Expand the game to other launchers?

  • Hello, i am curious will this game ever be expand to any other launcher beside the ms store such as Epic, Steam, GOG etc. ?
    This game has been for over a year and a half on the market and its still such a great game from what i have seen on many video so i was just wondering if there is any chance..
    Thank in advanced.

  • 26
  • Pretty sure you can add non-steam games to the launcher. Not sure about the others

  • @archangel-timmy he wants to know if they will ever sell the game on steam or other launchers, probably would create better population if they put it on steam.

  • @archangel-timmy
    Was not really my point there, What i was trying to ask if there will be full release to other launchers or it will stay xbox/ms store exclusive for ever.

  • I doubt this will be on any other platform as this game is an "Xbox Exclusive" game.

  • Microsoft seem keen to get their games on steam now.

    I'm hoping this Includes sot.

    This game really needs more numbers at the moment.

    Arena matchmaking is tragic, and adventure mode interactions are a hollow shell of what they once were imo.

  • Each store has its game, on PC players can buy it at the Xbox/MS store.
    launchers? I think you can add it in programs like GOG Galaxy.

    As a pc user I hope to never see Sot on Steam.

  • @peaksoda1424156 said in Expand the game to other launchers?:

    Was not really my point there, What i was trying to ask if there will be full release to other launchers or it will stay xbox/ms store exclusive for ever.

    Sorry, you specifically asked about adding it to a launcher, not about adding it to the online stores.

    Two separate things with separate answers.

    Launcher: Can be added to other launchers.
    Store: Is exclusive to MS/Xbox Stores, and I have not seen/heard of any plans to do otherwise.

  • Im guessing it will be on Steam sooner or later since they will add MCC there.

  • @quietrobot said in Expand the game to other launchers?:

    As a pc user I hope to never see Sot on Steam.

    Out of interest, why is that?

  • They need to put SoT on Steam! The Playerbase is super healthy but more players more income, more income more Content and a long development :) That’s the next Step!

    But I think In the Future, when the xcloud is releasing we’re getting crazy amounts of new players when you can play SoT with your:

    -Tablet/ Mobile Phone

  • @mad-jack-ketch said in Expand the game to other launchers?:

    I doubt this will be on any other platform as this game is an "Xbox Exclusive" game.

    That said, Halo is coming to Steam so there could be a chance.

  • @archangel-timmy You clearly did not understand what i was asking in the 1st place, I did not specifically asked about adding manually by me, i specifically asked if "this game will be expand the to other launchers?" such as gears of war and Halo which are also ms exclusive but now they are on steam too. [Also mentioned Epic store, Steam, GOG]
    but its not the point here anyway.

  • @peaksoda1424156 Again, my answer is directly related to the original question, and stating I don't understand won't change that.

    Games on a specific store will be available on their respective launcher, but not always the opposite. Proper context is important, as is manners to those trying to help you.

    You also made no mention of the other exclusives originally, which would have been beneficial in the OP and avoided any "confusion"...

    Mentioning the Epic and GOG is part of the point, because you referred to them as launchers. Further exemplifying that your OP wasn't directly asking about the game being added to other Stores but to launchers.

  • @archangel-timmy Its makes me funny how everyone else knew exacly what i was talking about and you dont while you blame me for not explaining myself as good as you wanted.
    The manners ill save for those who actually helping me or at least trying to
    without any [mod edit] about who said what and on what connection because this is not why me and you are here for
    Im going to thank you for trying to help me also for trying to give me the answer for my question but lets not keep that stupid conversation please.
    as for everyone else thank you i think i got my answer.

  • @peaksoda1424156 I'm not the only one, there was another 5 or so posts down...

    Aside from that, most have the added context of your replies to build a more accurate answer on.

    Either way, you have your replies and will leave you to it :?

  • @peaksoda1424156 Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.

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    A profanity filter is in place to support our commitment to our community to create the world’s friendliest multiplayer game. Topics and posts which attempt to circumvent the filter will be edited or deleted and the users involved warned. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • @boxcar-squidy Because I believe that the Xbox brand on PC should be consolidated, publishing an XGS game in a competitive store takes away strength from the brand-ecosystem

  • @quietrobot that's a reasonable position.

