PRIMATE09 (profile pic, red skull)

  • @candyn00dles808

    I am also in pacific playing at night, open to join a crew. add me at discord MUSA#8298

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