Purchase of bait on the sea posts.

  • Hi pirate!

    Today, I would like to share with you an idea that can improve fishing in general. Add it to buying boxes of worms, leeches and larva on sea posts, so you can start fishing faster instead of collecting bait for hours.

    What do you think of it?

    See you on the seas !


  • 14
  • Often request, I have 0 problems with it since the door was already opened with supply purchasing. Compared to Planks and Cannonballs this is far less disruptive to the original balance, and it would be optional just like the other supplies are now (which I personally don't purchase as I spent years getting used to just gathering things up by hand without that and come out with enough just doing that). So for those who find it pointless as they wouldn't spend their coin on it (like me) I see no reason anymore to not let those who want to drop coin on it to do so.

    Just another potential gold sink.

  • The seaposts are the only place where the bait isn't in abundance, why would they want to sell it ?
    It would make more sense to sell it there ...

  • @lem0n-curry I find it logical that the bait is bought and resold on the sea posts, because it is used for fishing, the bait has nothing to do with the alliance of the merchants.

    However, if they are sold at merchants that is fine with me too

  • @fs-werlyars
    I like it the way it is. If you need a lot of bait, you've got to go find some. There would never be a reason to leave a seapost if you could buy all the bait you need.

  • Add it to buying boxes of worms, leeches and larva on sea posts, so you can start fishing faster instead of collecting bait for hours.

    So you want to speed of the process on fishing. Later leaving you with nothing else to do with your time.
    Fishing is a slow pace type of chore. It mainly there to do while doing A-B things. Between. But you can mainly focus it as well.

    But if you shortcut it, and finish everything you be bored. All because you "faster instead of collecting bait for hours."
    and come on...Hours? Find one shipwreck and you have dozens before you know it.

  • This is a great idea. It makes total sense for a Sea posts to also act as Bait shops. People buy bait in real life all the time, and it adds another feather in the cap for Merrick and his family.
    Yes and please.

  • @grumpyw01f But its not a fun activity, time consuming for nothing.
    There is no skill to use here, just a chore and those with gold can bypass that. Gold that came from actual activities.
    And it would serve further gold sink.

  • @faceyourdemon
    A chore? You just described fishing. The point of the fishing process is to be a chore.

  • @grumpyw01f No its not, digging mindlessly for worms is a chore.
    You might not like fishing but its not chore.

  • @fs-werlyars i think its a fine idea, as long as the seapost doesn't sell too much bait. Max bait one seapost can sell you is 15-30 (5-10 for each specific bait crate).

    Could also be a random crate of bait, that way you aren't always guaranteed the baut you want

  • @faceyourdemon
    I like fishing, it's just that I understand the point of the entire process is to be time-consuming and relaxing. Digging for bait is just part of the process. Buying it means that you'd never have to plan ahead for how much bait you might need, or even leave the seapost.

    With additions like buying bait, fishing becomes more and more of a robotic activity.

  • @fs-werlyars said in Purchase of bait on the sea posts.:

    Hi pirate!

    Today, I would like to share with you an idea that can improve fishing in general. Add it to buying boxes of worms, leeches and larva on sea posts, so you can start fishing faster instead of collecting bait for hours.

    What do you think of it?

    See you on the seas !


    Collecting bait for hours? I can get 10 bait in minutes! Slightly longer if you're looking for a specific type. Much faster if your crew contributes. Alternatively, your crewmates can alternate between fishing and gathering bait - while you catch fish, they get bait, and vice-versa.

  • agreed, the Hunters call should sell bait, and animal traps

    the cookpots they have should be usebale to cook fish and meat.

6 out of 14