Weapon wheel but only 5 Bullets

  • I know everyone disagrees but the ability to use every weapon would be so awesome and everyone who complains about certain weapons would have to be quiet because if they lost a fight it would be their fault and they wouldn't be able to blame a "bad matchup" or "game isnt balanced" because they would have access to every weapon for every situation.

    I feel like only 5 bullets is enough of a drawback to make this work. You shoot your sniper once, that's only four bullets for your pistol etc.

    Yes every weapon type can win over any other weapon type based on strategy and skill but with only less than 3% of the players actually being competent 97% of players blame the weapon load out they were currently using saying the game isnt balanced. So to appease the 97% that cant walk to their weapon box quick enough to pull out a pistol or sniper on an approaching ship or cant grab a blunder before boarding, we should have access to all weapons with only 5 bullets...

    I'm content with the way the game is and this post is totally in vain because this would of course be super overpowered and give me an extremely unfair advantage over noobs but hey I'm trying.

  • 22
  • Um... 🤷‍♂️

  • I think what they're trying to suggest is a shared ammo pool for all firearms. This discourages double-gunning by limiting how many shots you're able to take overall. However, it does very much punish missed shots, and on top of that makes carrying two firearms much more restrictive since there's now an extra layer of micro-managing your ammo count.

    Of course, they're also suggesting we have access to all weapons at the same time. Which IMO makes things a little too easy, since you'll never be in a situation where you won't have an answer to it, unless you somehow run out of ammunition.

  • Sounds like a lot to manage in the heat of battle and it takes away from the specialisation of your weapons load out, also teamwork. Most FPS games give you two, possibly three weapon slots, I guess that must be the concensus around how many weapons most people can effectively manage. There are also many other items in our inventory that we need to manage and have space for. It is difficult to please every type of player though.

  • @robby0316 This would not work. I believe part of the skill gap in this game is people having to choose two weapons by weighing the pros and cons. If this was added it would also decrease the point of using more than one gun. Lastly, as @Blam320 this would makes things a little too easy.

  • @robby0316 I really don’t think this is a good idea. As @Blam320 has said, it really restricts double gunning and all. To add onto that, all firearms use different types of bullets, regardless of the gun.
    Pistol:slightly smaller bullets
    Sniper: probably around musket ball size
    Blunderbuss: lots of small bullets
    Plus, this just seems daft anyway. I know your point is basically help noobs and what not but it just seems like you are complaining about double gun. Happy sailing, haven’t seen you on the forums for a bit!

  • @robby0316
    Honestly, why would you try to appease bad sportsmanship? I see no reason to try and find a solution for a problem that isn't there just because someone with a bad attitude complained about it. It's also worth mentioning that I've never encountered anyone complaining about a bad matchup after me killing them.

  • People seem to forget - you're often not just carrying 2 weapons. You're sometimes carrying up to 3 or 4. Throwables are weapons too! 🙄

    It's important to consider how many you can kill with each weapon before your ammo runs out. With blunderbuss, you potentially get 5 kills max, with the flintlock and EoR, it's 2.5 kills max, each. So, with 2 guns, it's anywhere between 5 and 7.5 kills max, depending on which guns you're using. Naturally, any loadout with the sword, the max is infinite. If bombs are being carried, add 2.5 kills to those numbers.

  • Can confirm from my end. Never see double gunning as an issue. Im on xbox tho so that may be why.

  • @blam320 @Galactic-Geek @DaringClarky @ScurvyWoof

    What hes talking about is having a full load-out with only 5 bullets total.

    This means that you will have sword, pistol, blunder, sniper all at the same time. This isn't a 2 weapon loadout, hes talking about a all weapons load-out.

    Doesn't turn into double gunning, it turns into triple gunning. The 5 bullets are irrelevant at that point since now they have pistol, sniper, AND blunder now.


    No to your idea because you are trying to fix double gunning by making triple gunning and you are suggesting that this would open up new avenues for balance but that is a load of bs. The main focus for combat in the game would switch to guns entirely as that would be the strongest meta.

    So no.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Weapon wheel but only 5 Bullets:

    @blam320 @Galactic-Geek @DaringClarky @ScurvyWoof

    What hes talking about is having a full load-out with only 5 bullets total.

    This means that you will have sword, pistol, blunder, sniper all at the same time. This isn't a 2 weapon loadout, hes talking about a all weapons load-out.

    Doesn't turn into double gunning, it turns into triple gunning. The 5 bullets are irrelevant at that point since now they have pistol, sniper, AND blunder now.


    No to your idea because you are trying to fix double gunning by making triple gunning and you are suggesting that this would open up new avenues for balance but that is a load of bs. The main focus for combat in the game would switch to guns entirely as that would be the strongest meta.

    So no.

    I understand the idea he is suggesting.
    I dont think its needed though because ive never experienced double gunning much at all.

