You're really going to do us like that rare??

  • @weepaperboats said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    Even Reddit expressed some concern.

    Reddit expressed discontent?!?

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  • @-hombre said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    @weepaperboats said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    Even Reddit expressed some concern.

    Reddit expressed discontent?!?

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    Yes, aha. I understand the joke here.

    I state Reddit off the top of my head, because I really do think some folk believe these forums right here are the only place of SoT commerce.

  • @dlchief58 said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    When the Xbox One was released, many people were gifted free Xbox Ones from Microsoft. Some others were given free game codes for it. I did not pitch a fit because I was not one of the lucky ones nor had any sense of entitlement about it despite being a long time Xbox owner (didn't get it at launch but waited a year for Live to be ready). Would it have been nice to get either? Sure. But was I going to rail about how unfair it was that I didn't get something that someone else did, even if they were not around as long as I was? Heck no, because I understood that it was a limited, random giveaway to fans....pretty much like this. Or how about Major Nelson's weekly giveaways? Just because 1 or 2 people are fortunate enough to have their name drawn to win a free game code, do you feel that you should get one too just because you entered? Not that much different.

    I'm coming from a place where I really have no feelings either type of way on receiving something or not. I'm not angry about anything here tbh.

    But to be fair, those types of things are usually announced. People know what to expect or not expect. It makes people feel like they're on an equal ground to anyone else who may or may not win or be selected.

    If Rare had gone this route and mentioned it beforehand I'd be right there agreeing with you that most of this is just pure angst and saltiness from people who simply didn't "win" or get selected, or whatever word you choose to use. There was no setup like that though and it's just more of a random blindside than anything.

    If anything I'm just annoyed at the way Rare actually handles and fumbles these these kinds of things for the community.

    If this was initially put out there as a "we've got this draw coming" type scenario the whole dynamic would have been set up different for the community and the end result, and at that point I'd personally be okay with looking at people and saying "too bad so sad", but they didn't do that, they handled it weird, and the whole dynamic is weird.

    And for the millionth time.. nothing will be able to reasonably explain away the goofy "you've been gifted the free emote" emails lol. That one's just poor form.

  • @weepaperboats

    In all honesty, I could've just replaced 'Reddit' with 'The internet' and it still would have been fairly accurate. =P

  • @dislex-fx said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    Would you so kindly explain to me what you think I should be grateful for?

    That you had the same chance as everyone else at receiving a gift that no one expected or was entitled to.

    Calling people "ungrateful" makes no sense. Maybe try another word...

    You can try to break it down any way you want it, but it fits just fine.

    @skylerpk said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    @archangel-timmy tell me what i should be grateful. I recieved NOTHING.

    As has been said many times, you had the same chance as everyone else to receive a gift that no one expected or was entitled to.

    THE GAME IS RIDDLED WITH BUGS, making it unplayable. The comunity is toxic and instead of awknoledging the issues they defend the devs by saying get good and learn to play with bugs present...

    There are bugs here and there which nobody can really deny exist, but the game is still very much playable. Every game has a group of 'toxic' members, and every game has bugs. Regardless, this doesn't have any real bearing on my original statement.

    Heck off, will you?

    I must have missed where you run the place and get to decide who and what people get to post. Please kindly point me in the direction of this information and I may take it in to consideration :?

    There are a lot of things in play here which people should consider and the only way some people would be happy about this is for the event to have never happened at all. No matter how they would have broken this down, somebody would complain.

    -Give everyone the same amount: This could potentially be in the millions if limited to even 100 Ancient coins.

    -I can't buy anything: Can't buy anything for less than 149 AC's, but to expect every player to get even 100 AC's would be a big hit, let alone 149 or more. This would make the AC's useless or force payment, and people would complain.

    -Limiting the pool so we all get some: I am sure they already did this to a degree, but given it was a random draw, who can say for sure. If everyone were to receive the some AC's after limiting the pool, people would notice and complain.

    Given that the event did happen, there are some concerns I can agree with but also some additional things to consider.

    -Not full up to Rare: This could have been a decision by MS and not Rare, which would make sense to me given the potential value being gifted.

    -Inconsistency in the emails being sent/received: I feel like not receiving an email at all would be worse than getting the one about the 'hide' emote. There could be a lot of causes here, such as; large queue, invalid/altered email address, viewed as spam, data was simply dropped, or perhaps these people were somehow filtered from the total pool?

