Atlas - Coming soon to Xbox One

  • So who has ventured onto that game so far?
    Heard a lot of bad things about it on release, and although it will be joining the Xbox store early next month as a preview game, the latest news is that it is much better than it once was, Ark took a while to take off, and like Ark, Atlas is now also joining the consoles after releasing first on PC, where I'm sure they will get more funding to better enhance the game even more.

    I don't think it's my cup of tea as I could never really get into Ark. (and I can't say I love crossplay)
    But I will keep an eye on its evolution.

    Some Pirate competition is about to take place for Sea of Thieves.

    Will we see both games bouncing ideas off eachother, or one title stealing all ideas from another 😂

  • 26
  • I just don’t have the time. Hell I don’t have enough time to play SOT’s as much as I do.

    But games like Ark, Conan Exiles and Atlas man. They are for the unemployed.

    I tried them, enjoyed them but I can’t give them the commitment that is required to have any type of success.

  • @glannigan

    Know that feeling, game pass are pumping games out non stop lately, downloaded so many and just can't find the time to try them.. Just spent a couple of hours trying Bad North which was a fun indie title..

  • I picked this game up on release day. It is basically a buggy, reskinned version of ark which I had expected. I enjoyed ark and have enjoyed this so far.

    My journey so far
    I joined the NA PvP server and I am currently on my second sloop. I lost my first sloop, named Ole Nigerian Nightmare, on day 2. 5 minutes after logging on I was attacked, killed, and then spawn killed until they destroyed my bed and sunk my ship. Thinking it was just a manta ray I climbed the ladder to my ship and then realized it was another player when they boarded. Used my not so trusty stone spear to defend myself but was outmatched by someone almost 4 times my level and better equipped. Oh well, that's ark atlas.

    Got a clan started, Prines of the Universe, with a grand total of 1 member at the moment. Will have a buddy playing only on the weekends but it looks like I will be trying to survive solo most of the time which should be a good challenge.

    I currently have a small little dual layered house now. Made some metal tools and will be starting the material grind to build a schooner. I have also skilled into taming and will hopefully get a couple of bears so I can start treasure hunting and then start hiring NPC crew members.

    That's the start of my half baked strategy anyways.

  • Ark is just so bad on Xbox. I want to love it but it runs and looks terrible even on the X with SSD. I’ve uninstalled it twice, now, hoping it had got better. It’s still utter trash. Atlas will be more of the same or worse. Such a shame, this would be a dream game if a competent studio was handling it.

    MS should buy the Ark IP.

  • Downloading Atlas and will be giving the free trial a go later this evening. Will see how it goes.

  • i remember a Topicpost from a Pirate many months ago , that promised that Atlas would beat SOT to pulp...But after reading this Topic combined with some Streamer views who played this on PC , i think it's safe to say that it seems to me that this game sounds a bit....overrated? i don't think i will get it...The whole system of gathering resources for houses / ships seem a very timerobbing business and as another Pirate stated that you are fairly defenceless against a higher levelled person , then i think i let this paperboat sail by ...No offence or hardship towards the game nor it's players ...It just always looks " unfinished" to me...And the water...Nah , don't get me started .

  • @clumsy-george

    It is not the finished game yet as it is still in its preview stages, and yes, you could be killed off, but you could also play on a PVE server and be safe from that, which is where I shall begin as I have no idea what I'm doing.
    I have always enjoyed all things pirate, and whilst SOT slowly drip feeds me a little content now and then to get along with, it's something else I can play in-between..maybe..

  • @needsmokes said in Atlas - Coming soon to Xbox One:


    It is not the finished game yet as it is still in its preview stages, and yes, you could be killed off, but you could also play on a PVE server and be safe from that, which is where I shall begin as I have no idea what I'm doing.

