Legend Curse and Season Items

  • Does anyone know if seasonal rewards will ever come back for commendations? I missed out on the legend curse from season 1 and other various awards annoyingly and was wondering if they will ever return, its annoying my crewmates can show off their exclusives to me 🤣

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  • I dont even have the curse but I will riot if they ever bring it back.

  • @alex-emxrsn the non-season specific items will be coming at some point. Rare has to figure out how to do it so they don't anger the children who feel it's devalued. IMO if you like season rewards, grind for them because they wont be coming back for at least 2 years it seems.

    @thorumsu said in Legend Curse and Season Items:

    I dont even have the curse but I will riot if they ever bring it back.

    It's been exclusive for 1.5 years at this point and probably 2 before it's available. Rare never stated it would be out forever. So I guess riot if you want when the time comes?

  • @kommodoreyenser, Legend Curse and Season Items içinde yazdı:

    @alex-emxrsn the non-season specific items will be coming at some point. Rare has to figure out how to do it so they don't anger the children who feel it's devalued. IMO if you like season rewards, grind for them because they wont be coming back for at least 2 years it seems.

    @thorumsu said in Legend Curse and Season Items:

    I dont even have the curse but I will riot if they ever bring it back.

    It's been exclusive for 1.5 years at this point and probably 2 before it's available. Rare never stated it would be out forever. So I guess riot if you want when the time comes?

    What is the point of completing the very easy season pass if they will come out later tho? With alliance servers still up, The only valuable items are the time exclusive ones. You know, to show you were there. I was not there and I would be mad if I got to have the curse that I did not deserve.

  • @kommodoreyenser tbf I wouldn't even mind a slight variation on the curse, there just is no obtainable legend curse atm and it was a shame they added it how they did. However I understand why people want an exclusive item, but I don't believe that that curse is the most suitable thing to make exclusive as it seems to be meant for PL, not just for PL who had the time to play during season 1.

    The exclusive curses/scars from previous seasons I have no issues with as they don't relate to any particular rank/ faction etc..

  • @thorumsu

    What is the point of completing the very easy season pass if they will come out later tho? With alliance servers still up, The only valuable itele are time exclusive ones. You know, to show you were there. I was not there and I would be mad if I got to have the curse that I did not deserve.

    If they were easy to get then what's even special about them? "Look I played one session between this ten week period."

    The point of Time Limited items is that they tell a story. Hungering drum shows how you toke part in the event, Reaper hull shows you played through time limited voyages.
    They're all tied to a certain task, so one can tell what they did to earn them. Most of them (excluding Wailing Barnacle items) fit with the task you were required to do as well. It makes sense to award a shark themed drum and tattoo for defeating the hungering one and Skeleton ship's figurehead for taking down skeleton fleets which threatened the outposts.

    PL curse tells nothing, but how you played 50 hours between a 10-week period and happened to be a Pirate Legend. It isn't tied to any deed on the seas, only for having played during that time frame. So there's nothing special about acquiring it either, nor does it tell a triumphant story about how you did x to earn it.

    Sure, it's similar to the X-marks the spot and day-1 items, but at least they are something to celebrate and reward players for, and the rewards fit by telling what the player did, while not being a big part of the world like PL curse is.

    TL:DR there's no reason for why it should remain Time Limited as
    A) It does not tell a story
    B) The way you acquired it doesn't reflect the item, nor fit the task
    C) The curse is a iconic cosmetic, just like the Burning Blade sails and Ghost curse.

  • @thorumsu sagte in Legend Curse and Season Items:

    What is the point of completing the very easy season pass if they will come out later tho?

    I agree on that. Rewarding non-seasonal season items doesn‘t make any sense at all.

    But to be fair: they said that certain items will return with the introduction of seasons and they probably should keep their word. If it was up to me, I would propably reintroduce them as recolours.

    I like that scars are time-limited though. Injured while having completed the event/adventure. Makes sense.

  • B) The way you acquired it doesn't reflect the item, nor fit the task
    C) The curse is a iconic cosmetic, just like the Burning Blade sails and Ghost curse.

    Same could be said with the servant of the flame cutlass.

  • @thorumsu said in Legend Curse and Season Items:

    B) The way you acquired it doesn't reflect the item, nor fit the task
    C) The curse is a iconic cosmetic, just like the Burning Blade sails and Ghost curse.

    Same could be said with the servant of the flame cutlass.

    Same could, but luckly, it's not time limited item so it doesn't matter as much, unlike the examples I brought up, and the center piece of this topic.

  • @thorumsu said in Legend Curse and Season Items:

    @kommodoreyenser, Legend Curse and Season Items içinde yazdı:

    @alex-emxrsn the non-season specific items will be coming at some point. Rare has to figure out how to do it so they don't anger the children who feel it's devalued. IMO if you like season rewards, grind for them because they wont be coming back for at least 2 years it seems.

    @thorumsu said in Legend Curse and Season Items:

    I dont even have the curse but I will riot if they ever bring it back.

    It's been exclusive for 1.5 years at this point and probably 2 before it's available. Rare never stated it would be out forever. So I guess riot if you want when the time comes?

    What is the point of completing the very easy season pass if they will come out later tho? With alliance servers still up, The only valuable items are the time exclusive ones. You know, to show you were there. I was not there and I would be mad if I got to have the curse that I did not deserve.

    Time exclusive stuff is just as easily grounded for by alliance servers, as long as you were there, given how season progress works. So technically, all items are diluted by alliance servers. That is a poor point to make for supporting your opinion.

    Adventures are no different btw, look at the most recent one and tell me how easy it would be to do on an alliance server?

  • @thorumsu said in Legend Curse and Season Items:

    I dont even have the curse but I will riot if they ever bring it back.

    Bad news for you then.. other than the adventure unlocks each season and the specifically themed season track items, basically the scars and tats.

    Rare are done doing time limited things, and they've confirmed everything else including PL curse will be brought back in game when they figure out how they want to do it

  • Hopefully soon. My silly crew mates didn’t reach level 100 in time. And the one who did wasn’t a legend at the time.

    Hope Rare keep their word on this one.

  • @thorumsu The plunder pass has never been to create FOMO. It is simply another way for pirates to progress through updates. Even when sunk, you will still get something out of your playthrough.

    It has been over a year now since the curse was released and I don't expect it to come out any time soon this year. I think that is a good enough way to keep PL rewards exclusive for the time being.

  • I really don't mind if the rewards from the free parts of the seasonal Plunderpass come back. I really don't mind if cosmetics come back at all, in fact that would be fantastic since some of them are part of sets that are now incomplete. For example, there are items from the Bonecrusher set that are a available, but the others aren't.

    They could show someone was there at a specific moment if they added something like a label on each item that says: "Adquired dd/mm/yyyy during the x event". So then people could show off when they got it. But personally I find it a little bit annoying how some sets are now incomplete.

    Also, I wouldn't mind if suddenly my Launch Crew Eye of Reach became available easily to others. At the end of the day I just look at the others by what they are wearing and don't care much about how they got it. And I'm sure nobody cares much about how I look like. From my experience everyone is too worried about their own cosmetics to think about someone else's items and how they got it.

4 out of 14