Reattatch/return own emmisary flag.

  • I was disappointed to find that on battling a crew. We were unable to reattatch/turn in our own emmisary flag. We had gotten to grade 3 and battled for a while with a reaper. Both ships sank once but we ended up sailing away with both emmisary flags. It would be fitting if we could reattach our flag as the victor.

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  • @tacantacan did you try to reattach it at the emissary table? If it works, it probably has to be done there...

  • @schwammlgott I did try and it does need t reattach it prompts to vote to join the emissary like I never was in.

  • @tacantacan did you try it with your old flag in your hands?

  • If you both sank there was no victor. Just 2 losers. At least, in regards to the Emissary system.

  • @tacantacan does not reattach
    We were able to take the reapers emissary flag to reapers hideout. So I consider that a win. We had our emissary flag in hand and were not able to reattatch it . Pretty sure the game mechanic does not support it. Best I can figure is it’s this way to prevent exploiting like say in an alliance server which we all know don’t exist.

  • You cant rearatch your own flag. You can sell it though for 1 gold.

  • It should not be possible to reattach the flag. You got sunk, you lost. End of it. I know it sucks when it happens (have lost my flags many times)... but it makes perfect sense as it is now. You get sunk, you loose it.

    Just my couple of cents on the matter,

  • I suppose this would give a reason to those that got sunk to try and capture their flag back which would seem to incentivize more PvP, that said doing so could create a loop that never ends.

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