    I switched over to PvE. Solo PvP is a bit rough when your starting out. Had someone attempt an offline raid of my base and they killed my two chickens and pig 😭. Luckily they did not get my supplies though. The next day I finished building my schooner and spent most of the evening sailing, collecting gold, and hired an NPC crew. As I was just about to park my ship back at my home island for the night, another ship attacked. I ended up ramming into my neighbor's dock and they ended up attacking my ship as well with bears carrying cannons and got sunk.

    A friend who was with me was pretty upset since he only plays on weekends so it all felt like a waste for him, so we switched to PvE. That experience was a good teaching lesson. Need to learn how to command the NPC crew better. Gotta tame more animals for harvesting better. And gotta get an alliance or join up with a bigger company for offline protection in PvP. I'll end up back in PvP at some point though. Till then I'll be practicing and learning a bit in PvE.

  • I saw this on the xbox store last night and will give the free trial a go round this weekend. I did that with Ark and have enjoyed that game immensely, but then again I DO NOT play on the official open servers. I only play Ark as a single player or with some friends in a private, non-dedicated session. But then again, for me, I prefer the PvE and building aspects of games like Ark, Subnautica and Minecraft. Most likely I'll end up getting it (even if the preview version isn't all that great) just so I can have the solo/private co-op fun.

  • I've now switched to single player mode as EVERYTHING kills me.
    Had to spend ages watching how to play videos as I was a bit clueless and the choices of progression seems endless, and I never chose well. It's all fun.

  • @needsmokes I often feel like there's another set of eyes staring me down as I'm sailing the Sea Of Thieves (Wife giving me the skunk eye). So I try to include her by asking her to keep a lookout on the horizon for sails (Wife gives me squinchy skunk eye).😂 Then to get rid of her I occasionally ask her "What's for dinner?" To which she replies "Let's see..... We have Pork chops, chicken legs, snake, shark steak, megladon and Kraken..... You choose!". Popcorn it is!😂 How she's endured me during my love affair with SOT is beyond me. If I played ATLAS I think it'd be the straw that broke the camels back. 😂 But it's tempting if for no other reason than to help you and @LIFEWCOKE out! No I'm serious!😂

  • @needsmokes That sounds rough. Are you spawning in at a freeport first? I think I started off at the L8 freeport, gathered enough material to purchase a pre-built ramshackle sloop, and then moved North to a lawless island on the south side of L7. There are hardly any aggressive animals. After that, I just ran around the island killing chickens, monkeys, and pigs to level up quick.

  • @needsmokes said in Atlas - Coming soon to Xbox One:

    So who has ventured onto that game so far?
    Heard a lot of bad things about it on release, and although it will be joining the Xbox store early next month as a preview game, the latest news is that it is much better than it once was, Ark took a while to take off, and like Ark, Atlas is now also joining the consoles after releasing first on PC, where I'm sure they will get more funding to better enhance the game even more.

    I don't think it's my cup of tea as I could never really get into Ark. (and I can't say I love crossplay)
    But I will keep an eye on its evolution.

    Some Pirate competition is about to take place for Sea of Thieves.

    Will we see both games bouncing ideas off eachother, or one title stealing all ideas from another 😂

    you'll hear on discord for atlas "it's a pirate game" lol

  • @lifewcoke

    I've been killed by being too hot, too cold, too hungry, too thirsty, too aggressive to trees, and by a whole variety of animals. I'm screwed of I ever see another player!
    Shouldn't skip tutorials!!

    Not really played much yet tbh, not had enough time, but I have watched more than played.. I'll be better on my next attempt at making it through 1 day cycle😂

  • Personally SOT is my mistress. Though we have had our ups and downs in our dance over the years I can’t abondon her to a reskin of ARK

  • @fuzzyh1ghland3r

    I've been here since launch and will no doubt be around until under its lasts days. But I have done most of everything currently I could wish to do on SOT. Content slowly drops and I will continue to play it as it does.
    But I'm a gamer and I love new games. And I especially excited for Scarlett and new games to arrive with that, (Rare's secret new open world game could be one such title)🤪

  • @needsmokes aye the scarlett will be a nice console I only hope they follow suit and bring VR to Xbox finally. With ssd drives and some tech from amd consoles will be faster and able to handle titles better with much faster frames and load times. I play both xbox and PC and I have to say the gap between the two will be one day closer in performance.

