Ability to change ship types mid game

  • @entspeak revert back to the system of ship changing I suggested in a precious post

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Ability to change ship types mid game:

    @fractal-pitch It would have require a whole crew vote and no it should store resources this might cause a bug moving to a sloop if you have so many canonballs.

    I say decide what you really want to keep put it in a row boat or on dock barrels then change the ship.

    This would make the method a bit slower so as not to be abused.

    As far as server merge I think that would cause even more server merge issues but who knows.

    Now the Treasure if the boat disapears itll fall into the water once the old boat disapears and the new one appears so now you have to fish everything out of the water.

    This is a non merging system if that concenrs you @entspeak

  • @entspeak Well, for me if a crew fails at sneaking when trying to steal an Athena or fails at stalking efficiently, that's on them. But I understand what you're saying and I agree with that.

    Surely, there is something to add in order for this feature to work properly. I still think that changing server is the way to go but there should be a kind of restriction to prevent players from abusing the system.

  • @entspeak It will take some time to sell whatever you have on your ship, it will take some time to trigger the ship exchange. It will take more time as just selling everything you won at the moment - which you propably won't start when you are under pressure by an opponent. And if you be able to sell everything in time, what makes the difference? In this case you could just sell your stuff, scuttle and carry on. You may also change the ship skin. No one will you you are the one who does the Athena... I cannot agree with your scenario, it seems artificially constructed to me to justify a debate. What exactly is your point?

  • @lem0n-curry In my mind you can't transfer loot from one ship to another, for technical reasons, as has been said in this debate.
    If transfer of supplies is a point of balancing, the design could be to cut it by the half or full down to stock.
    If transfer of orders is a point of fairness, the design could be you lose running orders.

    I say, technical issues are solvable by triggering server switch. Balancing issues are solvable by design. In my opinion, I see no reason for not trying such a often demanded feature in insiders. Should be pretty easy to do, as all necesarry tools are available.

  • @lem0n-curry

    this can be exploited by doing an athena's first part, sailing to the outpost closest to the Athena island and then switch ship.
    You mostly will spawn without other ships close by and none of them will have any clue that you're doing an athena.

    What is the difference to this:

    doing an athena's first part, sailing to the outpost closest to the Athena island and then change the ship colors and / or scuttle ship.
    You mostly will spawn without other ships close by and none of them will have any clue that you're doing an athena.

  • @goedecke-michel I say up the player limit and avoid the server merge altogether

  • @blatantwalk4260 up the player limit per ship? Will overpower them.

  • @goedecke-michel no player limit per server like its 20 players and 6 ships just make it 24

  • Scrolling through this thread I'm seeing a lot of people saying that this is an easy thing to do or something that you don't need too many things to pay attention to, but they're all thinking bad. The servers have a player and a ship limit (which btw is 6 ships, yes any ship, even 6 sloops) for a reason, and that's because they can't handle more. The servers already do a lot of things, and I'm sure that the server component utilization is almost maxed all the times. Also, with this there aren't only technical issues, but also design issues, like someone said that there needs to be always a free outpost, that's why the limit is 6 ships.

  • @eggamer13 a dit dans Ability to change ship types mid game :

    Scrolling through this thread I'm seeing a lot of people saying that this is an easy thing to do or something that you don't need too many things to pay attention to, but they're all thinking bad. The servers have a player and a ship limit (which btw is 6 ships, yes any ship, even 6 sloops) for a reason, and that's because they can't handle more. The servers already do a lot of things, and I'm sure that the server component utilization is almost maxed all the times. Also, with this there aren't only technical issues, but also design issues, like someone said that there needs to be always a free outpost, that's why the limit is 6 ships.

    That's why the suggestion of forced server change is a solution to this ship limit.

  • @fractal-pitch What about the design part, do we take the supplies from one ship to another? Do we translate the ship customization from the old ship to the new one? Do we put the new ship in the same position in the same island as the old one? There are so much things that Rare need to think about... And this is not a priority to be honest. If you want to change ship type, then you exit from the server and go to another one with the new ship. Or, if you are in a brig and one person is leaving, but coming after some time, then keep the brig.

  • @eggamer13 a dit dans Ability to change ship types mid game :

    @fractal-pitch What about the design part, do we take the supplies from one ship to another? Do we translate the ship customization from the old ship to the new one? Do we put the new ship in the same position in the same island as the old one? There are so much things that Rare need to think about... And this is not a priority to be honest. If you want to change ship type, then you exit from the server and go to another one with the new ship. Or, if you are in a brig and one person is leaving, but coming after some time, then keep the brig.

    All of these questions have been asked already on this very thread, we know this feature is not as easy as adding a line of code. But that's not a valid reason of why it should'nt be implemented.
    Sure, it raises a lot of questions and answering to them or finding the right thing to do takes time but that's about it :)
    Apparently, Rare already stated that they were interested in the feature but that it required work to do it properly. So now we wait...