    I also have concerns about the impact launching SoT on Steam would have on the community.

    More players would be good for the game on the one hand, but lets not pretend that Steam isn't a platform with a whole host of unpleasantness amongst it's user base. I say this as a dedicated Steam user of more than a decade.

    You don't have to look far on that platform to find bigots, cheats, toxicity and the rest. I'm not saying it's worse than any other large collection of people, it's about the same, but I'd want to be sure that Rare/MS were able to keep new players in check if SoT went to Steam.

    New players can really change the atmosphere on the Seas (and elsewhere), so much of your own personality goes into how you play the game. It's a delicate balance and needs to be handled carefully.

    We do not want a Mordhau situation in SoT.

  • @boxcar-squidy said in Expand the game to other launchers?:

    @quietrobot that's a reasonable position.

    I also have concerns about the impact launching SoT on Steam would have on the community.

    More players would be good for the game on the one hand, but lets not pretend that Steam isn't a platform with a whole host of unpleasantness amongst it's user base. I say this as a dedicated Steam user of more than a decade.

    You don't have to look far on that platform to find bigots, cheats, toxicity and the rest. I'm not saying it's worse than any other large collection of people, it's about the same, but I'd want to be sure that Rare/MS were able to keep new players in check if SoT went to Steam.

    New players can really change the atmosphere on the Seas (and elsewhere), so much of your own personality goes into how you play the game. It's a delicate balance and needs to be handled carefully.

    We do not want a Mordhau situation in SoT.

    I say let them in, it's not like we havent seen it all before in SOT.

    any cheaters etc should be dealt with as normal, easy to do as the game would most likely still require a microsoft account to play.

    If anything i find that this communities managers have too much of a politically correct stance which i cant stand.

  • @peaksoda1424156 I don't think they will matey

  • @troubled-cells oh I'm not saying don't let them in. Not at all. Just that things like anti-cheat, reporting systems and the likes need to be in a good spot when/if they do.

    You're right though, the community has seen many influxes of new players and survived. Opening up to new platforms won't change that.

    I don't want another 6 months of "PvP too stronk, please gief PvE"

  • @boxcar-squidy said in Expand the game to other launchers?:

    I don't want another 6 months of "PvP too stronk, please gief PvE"

    Personally I wouldn't mind it, adventure mode is way too boring these days.

    No one even wants to seem to interact anymore.

    It's either scuttle or run and eventually get sank In a very passive battle.

  • @troubled-cells I find it ebbs and flows as we get towards the new update. I had some good crate related fights last month. Now it's back to most people only being interested in drive bys and running. We'll see what this month brings.

  • @boxcar-squidy said in Expand the game to other launchers?:

    @troubled-cells I find it ebbs and flows as we get towards the new update. I had some good crate related fights last month. Now it's back to most people only being interested in drive bys and running. We'll see what this month brings.

    Personally I think the current crate run has been really dull, even on release.

    Nothing has topped the original reapers run release to this day with regards to those updates.

    Rare needs to come up with something new for them, we are already on the third or fourth one and people are clearly bored of the reskinning of the quest.

  • @troubled-cells I wasn't really playing when the OG reaper runs were around. I'd gotten bored and was on a lengthy break. That's probably why I found them entertaining. Between them and the reaper chests the sea seemed to have more action than before my break.

    There's nothing as boring and off-putting as trying to play this game when people just run away and whinge at you in an entitled way for trying to rob them, as if that isn't the entire point of the game.

    I agree with George above, except, for me, it's the people who refuse to get into the spirit of friendly competition that this game is supposed to be played in who are the ones that ruin the vibe.

    Fire your cannons, fight for your loot, come back for more if you lose. The combat is fun and your losses are just incentives to change your adventure story into a story of revenge.

    Each session is it's own self contained little pirate story, sometimes they're tragedies, sometimes comedies, some are filled with action, others with drama. Take the rough and the smooth with an equal amount of grace. It builds character, it builds YOUR character and becomes a part of your character's story.

5 out of 26