The Sunken Pearl - Sad Chest Bug

  • Hi Guys, after some atempts we managed to get the chest to the door, funny thing: it doubled up and doesnt work in front of the door, screenshotet it for you.! Double the Cry [img][/img]

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  • @deathison8342 I might be wrong, but I always placed it on the smallest rock in the water to open it, the one closest to the door. I suppose it's possible that the room had not reset?

  • I get the chest but it won’t let me take it through the water it disappears. Has that happen to any of you guys

  • @the-turrent-guy sagte in The Sunken Pearl - Sad Chest Bug:

    I get the chest but it won’t let me take it through the water it disappears. Has that happen to any of you guys

    I've read about this issue from more my question...did you shoot or slash the blue thing next to that barrier so you can get through? I'm just wondering, because it seems to me, people manage to get through this without hitting that thing, so it opens up...

  • @the-turrent-guy
    happend 3 times before

  • @schwammlgott I've already completed all TT with all commendations and I can confirm that the chest does indeed disappear when traveling through the "bubble barrier" upon defeating the kraken. This was not always the case though. I think the patch they did messed up this TT

  • @robby0316 sagte in The Sunken Pearl - Sad Chest Bug:

    @schwammlgott I've already completed all TT with all commendations and I can confirm that the chest does indeed disappear when traveling through the "bubble barrier" upon defeating the kraken. This was not always the case though. I think the patch they did messed up this TT

    I did it after the patch and had no issue

  • @schwammlgott You're lucky then I never had a problem until I tried helping my friend get all commendations

  • It seems its complete c.. shoot. I think Solo doing this is the answer since I heard many people that had good luck with it, completed it solo.

  • @jadescissors32 said in The Sunken Pearl - Sad Chest Bug:

    It seems its complete c.. shoot. I think Solo doing this is the answer since I heard many people that had good luck with it, completed it solo.

    I've tried it solo 7 times and every time the chest bugs.

  • Dayum so this is still bugged? I thought this had (supposedly) been fixed?

    My buddy and I were going to try finishing it tonight but doesn't sound like that'll be an option :/

  • @theornerybear said in The Sunken Pearl - Sad Chest Bug:

    @jadescissors32 said in The Sunken Pearl - Sad Chest Bug:

    It seems its complete c.. shoot. I think Solo doing this is the answer since I heard many people that had good luck with it, completed it solo.

    I've tried it solo 7 times and every time the chest bugs.

    I have to admit I got that commendation on accident. (stole chest, went to secret room to barrel hide, got interested in wall writings, next thing I know message pops up I got commendation)
    But friends tried ,and they all finally completed solo, and I had seen Solo streamers complete with out issues but ones with crew struggled, so I was thinking solo works.
    Did your chest dissapered ? or fallen through?

    I had fallen to the bottom of that map once. I also had fallen to bottom of map in Coral too.

  • @jadescissors32 on live it's always disappeared out of my hands when passing through the barrier.

  • This is a known issue and should be fixed with the next monthly update.

  • @ninja-naranja I'm glad to hear that. It's really quite depressing. [Badum-tsss!]

  • @schwammlgott what should I do I want to complete it but it gets frustrating

  • @the-turrent-guy sagte in The Sunken Pearl - Sad Chest Bug:

    @schwammlgott what should I do I want to complete it but it gets frustrating

    I had no issues, even after the update...but we did it I don't know ho to help

  • @the-turrent-guy said in The Sunken Pearl - Sad Chest Bug:

    I get the chest but it won’t let me take it through the water it disappears. Has that happen to any of you guys

    The workaround seems to be before you start to raise the ship, place the chest at the top of the mast. That's how I got through with it.

  • @jeffjordan93 even with the problem that they’ve been having with or before it started to disappear.

  • @jeffjordan93 I tried it again last night by trying to place it through the barrier, passing through then grabbing it. that didn't work either. I'll have to try this method of placing it at the top of the mast before raising it.

14 out of 20