Sea of Thieves Coin 24K Gold

  • Hello people,

    I have been browsing Sea of Thieves for a long time and had always wanted to set up my own treasure corner in my house, looking for lots of coins based on the game that I never found, I decided to make them myself, I leave you a sample, I await your opinions! : D

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    Weight: 50 grams!
    Diameter: 4.5cm / 1.7 ''
    Thickness: 5mm / 0.19inch
    Plating: 24k gold (resistant)

    You can get this on Etsy

  • 5
  • @gattsujim
    Rare has several coins in their shop... noticing a (c) microsoft in there ...

  • @lem0n-curry Yeah I know, but are a bit different from in game coins, my coins are just to make a pirate chest :)

  • @gattsujim but both sides are the do I use it to make important decisions?

  • @william-flint look on the bright side you will always know the result and you can cheat like a good pirate hahahah ;)

4 out of 5