[Mega Thread] Tall Tales Feedback

  • SPOILERS Bug Report

    I started the 2nd tall tale today with a friend, and we did a skelly fort in the middle of it. After we cleared the fort, I was holding a gunpowder barrel and he shot me. As I was respawning, the game threw me into a fight with the Gold Hoarder (I'm assuming the last chapter of the tall tales?). I have a clip of me fighting him and dying, but unfortunately, my PC was only set up to record the last 30 seconds of gameplay so I couldn't have it clip me going into the fight. Super wonky, and disappointing to have my first fight with him be from a glitch, but ah well.

    I have been thoroughly enjoying them though! I'm looking forward to seeing the journey getting to that fight!

  • Ahoy there,

    I just completed Shores of Gold and am certainly impressed, especially with the final chapter.

    The first few chapters had repetitive elements, but the differing story telling methods didn't really grow old on me or my mate. Discovering all the journals is a challenge we're glad to accept, given the rewards. It's a breath of fresh air, having new reasons to explore nooks and crannies around the Sea of Thieves.

    The Gold Hoarder's lair was a blast to delve into, I'm really hoping we see more gut-wrenching jumps as well as traps in the future as it's a really unique section of the game right now.

    I do wish the skeleton lords became more brutal in the later chapters, as you can gang-up on them and there's little they can do back. The Gold Hoarder's skull might also be undervalued, given the extended length of the final chapter.

    Here's to a new year on the Sea of Thieves!

  • When doing the Shroudbreaker Tall Tale, at Crook's Hollow there is an audio glitch. Everytime players approach the rock with the scarab painting while gathering tokens, a suspenseful/loud horror musical sting plays.

  • @haywirephoenix said in [Mega Thread] Tall Tales Feedback:

    The new content is AWESOME! We were blown away by the quality of the content. The added animations and voice acting brought this game to life! Almost drowning in the hidden temple was fantastic.

    For the first day we were in love with the update. Unfortunately the second day we were prevented from continuing as trolls/paid corporate espionage employees / sociopaths repeatedly harassed us. We could not watch a cutscene without being but down from behind or returning to a sunken ship. Despite changing servers multiple times, even tried to vpn to a different time zone.

    Pvp, we get it, but being constantly forced into it is immersion breaking and anxiety inducing. Arena was a genius attempt to remedy this but currently it's not serving it's purpose.

    We want to enjoy this new content so badly. I don't believe that Rare want to tell players how to have fun. I think mayne some of their current devs lack the skill to add pve mode. So tell me Rare, how much money do you want to add PVE??? We will get you it. I'm going to start a new thread on this topic.

    i was with you right up until you said "their current devs lack the skill to add pve mode" and then i switched off.

  • @nenikakamen same ! had this the other day and had to fight him and die to come back to the ship, pretty much ruined the tale we were currently on as my team mate was left on his own and if your crew go through the ferry door with you at the same time they get pulled over to the gold hoarders vault too.

  • Spoilers!
    Ive enjoyed the tall tales alot! Great experience, with new fun ways to play! The rewards of the final chapter (shores of gold) was kind of a let down. Sure, its about the story and not the rewards, but some kind of big reward (in gold) would be really nice. The cosmetics are fine, but we should atleast get some kind of big reward the first time we complete this tall tale. Maybe around 100-250k gold the first time we complete the commendation maybe (so it cannot be farmed for easy gold). And the last skull should be worth more, maybe around 30-40k atleast, so its worth doing the tall tale again for some gold instead of voyages and fort farming. And for the other tales, we should atleast get around 5-10k each time we complete them. So its more worth doing them besides for the cosmetic rewards!
    Otherwise than that the tall tales were amazing, maybe some new moves for the diffrent skeleton lords? Briggsy is fine, but then add a new move to graymarrow (throw his chest maybe) and another move to the gold hoarder (gold spikes or smth). That would be the cherry on the cake!

  • This game has quickly become " Sea of Updates" Ive been playing since day 1 and im pretty sure ive spent more time updating the game than actually playing it. PLUS Windows 10 store "auto update" "feature" sure works well...as in it DOESNT. IF THIS GAME IS IN ALPHA OR EARLY ACCESS DONT SELL IT AS A FULL RELEASE. I Love this game, but stop putting out broken updates just to force another update to update the update to fix the thing that was broken in the last update 3 updates ago. I would like to be able to get home from work play for a few hours with friends and then go on with my evening, and this game WILL NOT LET ME.

