Ongoing cosmetic costs

  • I know the Dark Adventures set is a premium set and I am fine with that.

    However I am concerned that the Sunshine Parrot set is so much more expensive than the previous cosmetic sets in game.

    Is the Sunshine Parrot set going to be the standard price of things to come or will we be going back to the original pricing structure for cosmetics?

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  • Hopefully, this is the new price for things coming to the stores. The original store items are very cheap considering they were priced before many of the world events and emissaries were a thing. Making half a million in a play session is extremely easy now so the new prices shouldn't be a problem for any players to obtain.

  • @phantaxus

    If these are the new prices good. Gold is way too easy to come by. I made 500k last week from one session and 200k to 300k last night. It took longer to sell the loot then it did to get it.

    Put up an emissary flag and gather loot, you'll make money.

    With the new prices the game is finally shifting back its focus to turning in loot, not commendation farming.

  • @xultanis-dragon

    Yeah! Cause who does something just for fun anymore, right?

    Naw, nothing better than creating an artificial grind for it's own sake. The freedom of the open sea and charting your own course is for chumps anyway. Gimme that meta gameplay checklist and let me really distill it down into a series of chores instead of a free spirited adventure!


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  • You find obtaining gold a non fun grind?

  • over corrections are all too common

    I have mild concerns for balance here as well.

    I own all the items in adventure and still have a lot of gold to spend but what I do is on the extreme end. I have no issue having a very expensive set or 2 and no issue trying to lean more into making gold but we are on the edge of going too far imo. Will have to see what the next update or 2 bring but it does concern me a bit

    I'm seeing a pattern of stuff in general where I think they are over correcting in response to criticism or requests but we shall see where it goes. Too much stuff being too expensive can certainly be discouraging to a lot of play types but with the "we need more stuff to spend gold on" crowd being so loud maybe it's just where it is headed.

  • @wolfmanbush

    I think the issue is that there are players who remember how hard it used to be to get cosmetics where it took months and almost a year to buy everything, and players who are used to just buying out everything in the shops after 2 weeks of playing.

    Its not an over correction. Its how it should be.

    Cosmetics should be expensive, the grind shouldn't be commendation based. I shouldn't have to do a mission or quest 50 times to unlock the commendation for the cosmetic. I should be able to just play the game and the loot I turn in should be what matters.

    I've played very rarely since the new update with the new Dark Adventure boat skins, I've made 1m so far and thats with maybe 8 to 10 hours total of playing??

    Its really not that bad or horrible. People are forgetting that they are gaining TONS of loot from just playing the game and turning in loot. Emissary will also help with this.

    Games shouldn't be balanced around (and I'm sorry for this) players like you who spend massive amounts of hours playing this game. Streamers who are able to play 12 hours a day and have 80 to 100m still in the bank, thats their problem. The game should be balanced around players like those.

    Like the players complaining that the Seasons are too easy to level up in.

    The main difference between all of this and this is the main reason why I hate exclusive or time limited anything is because not everyone has the same amount of time available.

    My stance has always been not to punish players for having less time to do something and not to reward players who have all the time in the world.

    Recently Texas had a severe snow storm and a lot of places were without power or internet and this includes LTE. If they had any twitch drops during those times that would have been horrible.

    If the prices are high it only means that players will have to take the time and invest to get what they want and they will eventually be able to buy it.

  • @satanicnemesis said in Ongoing cosmetic costs:

    You find obtaining gold a non fun grind?

    Nope, I find it quite fun.

    Which is why I do it.

    Cause it's fun.

    Not to try and grind out the loot necessary to buy overpriced cosmetics that are only super expensive to give us a reason to grind out even MORE loot. I want to go collect loot because I enjoy the act; not because somebody's dangling keys in front of me to get me to do it.

    If Rare wants to put some hyper expensive sets in there, then I'm all for it. Gives the long time pirate millionaires something to buy.

    But saying it should be the regular price from now on?

    Nah, that's whack. I think a good 60/40 split between regular and legend prices is just fine. 50/50 would be pushing it, but I could still hang.