    -Receiving the 'hide' emote in general: This one comes down to the exact email which I have not seen shared yet. If it is 'Here is your free gift', then I agree it wasn't a good choice. If it was a 'Hey, you didn't get selected but don't forget about this great emote', I am a bit less empathiec. In the end, I think a new emote given to all who played at least once during December or the 12 Days event specifically would have been a better choice. After the event, the emote would be up for the normal 149 by itself.

    -No communication ahead of time: I don't like someone telling me what is in each of my gifts ahead of time. I also think announcing this gift ahead of time would have resulted in the same thing.

    I am sure Rare will say something about the the feedback, but I don't think people will be happy with it.

  • At least you got an email about a free emote. I got nothing and asked Rare to see if everyone is supposed to get something as two of my friends got 500 and 750 coins.

    Nope, completely random, you can get lucky and get coins, an already free emote, or nothing at all. Happy Holidays I guess!

  • Soooooo; Rare still hasn't said anything about this... And they want us to think they're listening HAHAHA! Last month it was "we're restructuring the forums to better communicate" and now this... RADIO SILENCE! Rare not only does not listen. THEY LIE!

  • @Archangel-Timmy

    -Receiving the 'hide' emote in general: This one comes down to the exact email which I have not seen shared yet. If it is 'Here is your free gift', then I agree it wasn't a good choice. If it was a 'Hey, you didn't get selected but don't forget about this great emote', I am a bit less empathiec. In the end, I think a new emote given to all who played at least once during December or the 12 Days event specifically would have been a better choice. After the event, the emote would be up for the normal 149 by itself.

    Just so you can see what people are talking about:
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  • @withmyapologies said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    @dlchief58 said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    @weepaperboats said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    @dlchief58 said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    @weepaperboats said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    What kills me is that the folks who got 500+ ACs are telling others who didn't get anything that they're "ungrateful". It's almost like the emotion of being felt left out cannot be felt.

    Omega lol.

    Maybe more fitting emotions are: avarice, covetousness, jealousy, and greed. Because that is what it boils down to, some people being upset they didn't get something someone else got...and it is disgusting yet a common trait in this younger generation.

    So yet, here I say once more, are the people who didn't gain anything not allowed to feel discouraged while others are slandering and slinging around the word "ungrateful" and even "entitlement"? I'm completely over the fact I did not get anything, but now I have a concern with why some people in this very small forum are quick to think this is 100% entitlement.

    I would find it completely awkward if me and another person got the same box. His box contained a gift of value, and mine contained nothing. Looks over to me and expresses that I should feel entirely grateful that he got something.

    I find it weird, and awkward. If you ask me... I sense some "elitism" at play in some; perhaps the safety of receiving anything at all and downplaying any other scenario. If I received the gift, and the other man did not, I wouldn't be quick to say, "you better be grateful". Like, who does that? I would still want to figure out why his box contained nothing.

    P.S.- Side note, I'm not sure if you're assuming my age here, or being a young man. I don't appreciate that, but that's beside the point.

    Just calling it as I see it, and it is far from slandering when its a pretty accurate observation of the situation. Spin it how you may, doesn't change the fact that this is all simply jealousy and a byproduct of the "participation trophy" generation.

    When the Xbox One was released, many people were gifted free Xbox Ones from Microsoft. Some others were given free game codes for it. I did not pitch a fit because I was not one of the lucky ones nor had any sense of entitlement about it despite being a long time Xbox owner (didn't get it at launch but waited a year for Live to be ready). Would it have been nice to get either? Sure. But was I going to rail about how unfair it was that I didn't get something that someone else did, even if they were not around as long as I was? Heck no, because I understood that it was a limited, random giveaway to fans....pretty much like this. Or how about Major Nelson's weekly giveaways? Just because 1 or 2 people are fortunate enough to have their name drawn to win a free game code, do you feel that you should get one too just because you entered? Not that much different.

    Now I never said you or anybody else should feel grateful that someone else got something and you didn't. But being a random giveaway it sure smacks of entitlement by thinking that just because someone else was fortunate that you should get the same thing. But you definitely shouldn't feel bitter, a little disappointed perhaps, but the lot of you are going completely off the deep-end here.

    You're missing the point completely with those examples. Those giveaways you mention, were/are all pre-announced. Big difference. People are pre-warned about giveaways and what will be happening so as not to be disappointed if they don't happen to win.