  • I just helped someone finish tall tale 4 but i have not done the first 3 xD but i got commendations popping up but it does not unlock it in menu?

  • @dewiltz Windows auto update has been working fine for me. Plus patches for most games come out on a weekly basis. Any game that isn't constantly trying to improve or update is going to fall apart.

  • @ruigtand-nl it will as soon as you complete trickster no6 which will unlock the first 6 tales.. i had a similar thing when i was transported to the gold hoarders lair when i died on a different tale and when i finally unlocked that tale i had commendations with it.

  • The french translation for tall tales 8 : Revenge of the Morningstar is one of the worst thing I've ever seen in this game. Translation aren't always easy - I get it - however, even Google Translate or the Microsoft translator does a better job !

    Tyler's dialogue :
    From what I understand the only random variable in this quest is the location of Graymarrow. Therefore, all dialogue and enigmas are the same everytime. Tyler is supposed to give us a clue to head to Sunken Grove.

    In the English dialogue, Tyler says the island name as "Sinken Cove".
    In the French dialogue, Tyler roughly says "I think the island name is Shipwreck Cove or maybe it is Shipwreck Cay"

    Why. None of the location names have been traduced in French. Why this clue was changed for no reason and leads us to the wrong island Shipwreck Bay is beyond me. The clue in the French dialogue should be the same as in English.

    Translation errors on the symbols page :

    • Setting Sun : Is translated as "Paramètre Soleil"... The correct translation is "Soleil Couchant".
    • Face : Is translated as "Visage". In the enigma Face is an action verb so is the translation meant to be. A correct translation would be "Regarder" (Look at) or "Tourner" (Turn).

    Additionally, The Canon Cove enigma is more confusing due to being displayed on three lines instead of four. It should be displayed as :

    • From Cave Walk Rising Sun,
    • When Sun Hits Face Setting Sun,
    • Walk Kraken Rock Face Beach,
    • Walk Camp Face North Star,
    • Walk Seven Dig
  • Warning: Super annoying bug in Shores of Gold! After I finally made it to The Shores of Gold I had a look around and found a crashed sloop near the south side of the island. I jumped on top of it and ended up getting trapped between the sloop and a tree tight next to it. I tried everything but there was no escape and my game eventually crashed. It wouldn't have been nearly as bad if I had a crewmate but I didn't and now I have to start the Tale all over again.

  • @freddykrug said in [Mega Thread] Tall Tales Feedback:

    We fought Briggsy yesterday with my Brig Crew. We are all experienced Pirate Legends and I have to say that this fight was a bit too "hard" for my liking...
    I think she should be just as hard but I think she should not have regen and instead have a larger pool of hp...
    I loved to fight her but it took us at least 30 min and all or food supplies and it wasn't really fun at the end until we figured we had to find a way to exploit her health mechanic in order to win.
    The rest of her abilities were great and were a welcome addition to the game!

    Strong second on this experience, and I like the solution as well. Briggsy's ability to eat/heal makes the fight potentially infinite, which makes the fight far more punishing for an inexperienced crew (it's hard to even notice she's eating, since you're so busy dealing with her adds). I've fought her twice with a Brigantine crew and both times took literally all our supplies, almost 200 cannonballs (granted my friends are not crack shots).

    In addition to a finite health pool, I'd love some kind of indicator that we were making progress - perhaps she only starts summoning adds at 2/3 health, and starts teleporting at 1/3. For a fight this long, knowing you're making progress is reassuring.

    Someone suggested she's immune to cannons. I don't think it's true, but if it is then it needs to be communicated because it would be a major outlier compared to every other enemy in the game.

  • @djcoil She's not immune to cannons. I killed her with cannons while in a solo sloop. She is MUCH easier with a sloop party. Like, a lot. Once again due to the health regen mechanic which I don't like. The issue to kill Brigsy with cannons from a brig or gally party is similar to attacking a red mermaid with cannons. It doesn't work well because cannons do not sustain enough damage over time to overcome her regen, depending how efficient you can hit her with cannons...