  • You know we are talking about the stores selling stuff at a couple million here for a full clothing/ship/weapon/item set? Not the price that the DA set cost.

  • @satanicnemesis said in Ongoing cosmetic costs:

    You know we are talking about the stores selling stuff at a couple million here for a full clothing/ship/weapon/item set? Not the price that the DA set cost.

    Is the full Sunshine Parrot set purchasable from somewhere? I only saw the wheel when I was flipping through the shipwright's store.

    Apologies if I'm coming across as overly antagonistic, but the whole notion of a "gold sink" just rubs me the wrong way to begin with. And the further idea of locking all new cosmetics behind exorbitant prices gets my hackles in a tizzy.

    I've been hoping for new clothing sets for awhile now and I REALLY don't like the implication that anything new is gonna take me another year to save up for. (Cause I sure as sugar ain't grinding for it.)

    Sure, the emissary system makes getting gold easier, but it was also supposed to be optional. If ALL cosmetics are priced with the emissary system in mind, then it is no longer optional.

    As a solo player who doesn't use emissary and has a lackadaisical play style, I understand and accept that things are going to take me longer or simply be out of my reach. I get that. But I think some new cosmetics should still be comparable in price to the less expensive stuff.

    Again, I'm fine with them adding "gold sink" priced stuff for the people who enjoy that. But that shouldn't be ALL they add.

  • As I've said in other threads, these items were previously destined for the Black Market and are instead now coming to the general shops.

    The prices are literally the same as black market items, I don't see why anyone is happy paying exorbitant prices for simple recolors. They're not "bootlegged" or "shady" recolors that undercut the general shops anymore, why are the prices still so high?

  • I want something to spend my money on but I don't want to feel I have to grind gold to keep up with current cosmetics.
    Before the release of the Dark Adventures set our crew used to enjoy filling the boat with loot then handing it over to a new player so they could benefit from the payday. Some of their reactions when they loaded in were wonderful.
    I don't want to stop doing this because I need to grind for gold to stay current on cosmetics.

  • I get what people are saying here, but I will say the game shouldn't be balanced around casual completionists either - and it feels like that is where some of these sentiments stem from. I'm pretty casual myself, don't even remotely have all the cosmetics in the game over my 3 years playing, but I do still have in the millions of gold and thousands of doubloons.

    The balance comes from have a little bit for multiple styles of play - and that means grinders need to have their things too. In a game where cosmetics are the thing, that means some cosmetics should have an obscene cost to them for those players. Until very recently, those cosmetics didn't exist while loads of more casually priced ones do.

    If that means for a few updates we see some outrageous prices on the cosmetics to get those folks their stuff available so be it. The game is still going and growing, so just play and do your thing and hopefully you'll get all the stuff you want eventually. Some stuff might just take longer for some play styles than others, but presumably we have time to work towards it as it stands right now.

    I'm sure at some point we'll have lower prices cosmetics added in the game again, even if it isn't for a few updates. I'm sure we'll have more freely unlocked cosmetics via Seasons as well. And I surely hope we also continue to see obscenely priced stuff so that everyone has stuff available to them and feel like they have a chance to get meaningful rewards for playing the way they like.

    And the game does well with that now that we have Seasons and the coming of crazy cosmetic prices. From the super casual to the super hardcore there is something meaningful you're going to be able to get now.

  • @redeyesith said in Ongoing cosmetic costs:

    If that means for a few updates we see SOME outrageous prices on the cosmetics to get those folks their stuff available so be it.

    SOME outrageous prices.

    Nobody here has a problem with some elite tier cosmetics for people who find enjoyment in grinding.

    We just don't want the outrageous prices to become the regular prices.

  • This was exactly my point 300K on each ship part feels too much and I am not a casual player

  • Honestly, what happened to the updates that added new and fun game mechanics instead of an annoying, tedious, grind that's only present to get me to play for a month? Cursed Sails? Forsaken Shores? Shrouded Spoils? Anyone?

