sword blunderbuss nerf

  • @illbushido305 i actually do use pistol sniper because for me its the most fun/satisfying to fight with combo. However i mostly play sloop so its kinda hard to stay away.

  • @snowtheheat you cannot run the sword stuns you.

  • @galactic-geek i dont use blunderbuss either

  • @htodogvan said in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    @snowtheheat you cannot run the sword stuns you.

    Only if the sword hits you, which it can't do if you run 1st. 😉

  • Sword range and damage nerf.

  • My solution is to ban double gunning.
    Now everyone has a sword.
    Issue resolved.
    Sword is useless when you get double gunned in less than a second.
    That's the issue.

  • They've both been nerfed before let them be

  • @talvheet that would just completely ruin hand to hand combat. Then u couldent even play more skill recquiring loadouts even if u wanted to. Fightin would just come down to luck.

  • Double-gunning has become even more viable now that gun-toting skeletons and phantoms will be dropping ammo pouches with the release of S5.

  • @htodogvan abusing an exploit is not skill.

  • @talvheet what exploit?? Really the only exploiting here is exploiting how op the sword is

  • @htodogvan sword has counter play. Being shot with 2 different weapons less than one second apart by bending weapon swap cooldown is an exploit.

  • @talvheet buddy, its not an exploit buddy also no, theres no counterplay to sword. People who want sword nerfed is because sword is way more broken than the other weapons, as sword players who complain about double gunning just got killed by a better player and dont actually have any valid proof of double gunning being op.

  • @htodogvan
    There is a block button. You have ranged weapons. There are plenty of ways to counter play swords.
    It is an exploit and I have been reporting it as such.

  • @nitroxien said in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    @sweetsandman Inconsistency is not an excuse to not nerf a broken weapon. There is a reason that in NAL they are exclusive sniper blunder it is by far the best combo.

    The sword feels so bad to play with when someone is DG blunder sniper (I switched to DG exclusively for this reason) however nerfing the blunder would make the sword OP since the sword beats sniper pistol.

    A good fix here would frankly be to nerf the reload on blunderbuss in someway and buff the pistol so that you can run sword pistol to counter blunder. Then alongside this nerf sword so that sniper/pistol can also have a spot in the meta vs sword by nerfing sword range.

    Nobody cares what the ""meta"" weapons are. I run Flintlock all the time because of its mix of ranged power and handling ease.

    As for your statement about "inconsistency" not being an excuse to nerf something, that shows you clearly haven't been paying attention. How can you definitively claim a weapon is "too powerful" when often enough a server can't properly register hits? Maybe you lose because you're just getting unlucky instead of outskilled?

  • @talvheet said in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    There is a block button. You have ranged weapons. There are plenty of ways to counter play swords.
    It is an exploit and I have been reporting it as such.

    An exploit is using an unintended mechanic to gain an unfair advantage that someone else would normally not have. Have two guns equipped is not an exploit but a choice. Having two guns has pros and cons just as having a cutlass and a gun does. The developers themselves have said that it is a choice and not an exploit. Different weapon load outs come into play for different situations and for double gun to work, they have to actually land both shots and have them register.

  • @illbushido305
    The issue is not 2 guns.
    The issue is shooting them both almost instantly, with virtually no delay on weapons swapping one shooting another player. Now that does not offer counter play.

    I was pretty clear on this.

  • @blam320 I can claim it's to powerful by the fact that sniper blunder is the only thing run in the NAL.

  • @nitroxien said in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    @blam320 I can claim it's to powerful by the fact that sniper blunder is the only thing run in the NAL.

    Read my first statement. NOBODY CARES what the people in the NAL run.

  • @talvheet the exploit part of it was fixed 1 year ago already. Double gunning is now just fine

  • @nitroxien no they run blunder sniper only so that like we discussed, they cant get advantage from using op broken weabon combinations to gain advantage.

  • @htodogvan ... they DG in the NAL because they don't want to use the best weapon combo in the game... sure... I'm sure they don't care about winning either.

  • Bro they nerfed the sword so hard and the blunder was nerfed

  • @nitroxien its not the players who make the rules bruh if sword blunder was allowed it would ot be fair to all competitors so its blunder sniper only BY RULES

  • @htodogvan what are you talking about... sword blunder is allowed in NAL


  • The blunderbuss is already inconsistent because of hit reg which kinda already needs the weapon. There are times you one shot someone, another time you blunder snipe someone or the knock back doesn't actually knock them off.

