Cutlass is completely overpowered

  • You simply should not be able to swing at me while I'm at full health or eating meat and kill me with a few swipes while just moving forward and spamming your attack button. The sword was perfectly fine in my opinion before they ever updated it after Shroud update. Now it is so easy a first week player watches YouTube and realizes, move forward, spam attack with sword. There is absolutely no skill involved in using cutlass anymore whatsoever. So in any fight you're ever in now, you may as well never use anything but blunder and sword, because you're most likely going to get sword spammed out of your mind before you can do ANYTHING in ANY fight. It's ignorant that it only takes four swipes to kill, it's ignorant that it practically has no cool down rate after a swing. Fix the cutlass, or you're most likely just going to keep losing the fa base you have worked so hard to develop. Nobody wants to stick around for a PvP game that can't figure out proper melee combat balance.

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  • @ogoshdam said in Cutlass is completely overpowered:

    . Nobody wants to stick around for a PvP game that can't figure out proper melee combat balance.

    This isn't a PvP game

  • @ogoshdam said in Cutlass is completely overpowered:

    You simply should not be able to swing at me while I'm at full health or eating meat and kill me with a few swipes while just moving forward and spamming your attack button.

    Why not? If you can't or don't know how to get out of the way, then that's your fault for not blocking (if you have a sword) or keeping your distance (if you have 2 guns).

    The sword was perfectly fine in my opinion before they ever updated it after Shroud update.

    It wasn't. It's far better now because it's more balanced than ever. It can now compete with the firearms with it's time to kill ratio.

    Now it is so easy a first week player watches YouTube and realizes, move forward, spam attack with sword.

    It's a pointy stick - it's going to be easy to use. However, that doesn't mean that it's the best way to use it. Anyone who moves directly at the enemy and tries combo them will quickly be blocked and dispatched by any pirate or crew worth their salt.

    There is absolutely no skill involved in using cutlass anymore whatsoever.

    I disagree - virtually every pirate I see underutilizes the sword in some way. I have yet to see an exception.

    So in any fight you're ever in now, you may as well never use anything but blunder and sword, because you're most likely going to get sword spammed out of your mind before you can do ANYTHING in ANY fight.

    What if you're on an island? Or underwater? Or fighting ship to ship? Sword and blunder is only really good for ship defense, or offense if you manage to board.

    It's ignorant that it only takes four swipes to kill, it's ignorant that it practically has no cool down rate after a swing.

    Ignorant means "you don't know" so I'm not sure about your context here. 4 swipes was needed to balance the kill times between weapons. Prior to that change, a double gunner could easily get both shots off by tanking your 5 hits and kill you 1st.

    Fix the cutlass, or you're most likely just going to keep losing the fa base you have worked so hard to develop.

    They did, and their fanbase is growing.

    Nobody wants to stick around for a PvP game that can't figure out proper melee combat balance.

    It's a PvEvP game...

    I suggest you check out my handy weapons and tactics guide - you may learn a lot from the cutlass entry.

  • @ogoshdam

    If you are wearing a sword, just block?
    If you are wearing a blunderbuss, just shoot and either kill them or knock them back.
    If you are full long range, just shoot them twice before they are near?

    You are free to run forward and spam swings at me, if that is the extent of your skill ... I will most likely kill you with a larger variety of moves.

    Just because something is easy to do and you fail to respond properly doesn't make it good. Play accordingly with the weapon choices that you made, if you have skill you should be able to win the majority of times.

    Unable to do anything at all... you have much to learn about positioning and the strengths and weaknesses of your build.

  • @mferr11 yes it is.

  • @ogoshdam said in Cutlass is completely overpowered:

    @mferr11 yes it is.

    No, it isn't - that is but one aspect. It is PvPvE. The fact you see this as some PvP FPS instead of what it actually is why you wrongly think the sword is overpowered. If you were better at the game and did not allow them to get close (as any skilled DG player would) then you wouldn't be crying about it.

  • @ogoshdam

    You simply should not be able to swing at me while I'm at full health or eating meat and kill me with a few swipes while just moving forward and spamming your attack button.

    Made my day, why not?

  • @ogoshdam said in Cutlass is completely overpowered:

    @mferr11 yes it is.

    No, it isn't.

    "The Adventure is the place to find story-driven and encounter-led escapades, freely explore the world and rise through the ranks of the Trading Companies as you strive to become a Pirate Legend."

    None of that screams PvP game to me. Just because you can shoot someone doesn't mean the entire game is centred around shooting people.

  • Sorta agree. Rae wants new people to be welcomed to the game. But nerfing the sword a lot like double gun has won’t help anyone. Maybe a bit more of a consequence when missing a swing and slightly lower the range, maybe even lowering stunlock to 2 hits per stunlock. And that is not what ignorant means, either.

  • I like that doublegunners like you, forget how OP doublegunning was before the cutlass buff. You didn't complain then, why complain now? Then you had the upperhand, now we do. Just go with the flow.

4 out of 10