  • @phantaxus said in Ongoing cosmetic costs:

    This was exactly my point 300K on each ship part feels too much and I am not a casual player

    If you’re not a casual player then there shouldn’t be a problem whatsoever. The silent barnacle set came to a total of 2.6 million gold and I bought it all in one go as soon as it came out. I have regained 3/4 of that gold playing casually as a reaper emissary due to not having as much play time recently. If I played more frequently as I imagine you do, I would have gained it all back already dude. Trust me it’s not the end of the world.

  • @phantaxus said in Ongoing cosmetic costs:

    I want something to spend my money on but I don't want to feel I have to grind gold to keep up with current cosmetics.
    Before the release of the Dark Adventures set our crew used to enjoy filling the boat with loot then handing it over to a new player so they could benefit from the payday. Some of their reactions when they loaded in were wonderful.
    I don't want to stop doing this because I need to grind for gold to stay current on cosmetics.

    This is the problem with the current game mechanics. This is also the reason why PvP'ers are so hungry and attack everything that moves, me included.

    You have just proven the issue and what I was saying. Gold wasn't important to anyone because they could buy everything instantly and easily, even new players.

    However NOW you have to actually earn gold. You have to gather and turn in loot, you and everyone else. Which means you will have to do the things that give lots of gold, aka events, fort of the damned, or just hoarding treasure onboard.

    The game focused too heavily on farming commendation. Players would get on, complete the quest or speed run it and don't even bother getting gold because like you they had more than enough to buy tons of the current priced cosmetics.

    The new prices are forcing you guys to actually play the game.

    Since the introduction of the new prices I have seen A LOT MORE emissary flags on the servers. Players doing flamehearts and ashen winds. I've even run into a FoTD or 2.

    Players are going back to trying to get gold.

    Grinding for commendation or grinding for gold is the same, its grinding. Except commendations are forcing you to play the same quest over and over and over. Grinding for gold, you can literally do whatever you want and you get money from anything.

    I'd rather grind for gold where I have a choice to do what I want, versus commendation farming where I just farm the same quest that might even have RNG in it.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Ongoing cosmetic costs:

    However NOW you have to actually earn gold. You have to gather and turn in loot, you and everyone else. Which means you will have to do the things that give lots of gold, aka events, fort of the damned, or just hoarding treasure onboard.

    In other words, play the game this certain way or be punished for it.


    Nothing I like better in my open world sandbox than being forced into a playstyle.

    I'd rather grind for gold where I have a choice to do what I want, versus commendation farming where I just farm the same quest that might even have RNG in it.

    I'd rather play the game how I want and give both gold grinding and commendation farming the bird while knowing I have some small chance of affording some new gear.

    I'm not sure what the problem with having both is. Have your super fancy cosmetics that event grinders can swank about in while still having an equal stock of merchandise for those of us who just like playing around.

  • you guys do realize that you started the game with the best of the best equipment rite? why is everyone so upset about a paint job? (i know that's a simplification)

  • @vac.a-hombre said in Ongoing cosmetic costs:

    @xultanis-dragon said in Ongoing cosmetic costs:

    However NOW you have to actually earn gold. You have to gather and turn in loot, you and everyone else. Which means you will have to do the things that give lots of gold, aka events, fort of the damned, or just hoarding treasure onboard.

    In other words, play the game this certain way or be punished for it.


    Nothing I like better in my open world sandbox than being forced into a playstyle.

    Your not being punished for it. You can play the game however way you want now. If you think earning gold is somehow punishing you then you are saying that the game should just give all the cosmetics away for free because heaven forbid you have to do anything for them right??

    I don't understand how this is forcing your playstyle when you can basically do ANYTHING to earn gold. Fish, Kill megs or skelly ships, do whichever event you prefer, do FoTD's, do any of the NPC quests, hunt players, explore for loot.

    You can literally play anyways you want and earn gold to purchase the cosmetics.

    It makes no sense how you can say it forces your playstyle.

