Masked Stranger Lady not buying Chest of Sorrow

  • I thought she was paying double for loot... What gives?

    This is the only thing I had to sell... and she isn't taking it, did I miss something?

    What does she wants?

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  • @curseborne You can see what she takes if you go into Bilge rats.

    For gold she takes:
    Captain’s Chests
    Villainous Skulls
    Crates of Exotic Silks
    Chests of Legends and Ashen Chests of Legend

  • @frostsh0t said in Masked Stranger Lady not buying Chest of Sorrow:

    @curseborne You can see what she takes if you go into Bilge rats.

    For gold she takes:
    Captain’s Chests
    Villainous Skulls
    Crates of Exotic Silks
    Chests of Legends and Ashen Chests of Legend

    Ashen variants of the captains chest and villainous skull are also accepted I believe.

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