    Rare dropped this out of nowhere, with no communication at all about the giveaway.
    If they'd said "Hey everyone, we're doing a random giveaway for the holiday period, good luck!" no-one would have complained or even mentioned it when they got nothing. The very fact they have done this in silence, is what has caused the complaints/unhappiness. By doing so, all that's happened is, people ask questions "How come I didn't get a gift and they did?".

    There's zero entitlement involved here, it's all a case (another case) of poor communication by Rare despite their recent claims to us that communication was going to be improved all round.

    Hardly, the first two examples I mentioned were NOT pre-announced, it only became known once people started receiving e-mails that they were to expect the console or game code... sort of like this. And whether announced beforehand or not is highly irrelevant, that is just an excuse being thrown around by people wanting to justify their envy and disappointment. Now trying to play if off as "poor communication" (FYI I received absolutely no e-mail whatsoever) is just an attempt to cover your sour grapes. And do you honestly believe people wouldn't pitch a fit if it had been announced as a random giveaway beforehand? Oh my, that is long have you been around here or on the internet in general? There would have been the same amount of outrage from the same people, they just wouldn't have the "poor communication" excuse to cover their own bad behavior.

  • @dlchief58 You're wrong though. No emails myself, no sense of loss or missing out either, no jealousy, no "sour grapes".. not saying that's clearly not the case with some, but some of us are annoyed for other reasons.

    What I do care about is Rare's goofiness with communication.. and to those they did communicate to - their goofiness in communicating to them that they were "gifted" an emote everyone's already got access to for free.

    They should be smarter and better organized than that, and it's a poor standard to justify.

  • @tre-oni Sorry, but that just smacks of complaining for the sake of complaining here. That "complaint" is very trivial when there are more valid things to rail at Rare for, this is hardly one and I cannot agree with your assessment.

  • @dislex-fx Is that the whole email? Unless I missed something, that looks like it is just a standard notification for the new emote. Where did the idea of rare gifting some people this and not others come from? It looks more like an email that should have gone to everyone who is signed up to get them.

  • @lonegoatknifer this is a free emote in the hide and seek bundle. Everyone can pick it up. Assuming it wasnt temporarily free and it doesnt cost now.

    I was thinking it meant to be the whole bundle or one of the other hide emotes. If it was just for the new free hide emote then it was a little strange as they had already advertised it as free to all. Otherwise it was just a nice surprise lottery/raffle. Some won some didnt.

  • @lonegoatknifer said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    It looks more like an email that should have gone to everyone who is signed up to get them.

    Which is what would have made sense if you were emailing people telling them about a free emote.

    But they emailed select people and it went out worded like they were lucky selected to recieve a gift

  • Posts like this make me never want children. They are giving away something free, FREE, doesn't matter if it was something you already got which was also free because free is free. Don't be so ungrateful. Reminds me of those kids who have a fit over the white iphone their parents got them because they wanted the black one -_-

  • @jonn-havoc said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    Posts like this make me never want children. They are giving away something free, FREE, doesn't matter if it was something you already got which was also free because free is free. Don't be so ungrateful. Reminds me of those kids who have a fit over the white iphone their parents got them because they wanted the black one -_-

    What is there to be grateful for though when you get an email telling you they've given you a gift of a free emote that is literally already free? The email?

    I'm not really understanding the thinking behind expecting people to be grateful for an email telling them they were gifted a free emote everyone at any point in time can and has already claimed for free. People were grateful. When it launched and was free for everyone already.

    The ancient coins in any capacity... sure. Be grateful, don't complain if you came out with less coins than someone else who got gifted coins..

    But an email telling you you were chosen to receive the already free emote...? Lol that's so goofy

  • @tre-oni said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    But they emailed select people and it went out worded like they were lucky selected to recieve a gift

    Maybe I'm missing something but that's not what I got from reading the email posted above. It looks like one that was intended to go to everyone but didn't. I mean, that does happen a lot. I don't always get them for updates and i didn't get one telling me about my ancient coins like a lot of other people.

  • I got nothing, no gift of any kind...

    Thanks Rare...

    Can I be refunded for the emotes I paid?

  • @lonegoatknifer said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    @tre-oni said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    Maybe I'm missing something but that's not what I got from reading the email posted above. It looks like one that was intended to go to everyone but didn't. I mean, that does happen a lot. I don't always get them for updates and i didn't get one telling me about my ancient coins like a lot of other people.

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    I'm sure you're aware that December 23rd is really close to a certain holiday/s. Notice the mentions of "time"?

