Please don't add bounties

  • I saw in a thread somewhere that you were considering bounties. Please don't add them. They're a rule, not a tool. They also force people who pvp once into more pvp as people would try to bounty hunt them, and they'd either sink or raise their bounty more. Also, it wouldn't work with open crews.

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  • @blazedrake100 How does a bounty feature affect you in any way shape or form? If you aint doing pvp then you aint gonna have a bounty on your head and therefore it will actually make less people target you. Im guessing you dont like pvp this should be a good thing for you.

  • Rare are a smart bunch. They wouldn't even consider an idea of such high patheticism.

  • My two cents as a relative newbie (of about 3 or 4 months) who mainly just plays Adventure with his 8-year-old stepdaughter...

    If a Galleon or Brigantine wants to go on a Sloop killing spree, for no other reason than "because they can", there's almost little to no risk expenditure on their part, and little to nothing in the way of consequences. Experienced crews prey on inexperienced crews because there's reward without risk, while they tend to stay away from more experienced crews because the level of risk is much greater.

    I keep returning to The Division 2's Dark Zone (the game's PvP-within-PvE arena) as an example of how this is done right. There's three "Rogue" states a player can be in that are triggered by a variety of actions (including attacking/killing other players) and/or stealing their loot). The higher the Rogue status, the more visible they become on the map to every other player, and the more rewards are on offer for another player/group who is able to take them down. The Rogue player(s) can "clear their name" by visiting a certain number of checkpoints within a certain amount of time, or they can continue roaming under the Rogue status an earn potentially higher rewards.

    In other words, there's substantial risk associated with going Rogue, but also substantial rewards.

    Sea of Thieves offers "rogues" the reward side of things, but doesn't present them with many risks, nor give other players the opportunity to engage in honorable combat (and reap its rewards) by taking out the rogues. If Sea of Thieves adopted a similar system, it would cut down on much of the drive-by griefing (an experienced Galleon is going to think twice about taking down an inexperienced Sloop if there's a chance they're going to become the hunted and have a much fairer fight heading their way) without robbing the game of its PvP tension. If anything it creates even more tension, because every encounter becomes just a little bit more meaningful and strategic.

  • I think alot of people want bountys as they feel this will somehow lead to requiring ship names and Captaincy.

    All we would get would be some form of modified Reapers Mark...probably a different color. Honestly that's how the Reaper Mark should work anyways. A forced mark showing that you are aggressive and perhaps a bonus for sinking you.

    You want PVP...well it's coming to you 👻

  • [Mod edited]

    This is a sandbox game and you get to play how you want. Want to voyage? Want to fight? Want to voyage and fight? Want to do an entire voyage on a rowboat? Want to sit at an island and try and rob a ship that comes up? Want to leave loot all over a random island, so that random players can find it an be happy? Want to try and sink 5 ships? Want to try and team up with every ship on the server? Want to finish a fort and sink the key? Want to see what happens if you place 101 kegs on your ship and then shoot a keg? Want to jump on the back of a shark and see how long you can shark surf? Want to see how long you can hide on someone's ship?

    You can do whatever you want in SoT. It doesn't hold your hand. You're free to roam and play and steal and fight and share and love and etc, etc. etc.

    Also, what if you're trying to do a voyage and you keep getting attacked by the same ship/s? Well, if it's my crew, we're going to sink those that attack us, 99.9% of the time. So, if someone is minding their business and they keep protecting themselves, they would get a bounty put on them. [Mod edited] It makes NO SENSE. my humble opinion.

    Also, in my humble opinion, either adapt and change to the game, or find another game. Stop asking for freebies, nerfs, hand-holding and other game changing things.



  • @capitan-pitbull said in Please don't add bounties:

    @blazedrake100 How does a bounty feature affect you in any way shape or form? If you aint doing pvp then you aint gonna have a bounty on your head and therefore it will actually make less people target you. Im guessing you dont like pvp this should be a good thing for you.

