More variety in enemies and new islands

  • I have noticed that in the game since I was first in the insider program not a whole lot more enemies have been added to give some variety.

    I think even adding NPC ships with living crews would be good just to mix it up a little and maybe meeting ships you can trade items with at events in the ocean.

    I also think some newly developed islands would be nice with say a large town or city centre for other pirates to meet and create alliances for specific missions.

    Sort of like a safe zone, not to unload cargo but to give the option to easily make and coordinate missions that need to be done with other crews.

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    feedbackgeneralxbox onecommunitystory & lore
  • @kingofskullz666 remember that on release we were limited to skeletons.
    We now have different varieties with different features, alongside phantoms and crawlers. We also have the Meg now as a new real-world threat.
    You're right in that there isn't a load of new stuff, there is now stuff nonetheless.

    But... variety is the spice of life and more islands and enemies would always be welcome.

  • Yes to variety among enemies and definitely no to the safe zone. A neutral or safe zone risks to become another "GTA online apartment" where most of the players keep waiting until there is no risk to come outside.

    Once you set sail in SOT you are committed to a session of adventure, risk and piracy.

  • About new enemies: I don't think we need new enemies, just give the ones we already have more personality. I find it discouraging they just appear to kill you randomly, the only nice detail is fighting each other. I would like each enemy type to exhibit different behavior, having their spawns on specific islands.

    Sobre ilhas: I prefer that they are modifying the existing islands, to show that there is life in Sea of Thieves and the environment is modified by pirates and creatures.

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