    The sword on the other hand, someone said before, the range needs to be decreased. Also, the sword stun and the blocking mechanic should be re-worked to function properly.

  • I find the blunderbuss really annoying, but I can trace most issues with it back to hit reg.

    The only thing I would like to see is for the bullets to actually come out of the gun's barrels instead of the shoulders. It's disheartening to get one blundered because I'm clipping into a shoulder from the side.

  • @d3adst1ck range ability really doesn’t matter from my 3 years of experience pvping in this broken game, boat combat (a majority of combat) is close ranged, and even snipers in this game really don’t work well at distance, both in terms of mechanics and horrible registration.

  • @personalc0ffee said in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    No balancing until after they fix hit registration issues.

    Until everyone has sub 20ms latency and 120+FPS, because low frame rates you will not see hit-reg improve. the Blue servers we play on are decent, but they're not really all that optimized for gaming, they're a business class server that's "good" at everything, but not truly great at one thing, like gaming. When you combine all this with the fact that many people play on the original Xbox1 (seriously hamstrings your gaming); There is no good practical way to fix hit-reg.

    Instead of "Fixing" hit-reg they should just take it out of the game because its basically never going to be fixed in the next Decade, so why even have it?

    As for the rest of the game, tuning is not a bad thing because its reasonably easy to do and does not often require they re-do the net code and talk EpicGames into further optimizing their engine.

  • @htodogvan
    "bro sword is broken bro you gotta believe me. double gunning isn't OP at all, it takes skill"

    there's a reason that all the sweats use double gun, and that's because it's absurdly strong, extremely easy, and exploits or not a quick kill.

    Sword has a counter, and that's any guns at any range. Pistol or Sniper can outrange you, and Blunderbuss can one shot at sword range.

    the current meta has evolved to double gunning because nothing was ever done about how strong it is. they literally buffed the sword's damage per swing in a futile attempt to make it so people didn't feel like they had a wasted slot.

    people run EoR and Blunder because you only need to land 1 shot with Eye of Reach to deal 75 damage and then only 2 (of the 10 pellets) from your blunder to get a kill and have 5 tries to do this.


    Having two guns has pros and cons just as having a cutlass and a gun does.

    this is why people run Eye of Reach and Blunderbuss. 75 damage at long range, and 70-100 at close. the weakness is... sometimes you might miss? ammo?

    most fights take place on ships, where everything is a funnel and you have access to infinite ammo.

  • @superpopato said in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    people run EoR and Blunder because you only need to land 1 shot with Eye of Reach to deal 75 damage and then only 2 (of the 10 pellets) from your blunder to get a kill and have 5 tries to do this.

    Last time I checked EoR dealt 70 damage instead of 75, and even if it dealt 75dm you'd still have to hit 3 pellets from your blunderbuss instead of 2.

    Double gun is so popular among "Sweats" because it's the most efficient and reliable way of combat. If you got good aim and can land your shots the only way they can outplay you is with their movement and using covers to their advantage.
    The main reason sword isn't as popular among them and some people claim it's broken is because it may suffer the most from hit reg issues, block not working, not preventing enemy from hitting you through your combo when their combo prevents you from hitting through, block not always working right away (usually in middle of a combo) back track and sometimes being unable to run a way from the sword due to the stun.

  • If anything double gun pistol/snipe needs a nerf especially ppl who animation cancel. Impossible to defend against if they get u before u get close

  • @limend Problem is not double gunning, but animation skipping, aka exploit.

    There is no counter play.
    It's not a "skill", it's an exploit and I have been reporting it as such, everyone should.

  • @superpopato "you only need to land one shot to deal 75 damage" bruh u need to land 0 to deal 100 dmg with the sword i dont play doublegun because its good i play it because i enjoy actually having to land shots to deal damage, + it will also be mor eenjoyable to the enemy when they arent getting insta stunlocked by a sword

  • @talvheet "not a skill" bruh you need to do like 9 perfet button presses in under half a second to actually pulla real animation cancel off. Most people dont animation cancel because its pretty much pointless the animanions are just fast so u can kill someone without cancelling in a second easily

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