Finally! Pirate Legend.

  • I feel kinda bad. My last bit needed was Merchant Alliance. 5 levels. I used the Emissary system to complete the last 5 levels.

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  • ☠ Welcome to the Club @GreaserPunk

    why feel bad? its where the game begins, now you can stop grinding and start playing and contribute to the Community of Sea of Thieves as a Piratelegend.
    Ok you could have stopped grinding before, but now for sure :)
    Roam around, have fun as a Piratelegend, help others, make others fear you, enjoy a Pirateslife!

  • @bugaboo-bill I meant I feel bad I used the merchant emissary system to boost the last five levels lol. Grinding merchant missions is so tedious though lol.

  • @greaserpunk Your so called buying levels is pretty mild. Seeing how the letters of recommendation when they first came out had no limit and the first pirate legend just cheesed his way there. In my view your pirate legend status is well deserved and you should not feel bad in the slightest. I myself bought the last 4 levels of merchants....cause its merchants and I could not bring myself to hunt down one more golden chicken.

    Congrats on you induction to pirate legend. We'll teach you the secret handshake later.

  • @greaserpunk sagte in Finally! Pirate Legend.:

    @bugaboo-bill I meant I feel bad I used the merchant emissary system to boost the last five levels lol. Grinding merchant missions is so tedious though lol.

    i dislike Cargo's, but i like to catch and deliver animals, its what i've done the whole time to rank up in merchants and already got that Merchats Ship ;)

    I love the figurhead and combine it with Omen Ship Hull and OoS Cannons, Anchor and Wheel.

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