How's Opt-Out Looking for PC Players?

  • Seeing people praise it on the Xbox side, how's it looking on PC? Spent a 3 and a half hour session and only saw 1 ship and I'm starting to see "xbox only" lfg posts, curious to see if I'm just unlucky or if the servers are actually going to be a lot quieter for us.

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  • I think you're just unlucky mate. All servers I've joined have been pretty populated so far.

  • @n1njah1 If that's the case great all I know from personal experience is a dead server even with server migration.

  • Seems a tad hit or miss on server populations for myself but i think we'll all have a better feel of the effects this will have after a week or two.
    I'm waiting to get a PC only option box to select but i doubt that'll happen anytime soon if at all.

  • @ixxolos

    It's not a feature that has ever really been requested. Perhaps you could start the ball rolling and ask for it?

  • @ixxolos Yeah I agree with giving it a week to see what happens I was just curious to see how everyone's first day on opt-out was, to be honest though I only see more LFG posts adding that xbox only tag to their already long list of requirements tags and it generally getting more toxic.

    @needsmokes said in How's Opt-Out Looking for PC Players?:


    It's not a feature that has ever really been requested. Perhaps you could start the ball rolling and ask for it?

    Actually I have seen this requested before but I think it got buried pretty quickly

  • 0 difference.. 2 days before the update never seen a single ship for 4 hours and was server merged 3 times and never saw a ship..

    Yesterday seen 2 ships in 3 hours 🤷‍♂️

    But you can't judge a change on one day... wait a month and see

  • @x5h3ar3rx Last time I played (before opt-out came out) I saw 3 ships in about an hour and a half actively searching for them I guess it's more luck of the draw I'm just hoping it doesn't turn into arena basically where you never find anyone lol

  • @navillicious said in How's Opt-Out Looking for PC Players?:

    @x5h3ar3rx Last time I played (before opt-out came out) I saw 3 ships in about an hour and a half actively searching for them I guess it's more luck of the draw I'm just hoping it doesn't turn into arena basically where you never find anyone lol

    Yea pretty much luck of the draw.. unless everybody teamed up fishing somewhere 🤔

    I wouldn't worry tbh 👌

  • So far I haven't noticed any difference. The same amount of ships and it seems like either almost nobody opted-out, or the PC players have the same potato aim like the Xbox players.
    (Disclaimer: I am lovely stormtrooper as well.)

  • No wonder they are probably all hiding and camping on the double gold hot spot. 🤭🙆‍♂️

  • We sailed 3-4 hours on a crossplay server Las night ( We're Box players too lazy to change settings 😂) and saw a total of two ships. We merged so many times it was becoming annoying! As for me I'll stay in crossplay for awhile to see if it was just a fluke or if the servers are actually this empty.
    I for one think the pc players help create a more mature player base and therefore present greater challenges in both tactical and cloak & dagger battles.
    If the empty servers continue though we might be forced to opt out.☹

  • @dag-13ernit Would be a shame to have to opt-out just to see other ships hoping it was a fluke

  • @navillicious You know I thought RARE did an excellent job with "timing" concerning the release of "opt out". They let the player base intertwine for almost two years so that we'd form friendships in crossplay that at a latter date would help keep the crossplay servers strong.
    What might have gone wrong is that RARE and Microsoft might not have considered how much of a split the shoddy Xbox app and Discord have caused.
    One example is the pc players ability to communicate in both party chat and game chat at the same time on the Xbox application.
    My pc friends have always been the voice of our crews during correspondence with other crews. This is one of many examples of X Box failing their users. We would also like to speak to other crews without having to close down our party chat!😂
    The split crippled their plan of creating many of those bonds.😐

  • @dag-13ernit Imo all this update is going to do is create more toxicity and discrimination in the community, must be xbox only or must be pc only etc etc, but hey if the cross play servers die I guess we finally get those PvE servers people been asking for

  • @navillicious 😝

  • I sailed last night for about 4 hours, had 3 migrations, and saw one player ship the entire session.

    Let's see what the next few weeks bring, but if it's a regular occurance, then there is genuine grounds to appeal i suspect and have it addressed.

    initial impressions though is that the prefernce is having a negative effect, despite claims otherwise leading up to it.

  • The cross-play servers can never die. When there aren't enough players to populate the cross-play servers the game forces the Xbox players who opted-out to server merge to the cross-play servers. It does the same when there aren't enough Xbox-only players. The opting out works only when both server types' populations are somewhat balanced.

  • @navillicious Less than 24 hrs is hardly enough time to gauge any solid impact the new Adventure opt out "preference" has worked, yes initially a lot of Xbox players who wanted this have seen a difference and a positive one.

    The main crossplay pool sounds like it is how its been for the last year, either very busy or not busy at all. A PC only pool wouldnt really be any different as the Crossplay pool is still every PC player and every Console M&K player and those who do not tick the opt out preference.

    Be interesting to see how RARE manage the main pool of servers to keep them busier for all.

  • @dag-13ernit

    Oh noooo thats true they where not only our boarding party but also top negotiators 😶

    We need opt in for negotiators 🙆‍♂️

  • @navillicious said in How's Opt-Out Looking for PC Players?:

    @dag-13ernit Would be a shame to have to opt-out just to see other ships hoping it was a fluke

    I'm on Xbox and most of my friends are PC I really hope I don't have to opt out to play this game. Everything seemed normal last night. I love playing with my PC friends I've have only met a few PC gamers I didn't like, but I can say the same thing about Xbox players try to remember we all GAMERS!