    I'm pretty sure he's talking about defending himself, and getting a bounty from that.

    I mean how would the game know the difference between defending yourself, and attacking others?

  • @dislex-fx They did said something about bounty system but i wouldnt mind if you choose to do it like the reaper flag but maybe another flag that once you put it on you cant take it off for like 20 minutes and if you survive you get gold and commedation and if you sink a ship with it you get gold and diffrent commendation.
    That way you can set traps and prepare yourself.

  • @blazedrake100
    I honestly wouldnt worry. I got a feeling they will be tied to the Grand Maritime noobs.
    I just dont see Rare ruining playstyles by adding a game breaking bounty system. Ima wait to see how they impliment it before i rage out

  • @retroblique said in Please don't add bounties:

    If a Galleon or Brigantine wants to go on a Sloop killing spree, for no other reason than "because they can", there's almost little to no risk expenditure on their part, and little to nothing in the way of consequences. Experienced crews prey on inexperienced crews because there's reward without risk, while they tend to stay away from more experienced crews because the level of risk is much greater.

    Since u said you were a newbie i wanna point out somethings you are wrong about. As someone who always pvps i can tell you we risk our loot too. And supplies. I usually have a ship full of loot on display to encourage pvp.

    This idea experinced players pray on the weak is just untrue. Most noob and solo players have little loot. Experinced crews dont need your seafarers chest. We are also looking for a real fight, not easy kills as we dont need the loot.

    This idea that a player is outmatched just because hes solo or on a smaller boat is nonsense. Some of the best fights i had were from a solo or duo team fighting for their loot.

  • @capitan-pitbull said in Please don't add bounties:

    @blazedrake100 How does a bounty feature affect you in any way shape or form? If you aint doing pvp then you aint gonna have a bounty on your head and therefore it will actually make less people target you. Im guessing you dont like pvp this should be a good thing for you.

    I think the OP is concerned if for example, you successfully defend yourself from an attack, would you then have a bounty placed on you? Meaning you would be attacked even more.. Could become annoying.

  • @faceyourdemon Honestly that's the only way I see this working. If you place the bounty on yourself. Make it so I choose to get a bounty that adds up over time and I can cash in after a certain time if no-one claimed it.

    Otherwise it would be incredibly prone to abuse and misuse like @BlazeDrake100 said.
    If you took the GTA style you'd just get trolls putting it on the most passive players and them revolting against it and if you took the division style that'd also not work because often if you don't shoort first you'll sink.

    I also agree with @DISLEX-fx lots of newer players want the game to adapt to them and it's tiring to see this happen over and over again. This is what ruined World of Warcraft for me eventually, devs create content, some players can't wrap their heads around it, they complain loudly and devs start tearing down their own game. I'm so hoping Rare doesn't pull a blizz.

  • @hynieth Yes exactly in GTA its pretty annoying system but there it is more difficult to avoid players so i understand that but here it wont fit the GTA bounty system.

  • @capitan-pitbull
    Also, if I occasionally pvp(like me and my crewmate do), I would be attacked more while doing pve. I could still escape, but it would be harder to complete a voyage with a high bounty on me, and suddenly I'd be a pvper instead of a pvpver.

  • @faceyourdemon @NWO-Azcrack
    Agreed. Rare just caved to a couple of things they're against so I was just worried that they'd go to far with it.

  • @blazedrake100

    My biggest concern is about compromising the concept of the game not telling you how to behave...

    If bounties are created as a consequence to sinking other ships or killing other players, then this would be the game implying or suggesting that I'm misbehaving, or punishing me for deciding to be a thief.

    I'm not gonna lie, it made me very nervous when Mike Chapman pretty much confirmed in the Live Q&A that this would be coming - I really hope they're very careful in how they implement it...

    I'm prepared to defend myself, yes, but it wouldn't feel right for the game to be biased against players fighting eachother.