  • @fuzzyh1ghland3r

    The news on VR is not looking promising currently. Got a feeling there will be a few more years to wait until Xbox adapt towards that.
    My Mrs will be especially thankful for that as I damaged enough of the room playing Kinnect Sports Rivals etc

  • @needsmokes Feel free to give me a shout if you need any help in game. I'm no expert of course but I'm steadily making progress.

  • Played the first hour of the trial this morning. I have to concur with the "Ark with a pirate skin" sentiment that has been stated. Although, I can see that the developers revamped the skill tree for this game. Instead of the straight forward engrams of Ark, we now have multiple skill trees to comb through. The different screens are a bit clunky and messy but I imagine that'll get cleaned up as the game development progresses. I only got a few minutes to try sailing before I had to get ready for work this morning. I do like the wind mechanic; having the ship diagram in the corner of the screen with an arrow pointing in the direction the wind is blowing. Not as aesthetically pleasing as SoT's wind indicator, but the wind seems to be a bit more consistent (as opposed to SoT's mechanic of a tail wind moving around into a head wind every other map block...or which ever direction your voyage objective is).

    The exploration map and the treasure map that the player holds look like they are from the PS2 graphic era and hopefully that will get cleaned up as well. I did find a treasure map on the beach in a bottle (sound familiar?) and was attacked by large sharks as I tried to explore the floating debris of a shipwreck (hmmm...seen that

    I'm looking forward to seeing what the next two hours of the trial bring me. I will most likely get this game, as I did with Ark. Especially since the price will increase once the full, true game drops. I must say, I do appreciate the ability to host a single/private session for myself and friends as well as the option to join a PvE only session with other players. I don't think SoT will have much competition from this game though.

  • @kiethblacklion said in Atlas - Coming soon to Xbox One:

    Played the first hour of the trial this morning. I have to concur with the "Ark with a pirate skin" sentiment that has been stated. Although, I can see that the developers revamped the skill tree for this game. Instead of the straight forward engrams of Ark, we now have multiple skill trees to comb through. The different screens are a bit clunky and messy but I imagine that'll get cleaned up as the game development progresses. I only got a few minutes to try sailing before I had to get ready for work this morning. I do like the wind mechanic; having the ship diagram in the corner of the screen with an arrow pointing in the direction the wind is blowing. Not as aesthetically pleasing as SoT's wind indicator, but the wind seems to be a bit more consistent (as opposed to SoT's mechanic of a tail wind moving around into a head wind every other map block...or which ever direction your voyage objective is).

    The exploration map and the treasure map that the player holds look like they are from the PS2 graphic era and hopefully that will get cleaned up as well. I did find a treasure map on the beach in a bottle (sound familiar?) and was attacked by large sharks as I tried to explore the floating debris of a shipwreck (hmmm...seen that

    I'm looking forward to seeing what the next two hours of the trial bring me. I will most likely get this game, as I did with Ark. Especially since the price will increase once the full, true game drops. I must say, I do appreciate the ability to host a single/private session for myself and friends as well as the option to join a PvE only session with other players. I don't think SoT will have much competition from this game though.

    I mean then they should be sued for copying sea of thieves

  • @closinghare208

    Having been on SOT for so long you can't help but laugh at the "many many" comparisons that can be found on Atlas.

  • @needsmokes said in Atlas - Coming soon to Xbox One:


    Having been on SOT for so long you can't help but laugh at the "many many" comparisons that can be found on Atlas.