    I'd rather grind for gold where I have a choice to do what I want, versus commendation farming where I just farm the same quest that might even have RNG in it.

    I'd rather play the game how I want and give both gold grinding and commendation farming the bird while knowing I have some small chance of affording some new gear.

    ??? You are not making ANY sense broski. None. You can do whatever you want, hell you can even play arena if you wanted and it'll work towards your rewards.

    Stop trying to make it sound like the new prices are keeping you from playing how you want.

    I'm not sure what the problem with having both is. Have your super fancy cosmetics that event grinders can swank about in while still having an equal stock of merchandise for those of us who just like playing around.

    ??? Again how can you not get the swank?? You can just play the game and earn the cosmetics by turning in loot. How you earn that loot is completely and entirely upto you and however you want to play.

    Commendation farming is FORCED gameplay. High gold prices is not.

    Unless you want to explain to me how that is.

  • @xultanis-dragon

    Well, let's take a look at your previous post.

    @xultanis-dragon said in Ongoing cosmetic costs:

    Which means you will have to do the things that give lots of gold, aka events, fort of the damned, or just hoarding treasure onboard.

    All of which are things I don't like to do. I like doing voyages, fishing, catching animals, etc. But I like to do them at my leisure in the way I enjoy doing them.

    Your statement above states that new, higher prices would mean I would have to do things your way (emissary, events, etc) if I wanted any of these leet tier skins.

    If you think earning gold is somehow punishing you then you are saying that the game should just give all the cosmetics away for free because heaven forbid you have to do anything for them right??

    Let's refrain from putting words in my mouth, thank you. I already stated that I have no issue with high priced gear. I think it's a good idea specifically for folks who have a surplus of gold and don't mind grinding.

    As the game stands now, I have no complaints.

    My only issue is the idea that ALL gear should be super high priced. I know my playstyle isn't the standard approach and I'm willing to accept the limitations that brings.

    Any gear linked to PvP is out cause I don't PvP. No problem.

    Super high priced stuff like the Athena ship stuff is probably out cause I'm pretty lackadaisical about making gold. No problem.

    The Dark Adventurer stuff is out for the same reason. No problem.

    But ALL new cosmetics being super expensive? No, I don't like that.

    And in return, could you answer my question about what would be the problem with having both expensive and affordable cosmetics?

  • It’s the same price as the Silent Barnacle set. Although yeah, over a mill for a normal ship set is kinda steep

  • @v-hombre Ok, so what I've noticed, is that the FULL Silent Barnacle and FULL Sunshine Parrot sets each cost around 2.5 million.

    That's the price of one Dark Adventurer Weapon, but split across an entire set, with the ship set making up nearly half of that price.

    In my opinion, I think that's a fine price.

  • @klutchxking518

    Considering the Sunshine Parrot set is literally a repaint of the other two parrot sets, and most of the pieces cost almost 100,000 more....

    At least the Dark Adventurer set is new. At least the Athena set is unique. At least the legendary figureheads have extra bling to them.

    They wanna make a super cool cosmetic set and charge high prices for 'em? Cool. No problem there.

    You repaint an old set and more than double the price?

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  • @v-hombre To be fair, these sets are ones that would normally be in the Black Market, that have been moved to normal shops due to the Black Market's discontinuation, I'd wager that we'll periodically see these more expensive sets, along with the basic normal sets that cost normal prices. But recolors and more exotic things will be more expensive is the trend i'm expecting.

  • I think everything was priced too cheaply to begin with. They should have had nicer looking clothes cost significantly more. You'd be able to buy the ratty bilge rat stuff and then you'd come across a pirate wearing admiral clothes or a fancy looking ship and know those pirates had a bit of coin.

    Pricing most of the sets the same was a mistake from the beginning. There should have been much more "pricing tiers" for all of the cosmetics because now we have huge jumps instead of gradual steps. The new pricing we are getting now would be less of a shock because there would be less of a difference in cost.

  • @klutchxking518

    Which is fine.

    I'm really not complaining about any of the current prices. I'm just against "super expensive" becoming the norm.

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