  • @goedecke-michel Again... If a crew is stalking you for an Athena, they may let you sell the little stuff. Or, as is often the case, players themselves don’t care about the little stuff - they’re speed running the Athena anyway. So, let them sink you, go to another outpost and you’re already empty. Switch servers before they can get to you and have only the Athena island to go to on the new server where nobody will be the wiser.

    This suggestion will be so easily abused it’s ridiculous. It will allow combat logging. So, I can’t get behind it. If you want to play with more friends, finish what you’re doing and head back to the lobby.

  • This is more about the issue of having to spend time jumping servers 10 times a day or so and spending hours on regaining supplies because people on your friends list come and go its a real pain to be on a brig gather a ton of supplies and a 4th person gets on 2 hours into sailing. Situations like that are what this was more about I play with enough people to have a whole server of galleons and then some.

  • @fractal-pitch A sneak will always fail when the ship is no longer on the same server.

  • @entspeak sagte in Ability to change ship types mid game:

    This suggestion will be so easily abused it’s ridiculous. It will allow combat logging. So, I can’t get behind it.

    Still not convinced about your concern. Would I change my ship size just to get rid of beeing chased to save an arena? Only in case I can invite a friend, and if I can invite a friend, I would do so without beeing chased. Will I do so in case I can't invite a friend? This can only happen if one crew member will leave, as then I have to choose a smaller ship. Would I do so? Yes, in any case, chased or not. Your szenario seems still just made to me. But you don't need to convince me or vice versa. We spoke our mind and disagree. This is what a forum is for. Rare can read and make their own mind.

    Let's meet on the seas, mate, and avoid raging about ideas and words.

  • @goedecke-michel LoL. Not my job to convince you based on what you claim you would or wouldn't do. There are people who would even if you wouldn't.

    And, I don't know who you believe is raging - the perpensity for projection in these forums is astounding.

  • @entspeak @Goedecke-Michel

    The ship size is quite the easy work around if you are a Galleon. Transition to brig then transition back to a galleon through server merging. I understand the fact that you @Goedecke-Michel wouldn't engage in this behavior, and I commend you for it. However, this isn't far from reality to actually happen. Some invest hours into Athena's, what is 5 minutes of time, swapping out a server to avoid the risk?

    I have had many moments of stalemates over key objects, specifically Athena and Fort Keys. One of many situations where we knew and they knew we knew what map the Athena chest was on. Why risk losing an item you potentially invested an hour of getting, when you could just combat log into a fresh server where no one knows the map location? They hold the power of actually digging that chest and its quite easy to just not dig it up if you suspect fishy behavior. Out of the 8 Athena's I've stolen, only one of them had a crew that wasn't bitter about it and sent hateful messages after the fact. It wasn't far from their character that they would combat log have they had the option.

    A lot of work goes into stealing Athena chest, ranging from tracking, stalking, planning, ambushes, mental manipulation and just basic stealth. This type of combat logging outright removes all the risk of losing an Athena chest. As a person who quite enjoys the game play that revolves around acquiring others Athena's, this type of change concerns me. While you may not think it will happen, I don't agree. For me this isn't far fetched reality of happening.

  • @goedecke-michel said in Ability to change ship types mid game:


    this can be exploited by doing an athena's first part, sailing to the outpost closest to the Athena island and then switch ship.
    You mostly will spawn without other ships close by and none of them will have any clue that you're doing an athena.

    What is the difference to this:

    doing an athena's first part, sailing to the outpost closest to the Athena island and then change the ship colors and / or scuttle ship.
    You mostly will spawn without other ships close by and none of them will have any clue that you're doing an athena.

    The amount of supplies.

    And not just for an Athena done on multiple servers but also for those who like to hunt forts and / or PVE players can have loads of supplies on board instead of the starting amount.

    This will cause more issues than it solves and probably isn't even a solution for people who would like to switch boat, as there is more than keep the mission(s) and supplies why people wouldn't want to change boats now.

    For example, if you're in a nice alliance but a crew member down, you might prefer to stay on the same server. Same goes if as a more PvP oriented crew, you've found nice opposition and someone wants to join.

  • @blatantwalk4260

    I know players have asked about this idea in the past but I don't think its a good one.

    1 reason in particular is that when a server gets taken over for a PvE alliance then a every ship on that server is going to swap to a Galleon to maximize the amount of people on the server.

    Swapping servers and gathering resources is just part of the game.

    Honestly gathering resources isn't that big of a deal. Takes maybe 2 mins to 5mins max to clear out an outpost. Even then you don't need to clean it out. 1 or 2 runs and you are set. Then just gather as you go.

    Player count and ship count are part of the games algorithm when finding or creating a server. This would just cause too many issues.

  • @xultanis-dragon Ok I dont really care

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