New cursed cannonballs

  • I pretty sure you know where I got this from and before I get into anything I’m getting this from Absolutepixle so people don’t reply with “OMG YOU STOLE THAT IDEA”. Further on I think that rare should get rid of the dance ball and the sleep ball and combine them into making that certain player do a certain emote from their wheel it would make it more funny but the same as the old one and it could be called the troll ball or something it would be nice and funny. Another thing to add is more ways to break a ship. I know I know the system they have now works great but it would be kinda cool if there were other ways to break a ship maybe if you set a ship on fire if a fire is in a certain place for long enough it could make a hole not on the side but on the ship for players to jump through and it would make it harder to go around the boat. Like I said this is a idea something to make the game more fun but I’m not asking and begging just throwing it out there

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