TT#1 - Shroudbreaker

  • While doing this tall tale I was attacked by a skellie ship, while I was at Plunder outpost. I had the chest with the totem inside, but was being barraged by cannon fire and sinking (I was solo slooping). I also saw another pirate closing in on my ordeal.

    Thinking quickly, I grabbed my chest with the totem and buried it. Jumped on my ship and managed to travel some distance before sinking entirely.

    However, I lost track of my map bundle with the totem and chest buried at Plunder.

    When I respawned, I went back to Plunder but my totem and chest were no longer where I buried them. I know the other pirate didn't get to my bundle.

    1. Why did the chest and totem disappear? I thought buried items could be dug up even if you lose your map bundle.

    2. Is there any way of completing TT#1 once you've lost your totem?

    I vote canceled the tale for another day since I thought it was futile to continue without the totem.

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

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  • @bosun-rotrr You will receive checkpoints at certain stages of the tall tales, one of them is after collecting the totem. If you then cancel the voyage and restart it from this checkpoint the totem should appear on your ships voting table.

  • @foxdodge thank you! Thought I was going to have to start over. Much obliged.

    Still don't know why my totem disappeared after burying it though.

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