Visual Diary of one Mr. Grave Silence - Kill Log of a Rowboat Ninja

  • Visual Diary of one Mr. Grave Silence

    Kill Log of a Rowboat Ninja

    Since I started playing SoT at the beginning of the pandemic, I spent most of my time hunting player ships in a rowboat full of kegs.

    I have sunk PLENTY ships - these are just the times I had the werewithal to get complete evidence. Please let me know if you recognize your ship in one of them!

    Here's the first one (I'll post following ones in subsequent posts):

    3 July 2021 - [mod edit]

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  • 18
  • 9 July 2021 - First confirmed kill of level 4 emissary

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  • 17 July 2021 - [mod edit]

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  • 1 Nov 2021 - I was ambushing a sloop - when a galleon impolitely appeared out of nowhere!!!

    I blew the kegs on the sloop, then decided to give the rude galleon what-for in my valiant rowboat with my last two kegs.

    Approaching before diving under to blow their bow with the first keg is the last shot I got LOL...

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  • 9 Nov 2021 - Killing a confused diaper ship at a fort

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  • 9 Nov 2021 - [mod edit]

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  • 9 Nov 2021 - Taking out a lost diaper brig

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  • 17 Mar 2022 - Sinking an oblivious salty sloop!

    This guy spied me from the shore after I sunk his sloop.

    He was quite angry and shouted some very BAD words :(

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  • 27 June 2022 - [mod edit]

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  • 29 June 2022 - Taking a sloop at Crooked Masts

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  • 30 June 2022 - Giving a brig a triple bomb surprise!

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  • 10 July 2022 - That time I took out a Skelly Galleon with nothing but a harpoon boat and 5 kegs

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  • 10 July 2022 - Taking out the marks at Crook's Hollow

    Why is it the angriest, saltiest players are always the worst ones with the most glowy ships?!?

    These guys were SO mad LOL

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  • Hey, can anyone else see my images?

    They appear in the preview, but I can't see them in the posts?

    let me know if it's just me...

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