  • Idk if any of you will read this but I dont mind double gunners at all. I'm trying to make access to all weapons a possibility by inserting a huge drawback (shared ammo). I would love access to every weapon I'm carrying essentially like Far Cry haha. Most crews I play with always rage when they get killed by a "sword spammer" because they cant block. Got killed by a sniper because they were carrying a blunder. Got killed by a pistol because they were carrying a blunder. Or got killed by a blunder because they were carrying a sniper/pistol & missed all their shots.

    Obviously as a seasoned player its easy to fight all sorts of weapon loadouts. But most people I meet have gotten to the point of rage quit over simply thinking the opponent always has an advantage over them instead of blaming their own skill.

    I don't care when I die from another player because I've finally reached that point of "it's just a game". But I play with a lot of people that just can't wrap their brain around how to fight against players when they chose rock and they're fighting against paper.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Weapon wheel but only 5 Bullets:

    @blam320 @Galactic-Geek @DaringClarky @ScurvyWoof

    What hes talking about is having a full load-out with only 5 bullets total.

    This means that you will have sword, pistol, blunder, sniper all at the same time. This isn't a 2 weapon loadout, hes talking about a all weapons load-out.

    Doesn't turn into double gunning, it turns into triple gunning. The 5 bullets are irrelevant at that point since now they have pistol, sniper, AND blunder now.


    No to your idea because you are trying to fix double gunning by making triple gunning and you are suggesting that this would open up new avenues for balance but that is a load of bs. The main focus for combat in the game would switch to guns entirely as that would be the strongest meta.

    So no.

    Uh... yeah, we already knew that and we already gave our thoughts on why it's a bad idea. Did you not actually read our posts?

  • @xultanis-dragon I know exactly what he's talking about.

  • @robby0316 said in Weapon wheel but only 5 Bullets:

    Idk if any of you will read this but I dont mind double gunners at all. I'm trying to make access to all weapons a possibility by inserting a huge drawback (shared ammo). I would love access to every weapon I'm carrying essentially like Far Cry haha. Most crews I play with always rage when they get killed by a "sword spammer" because they cant block. Got killed by a sniper because they were carrying a blunder. Got killed by a pistol because they were carrying a blunder. Or got killed by a blunder because they were carrying a sniper/pistol & missed all their shots.

    Obviously as a seasoned player its easy to fight all sorts of weapon loadouts. But most people I meet have gotten to the point of rage quit over simply thinking the opponent always has an advantage over them instead of blaming their own skill.

    I don't care when I die from another player because I've finally reached that point of "it's just a game". But I play with a lot of people that just can't wrap their brain around how to fight against players when they chose rock and they're fighting against paper.

    Look at it this way. With all of your weapons, we wouldn't need armory boxes.

  • @galactic-geek imagine replacing the weapon box with a target to practice aiming at

  • @robby0316 said in Weapon wheel but only 5 Bullets:

    @galactic-geek imagine replacing the weapon box with a target to practice aiming at

    Every weapon shop already has 1 or more of those, though (as do a few other islands) - I practice with them all of the time. A ship's mast also already makes for an arguably better substitute too.

  • @robby0316 said in Weapon wheel but only 5 Bullets:

    I know everyone disagrees but the ability to use every weapon would be so awesome and everyone who complains about certain weapons would have to be quiet because if they lost a fight it would be their fault and they wouldn't be able to blame a "bad matchup" or "game isnt balanced" because they would have access to every weapon for every situation.

    I feel like only 5 bullets is enough of a drawback to make this work. You shoot your sniper once, that's only four bullets for your pistol etc.

    Yes every weapon type can win over any other weapon type based on strategy and skill but with only less than 3% of the players actually being competent 97% of players blame the weapon load out they were currently using saying the game isnt balanced. So to appease the 97% that cant walk to their weapon box quick enough to pull out a pistol or sniper on an approaching ship or cant grab a blunder before boarding, we should have access to all weapons with only 5 bullets...

    I'm content with the way the game is and this post is totally in vain because this would of course be super overpowered and give me an extremely unfair advantage over noobs but hey I'm trying.

    all the weapons now have five musket balls so i think you're just trolling

  • @closinghare208 did you read the post? You have access to every weapon but only have 5 bullets. Shared ammo. You shoot a blunder then switch to pistol you have 4 bullets. You shoot your pistol switch to sniper now you have 3 bullets.

  • Ohhh boy, this post is descending into chaos

  • @robby0316 said in Weapon wheel but only 5 Bullets:

    @closinghare208 did you read the post? You have access to every weapon but only have 5 bullets. Shared ammo. You shoot a blunder then switch to pistol you have 4 bullets. You shoot your pistol switch to sniper now you have 3 bullets.

    The versatility is the issue...

  • @robby0316 said in Weapon wheel but only 5 Bullets:

    @closinghare208 did you read the post? You have access to every weapon but only have 5 bullets. Shared ammo. You shoot a blunder then switch to pistol you have 4 bullets. You shoot your pistol switch to sniper now you have 3 bullets.

    ok then i would like to add the way it is is fine and well balanced

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