    To make it even more of a blunder on Rare's part, they pictured two paid emotes that were not gifted.
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    Once again, the emote that (some?) people did get, well, we already had it, for free, about 2 weeks before we received this tricky email.

    For the record, I didn't get any coins and I am okay with that. I never got an email that tricked me into thinking I was getting coins. I only got an email tricking me into thinking I was getting a paid emote.

    I was never mad. I was sad. It is frustrating to see people say that others should be grateful for not receiving anything.

  • It was a surprise raffle. In a raffle some win some don't. Some win first prize, some win second, some don't get there numbers called and don't win. Simple as that.

    With the email and the pic of the paid emotes, maybe it was a error with them unlocking and we may still get them, we'll see on the 6th when they'll probably return from their nice break to an unnecessary s-storm. Not something you want straight after Christmas.

    Not that everyone will be happy. Those that bought the hide bundle will expect a refund.

  • @dislex-fx I think you and others were reading too much in that e-mail that was never stated nor implied. As I read it it doesn't imply that was a special gift but rather informing people that there was a free emote waiting for them - not everyone visits these forums or follows the feeds so likely were unaware that it was available for free. And just because they displayed those certain emotes does in no way mean that those were the ones being offered for free, nor is it "tricky". That was an ASSUMPTION on your part, those were used in the marketing because they were more photogenic than the free one. Not once does it say or imply that either of those were the one being offered. And just because you got it earlier than they announced it through marketing should not in any way diminish the fact everyone got a little something.

    As I've said earlier, sour grapes and complaining for the sake of complaining is what the majority of these posts amount to.

  • @dislex-fx said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    I was never mad. I was sad. It is frustrating to see people say that others should be grateful for not receiving anything.

    I don't think anyone needs to be grateful. I just think screaming at Rare for over a week is a bit of an overreaction.

    I would've been totally onboard with poking fun at Rare flubbing the emails a bit, but some people got so angry about it that it just sucked all the fun outta it.

  • @dlchief58 said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    @dislex-fx I think you and others were reading too much in that e-mail that was never stated nor implied. As I read it it doesn't imply that was a special gift but rather informing people that there was a free emote waiting for them - not everyone visits these forums or follows the feeds so likely were unaware that it was available for free. And just because they displayed those certain emotes does in no way mean that those were the ones being offered for free, nor is it "tricky". That was an ASSUMPTION on your part, those were used in the marketing because they were more photogenic than the free one. Not once dies it say or imply that either of those were the one being offered. And just because you got it earlier than they announced it through marketing should not in any way diminish the fact everyone got a little something.

    As I've said earlier, sour grapes and complaining for the sake of complaining is what the majority of these posts amount to.

    @DISLEX-fx That's pretty much what I would have said. But I will add, below the picture it says, "You've got a free hide emote!" Note the word "emote" is singular and the picture shows two emotes. For me, that implies either one or both of the emotes wouldn't be free.

    As for the time between the release of the emote and the email telling you about it, they probably wanted the email to come out closer to the holidays than the update was scheduled to (they wouldn't delay the whole emote bundle just for an email that only goes to people who sign up to get them). If you have to complain about something, complain that they call it a gift when it was only given for free because the emotes remove your gamertag.

    What I originally replied for was to find out whether or not the emote was intended to only go to a select few people. The answer to that is most likely no.

  • My guess is that there is also a pirate with the free hide emote in that pic as well - he is just hard to spot ;).

  • Love that rare stayed quiet on this and never answered anyone.

  • @mc-rossco Like they care :P

  • This xmas event was lame as could be and im a day 1 player also .. founder actually. This event took me to the store for the purchase of outerworlds. (highly recommend this for disappointed Fallout fans!!!)

    Doubt I will be back until the next update... (edit: probably not even for that)

  • We not heard anything from Rare on this then. Just ignore everyone until it goes away hey?

  • @mc-rossco said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    Love that rare stayed quiet on this and never answered anyone.

    You can never win an argument with a customer.

    It’s an age old adage but true.

    In this case the argument was so pathetic and immature that it is better not to credit it with an official response.

  • 3 of my 5 sot accounts received 500 coins each and I don't even celebrate Christmas lol

  • @grievous32 said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    True... I feel insulted... =')

    I got an emot that was free for everybody... What a great gift... Thanks...?

    I got nothing and that's likely because I've bought a bunch of stuff.

  • I never even got an email giving me a free.. free? Gift 😂

    Just in a league of my own here breaking all the rules 😏😅

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