  • @closinghare208 said in Atlas - Coming soon to Xbox One:

    @kiethblacklion said in Atlas - Coming soon to Xbox One:

    Played the first hour of the trial this morning. I have to concur with the "Ark with a pirate skin" sentiment that has been stated. Although, I can see that the developers revamped the skill tree for this game. Instead of the straight forward engrams of Ark, we now have multiple skill trees to comb through. The different screens are a bit clunky and messy but I imagine that'll get cleaned up as the game development progresses. I only got a few minutes to try sailing before I had to get ready for work this morning. I do like the wind mechanic; having the ship diagram in the corner of the screen with an arrow pointing in the direction the wind is blowing. Not as aesthetically pleasing as SoT's wind indicator, but the wind seems to be a bit more consistent (as opposed to SoT's mechanic of a tail wind moving around into a head wind every other map block...or which ever direction your voyage objective is).

    The exploration map and the treasure map that the player holds look like they are from the PS2 graphic era and hopefully that will get cleaned up as well. I did find a treasure map on the beach in a bottle (sound familiar?) and was attacked by large sharks as I tried to explore the floating debris of a shipwreck (hmmm...seen that

    I'm looking forward to seeing what the next two hours of the trial bring me. I will most likely get this game, as I did with Ark. Especially since the price will increase once the full, true game drops. I must say, I do appreciate the ability to host a single/private session for myself and friends as well as the option to join a PvE only session with other players. I don't think SoT will have much competition from this game though.

    I mean then they should be sued for copying sea of thieves

    I certainly hope you're joking. Rare can't exactly copyright the concept of a treasure map washing up on the beach in a bottle as a game mechanic. No more so than Rare copyrighting the mechanics of sailing in their game. It's a general concept used in movies, books, and other games. If you want to get technical, the makers of Sid Meier's Pirates! could sue every developer that has made a pirate game, after all Pirates! laid down many of the building blocks for games that followed, including puzzles (of which SoT makes use of).

  • @kiethblacklion said in Atlas - Coming soon to Xbox One:

    @closinghare208 said in Atlas - Coming soon to Xbox One:

    @kiethblacklion said in Atlas - Coming soon to Xbox One:

    Played the first hour of the trial this morning. I have to concur with the "Ark with a pirate skin" sentiment that has been stated. Although, I can see that the developers revamped the skill tree for this game. Instead of the straight forward engrams of Ark, we now have multiple skill trees to comb through. The different screens are a bit clunky and messy but I imagine that'll get cleaned up as the game development progresses. I only got a few minutes to try sailing before I had to get ready for work this morning. I do like the wind mechanic; having the ship diagram in the corner of the screen with an arrow pointing in the direction the wind is blowing. Not as aesthetically pleasing as SoT's wind indicator, but the wind seems to be a bit more consistent (as opposed to SoT's mechanic of a tail wind moving around into a head wind every other map block...or which ever direction your voyage objective is).

    The exploration map and the treasure map that the player holds look like they are from the PS2 graphic era and hopefully that will get cleaned up as well. I did find a treasure map on the beach in a bottle (sound familiar?) and was attacked by large sharks as I tried to explore the floating debris of a shipwreck (hmmm...seen that

    I'm looking forward to seeing what the next two hours of the trial bring me. I will most likely get this game, as I did with Ark. Especially since the price will increase once the full, true game drops. I must say, I do appreciate the ability to host a single/private session for myself and friends as well as the option to join a PvE only session with other players. I don't think SoT will have much competition from this game though.

    I mean then they should be sued for copying sea of thieves

    I certainly hope you're joking. Rare can't exactly copyright the concept of a treasure map washing up on the beach in a bottle as a game mechanic. No more so than Rare copyrighting the mechanics of sailing in their game. It's a general concept used in movies, books, and other games. If you want to get technical, the makers of Sid Meier's Pirates! could sue every developer that has made a pirate game, after all Pirates! laid down many of the building blocks for games that followed, including puzzles (of which SoT makes use of).

    i'm joking don't worry

3 out of 26