  • @blazedrake100 said in Please don't add bounties:

    Also, if I occasionally pvp(like me and my crewmate do), I would be attacked more while doing pve. I could still escape, but it would be harder to complete a voyage with a high bounty on me, and suddenly I'd be a pvper instead of a pvpver.

    Each game session is different. You would only have a bounty on that server.

    The bounty wouldn't work as sailors would just move to a different server.

  • @retroblique welcome to the Seas! Glad you are sailing with your daughter.

    Learn to appreciate the other ships aggressiveness. It will give you an upperhand as they will chase and this allows you to have the upper hand. There are a few posts on tips for sloopers on the forum.
    After release, sloops caused havoc on the seas. You and your daughter can overcome them.

  • @d-jaguar


    One cool way this could work while keeping the game integrity is this.

    Load into game and select adventure, have all current choices as usual, solo sloop, duo, brig, gally etc.

    Add a new option for legendary pirate captains. This option unlocks after you hit legend and once you unlock the ability to name your ship and get your legendary captain status above pirate legend.

    Every new player or player before this rank is just on some random ship like currently in game and they do not earn notoriety as they are just some no name sailors.

    Once a player is captaining his legendary vessel then they can earn notoriety which stays attached to the players legendary ship through game sessions.

    This notorious rank levels up and has a grace period of lets say 5 levels before you start getting any bounty. This is for players who are genuinely nice and only defend themselves successfully. They can then go to duke or another NPC, maybe a shady dealer who can expunge their notoriety before level 5 for free. So a nice defending pirate can always stay "clean" if they so choose.

    Notoriety past level 5 has a gold cost associated to it, if you wish to expunge your notoriety later it will carry a hefty fee. Increasing the notoriety of your legendary captain and ship will carry a bounty that others can claim on your ship every 12 hours of real time as to limit farming of this.

    Once sunk your ships crest rises to the surface and can only be claimed by other crews. A bounty board inside each tavern will show any notorious vessel on the server at the time and the region they were last seen in. An example could be StarQuest legendary captain of the wailing banshee and his dastardly crew were last seen terrorizing the wilds. Bounty of 10,000 gold. (gold price based on notoriety rank). Each time your crest is redeemed you get a big loss to your notoriety rank. Ways to keep it from going down is turning in your own ship crest to deny it from others but your bounty will not be reset for 12 hours and you will stay on the board.

    Why be notorious? Raising your notoriety rank gives your crew a sense of place in the whole community and it stays with your legendary vessel.

    Why turn in bounties? For the gold reward as well as a reward system of cosmetics based around how many bounties claimed. Become the bounty hunters of the seas.

    Notoriety rewards as well, each rank earn very cool rewards that only the most notorious of pirates can use. Examples could be legendary ship models, Fog effects on your ships deck, legendary crew curses. Everyone on your vessel looks like a skeleton lord. ship hulls that look like the ferry of the damned etc. Once you hit a certain notoriety rank you unlock that item. If your rank goes down after that you still keep your items but it puts the next ranks further away.

    Dont feel like being chased that session for your infamy, sail on a friends ship or dont take out your legendary ship. create a non legendary ship and dont stand out or pay off your notoriety.

    This system would most likely be the best way it could work if implemented.

  • Bounties should be on a player (gamertag) and not on a crew or ship. I think it would be kind of fun. At least it would give me something to do with my Gold.

  • @dislex-fx

    Thanks for the recommendation to get good or get out, but we can already hold our own in half our PvP encounters.

    I'm not suggesting radical changes to PvP because, griefing aside, it generally works fine. But there are holes in the current system that allow for griefing. Half the SOT community seems to be in denial that it exists -- all I can do is report my experience, and my experience is that it exists.

    All I'm suggesting are one or two tweaks to the existing system that would reduce the amount of griefing without compromising the core PvP system (and could in fact make it even MORE about skill and experience).

    It's just a suggestion. Chill.

  • Hell yea add Bounties!!!!! Be fun! Love to have a price on my head!