  • @letslipthedogs We just out here gaming! Yeah I mean hey if it turns out to work as well as it always has great these posts can die

  • @navillicious said in How's Opt-Out Looking for PC Players?:

    @letslipthedogs We just out here gaming! Yeah I mean hey if it turns out to work as well as it always has great these posts can die

    Amen to that!

  • @ixxolos said in How's Opt-Out Looking for PC Players?:

    I'm waiting to get a PC only option box to select but i doubt that'll happen anytime soon if at all.

    You want to leave me too?

    alt text

  • @archaell said in How's Opt-Out Looking for PC Players?:

    The cross-play servers can never die. When there aren't enough players to populate the cross-play servers the game forces the Xbox players who opted-out to server merge to the cross-play servers. It does the same when there aren't enough Xbox-only players. The opting out works only when both server types' populations are somewhat balanced.

    This is wrong.

    Xbox players that select the Xbox Controller Preference will be matched with other Xbox players that have selected the Xbox Controller Preference. They will only be put in crossplay servers if the system can find enough other Xbox players that have selected the Xbox Controller Preference.

    Nowhere has Rare said they will force Xbox players who have selected the Xbox Controller Preference into crossplay servers if the crossplay servers don't have enough players.

    See the quote from Rare's update below:
    Adventure Cross Play – Xbox players now have an option in the main settings menu (before jumping into a game session) to enable an Xbox controller preference for Adventure matchmaking. This will search for Xbox players using controllers and attempt to match you with players who have also selected this option. If not enough players can be found with this preference, you will be moved to a mixed-platform game so that you can still get into the action.

  • @dag-13ernit said in How's Opt-Out Looking for PC Players?:

    @navillicious You know I thought RARE did an excellent job with "timing" concerning the release of "opt out". They let the player base intertwine for almost two years so that we'd form friendships in crossplay that at a latter date would help keep the crossplay servers strong.
    What might have gone wrong is that RARE and Microsoft might not have considered how much of a split the shoddy Xbox app and Discord have caused.
    One example is the pc players ability to communicate in both party chat and game chat at the same time on the Xbox application.
    My pc friends have always been the voice of our crews during correspondence with other crews. This is one of many examples of X Box failing their users. We would also like to speak to other crews without having to close down our party chat!😂
    The split crippled their plan of creating many of those bonds.😐

    I actually suggested some time ago that they add crew chat in the game so players don't have to hot mic and console players would have close to parity on it. Sadly, the idea got buried in the feedback forum, but I still think it would be a good thing.

  • My crew has some Xbox and some PC players. However, we all decided to not opt out of crossplay, as we enjoy the challenge. Early in the day, the seas were fairly busy. However, by late afternoon, it was very slow. We server hopped a quite a few times, got merged a few times, and only saw 2 ships. We switched to opt out, and found 2 FOTDs to steal, along with numerous other opportunities. I'm hoping this doesn't become the norm, but for me it's too early to tell.

  • @little-squash said in How's Opt-Out Looking for PC Players?:

    @archaell said in How's Opt-Out Looking for PC Players?:

    The cross-play servers can never die. When there aren't enough players to populate the cross-play servers the game forces the Xbox players who opted-out to server merge to the cross-play servers. It does the same when there aren't enough Xbox-only players. The opting out works only when both server types' populations are somewhat balanced.

    This is wrong.

    Xbox players that select the Xbox Controller Preference will be matched with other Xbox players that have selected the Xbox Controller Preference. They will only be put in crossplay servers if the system can find enough other Xbox players that have selected the Xbox Controller Preference.

    Nowhere has Rare said they will force Xbox players who have selected the Xbox Controller Preference into crossplay servers if the crossplay servers don't have enough players.

    See the quote from Rare's update below:
    Adventure Cross Play – Xbox players now have an option in the main settings menu (before jumping into a game session) to enable an Xbox controller preference for Adventure matchmaking. This will search for Xbox players using controllers and attempt to match you with players who have also selected this option. If not enough players can be found with this preference, you will be moved to a mixed-platform game so that you can still get into the action.

    When you log onto the server it tells you if you are in Controller only at the top left

  • @navillicious

    I said this in another thread but I'll say it here too.

    Opt-out is not a big "in-your-face" option from the main menu. It is tucked away in the UI so as to encourage most players to go for full crossplay but allow the option for those who want it.

    Remember that what you see on the forums and Reddit is just the tip of the ice berg. Realistically speaking, I'm betting that the majority of the player base find the difference of PC and console negligible for Sea of Thieves, do not care about crossplay, or simply won't know about or seek the option to opt out.

    It also is not a hard divide. If the matchmaking cant find Console/Controller players, it isn't going to put them in a server by themselves, they will be tossed into a full crossplay pool.

    Dead servers has always depended on the time you play and where you're located. Servers are always dead for me when I play on weeknights.

    I live on East Coast U.S., and if I play on a week night, I usually get on around 9:00PM and it's almost always dead because people are in bed for work the next day or it's a school night for kids who play the game in this timezone.

    But when I play on a Friday or Saturday servers are very active.

    I don't believe any of this will change moving forward. If anything, the opt-out crowd (which is probably the minority) will have a difficult time with successfully getting into servers with Console/Controller players only.

  • As there is now a Mega Thread on this subject, I'll be dropping anchor here.

    If you wish to continue to discuss Adventure Cross-Play Opt-Out, you can do so here:

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