  • @nwo-azcrack

    Okay, thanks, so I'm basically lying and/or have imagined all the things I've seen? Good to know!

  • It's funny that people get so emotional about this and call people "cry-baby newbs" for posting their well written opinion.

    If you are as awesome as you think you are, then you should welcome it.

    There is an intelligent way to do it that takes into account people defending themselves or accidentally shooting someone.

  • @DISLEX-fx Please refrain from derogatory language and personal attacks against others in the community. It is a violation of our forum rules and your post has been edited accordingly.

    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

  • Bounties seem kind of dumb to me. If you are the top PvPer on your server, no amount of bounties is going to do anything - you'll just keep killing everyone. If you start getting chased, just switch servers and you don't have to deal with it.

    Eventually people will just not bother going after bounties, so why have them at all? Doesn't this sound exactly like the Reaper Mark but in an enforced way?

  • @d-jaguar

    Thanks for your more level headed and welcoming response!

    We're improving with each session and are already pretty good at out-sailing attackers and are getting better at repelling boarders.

    The only reason I jumped into this thread is because I've witnessed a griefing problem (no matter how much some players may deny it) that's causing a lot of new players to bounce off the game, one that could easily be fixed without compromising the existing PvP elements of the game.

    I'm not sure why certain elements of the community are so against the idea of making the game more welcoming to newbies without compromising their own experience, but that's video game communities for you. Sweatlords are gonna sweat.

  • I don't know, I would love to bounty hunt and be hunted

  • @mc-leggers said in Please don't add bounties:

    I don't know, I would love to bounty hunt and be hunted

    It's an awesome system in The Division 2 and makes DZ encounters much more tense and exciting, gives experienced players a chance to show off their skills, and gives newbies a chance to observe and learn without feeling like they're continously being whaled upon.

  • @needsmokes @Sweltering-Nick Yeah i can see that point, didnt really think about that. Tbh i reckon they'd make it so if you sink X number of ships you will get a bounty. Rare aint dumb, they'll make a good system so they'll figure it out somehow.

  • i do agree that bounties is a bad addition only because it literally forces you into pvp i dont mind pvp but before they start adding more pvp into this maybe fix their pvp first? and i also dont like being forced to either do pvp or pve whatever i do i want to do if i get attacked and a pirate attacked the wrong pirate i get a bounty for it well i'd just leave the server and hope the bounty vanishes because i dont want a bounty on me when im doing an athenas and definently not a forced bounty thank you very much but the only reason i would consider this to be a good idea is as if they would add my name to the bounty and title because i have a big ego

  • @starquest I do love the idea of bounties as it adds a new element to the seas. AI threats are nothing compared to other sailors.

    I believe that whatever we create, someone will find a way to abuse it. They will find a way to farm it.

  • What is a bounty on someone going to do for you?

    If you're already too scared to fight (yes, you are), it's not like you're going to see a bounty and all of a sudden become a PVP loving fighter.

    You'll keep doing your PVE stuff and the PVPers will just keep doing their PVP stuff.

    Everyone that PVPs won't care. That'll just make us feel more powerful. It'll actually make me want to mess with non-PVPers to see if I can have them sink me enough that they get a bounty on themselves. Then, I come back, kill the PVEer with the accidental bounty and collect my reward. ...all while getting more of the PVP I love, all while controlling the PVEers.

  • Everyone that PVPs won't care. That'll just make us feel more powerful. It'll actually make me want to mess with non-PVPers to see if I can have them sink me enough that they get a bounty on themselves. Then, I come back, kill the PVEer with the accidental bounty and collect my reward. ...all while getting more of the PVP I love, all while controlling the PVEers.

    So that sounds like a +1 for bounties.

  • This Bounty thing - what it really needs is the ability to switch servers. If I’m cyber bullying an entire server and someone puts a bounty on me anyone should be able to see it and if they accept it they should be able to get on the server I’m on to beat me up!

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