    You kinda need to kill her like a red mermaid. All players focus fire on her + heal when needed until she's dead. This is not only unintuitive, but it also go against her special abilities that suggest you should clear the mobs and then attack her. Red mermaids at least have a clear visual feedback for their health regen. And they also don't move, or teleport, or spawn skellies, or send you off flying. Just saying...

  • Generally, loving the Tall Tales, been working through them with friends ever since the update went live.

    Tonight though, hit our first glitch. Got to the part of Legendary Storyteller where you pick up the carved wood plank, and had to stop for supplies on the way to the final island. We got a message 'the key was lost' and the tale failed. This HAS to be a glitch and not intended...there's no reason for a piece of wood to have a timer, especially one less than 5 minutes.

  • Banned for playing like a pirate?

    Here’s what happened

    I was trying to find all the bounty hunter books for tall tales

    And along the way me and my friend sawa brig so being the pirates we are
    We chased and sunk the brig in hopes for loot...

    That’s when I got a message from one of the brig’s crew saying “yea hope you had fun cause you’re getting reported for trolling”

    Words were said from both sides and at first we split but while getting the last book we found the same brig at the island and round 2 began

    In the end we won and I got another message saying “yea you’re trolling so I’m reporting you and posting your name on the forums and my reddit”

    I invited him to party chat to which he joined and started to swear and shout down the mic calling us homophobic names

    And was also saying “since you like trolling so much I’ll just pull your IP and give to my reddit”

    Long story short
    This guy got mad over being sunk and robbed on Sea Of Thieves and now has threatened me by saying he’s getting be banned and I can say good bye to my account while also saying “you know I can beat the (£&”?) out of you right kid”....

    I’m not too worried about him because I’ve had hack/IP threats before, but I am worried about my account getting banned as I’ve already had a week ban in the past due to fake reports on my account.

    I’m not sure if this is the forum to post on about this
    And I’m just concerned that my account will be affected by false reports.

    So Can some1 tell who I can talk to so I can report this player
    And hopefully avoid any further issue. Thank you

  • @freddykrug said in [Mega Thread] Tall Tales Feedback:

    @djcoil She's not immune to cannons. I killed her with cannons while in a solo sloop. She is MUCH easier with a sloop party. Like, a lot. Once again due to the health regen mechanic which I don't like. The issue to kill Brigsy with cannons from a brig or gally party is similar to attacking a red mermaid with cannons. It doesn't work well because cannons do not sustain enough damage over time to overcome her regen, depending how efficient you can hit her with cannons...

    You kinda need to kill her like a red mermaid. All players focus fire on her + heal when needed until she's dead. This is not only unintuitive, but it also go against her special abilities that suggest you should clear the mobs and then attack her. Red mermaids at least have a clear visual feedback for their health regen. And they also don't move, or teleport, or spawn skellies, or send you off flying. Just saying...

    Not to sure on her health regen, we dropped 5 kegs on her, 30 cannon balls and no scratch on her lol. Then was distracted by a player row boated over to us for some PVP. She was still on the beach, took 2-3 cannon shots and was dead.

  • Briggsy is way too strong for a brigantine. i find that a group of 3 take 45mins-1hr killing the skeleton lord. i think that the reasons that she takes ages to kill is because first of all she spawns in waves after waves after waves of skeletons, i even timed it and there was a max of a 15 sec gap between the point s when she spawns new waves. this therefore diverts attention away from briggsy and you spend 75% killing 'her crew'. also, her health is way too high and banana consumption is frequent.

  • @stunteeee All Skeleton lord are just way too long to kill for a Brig crew. It's just not even fun, I just spent 45 min or so fighting the last lord and it took use about the same for the one before. Every time we get to a point where it's no fun at all, we ran out of all the food and we start to think it is bugged or something. Then 10 min later out of nowhere she just die and we still can't figure out precisely their health mechanic. It's really not fun and kinda ruins the tales. I like to fight them just there is really no reason to stretch the fight for so long...

    It's not even hard, it's just long, really long, endlessly long, boringly long, pointlessly long... long...

    Also, I think we should be able to avoid their knock back if we are quick enough. Right now, it's possible to minimize the damage but almost impossible to run away from the knock back if you are fighting with sword.

  • Hello my fellow scallywags on the Sea Of Thieves, I had just recently completed the long run of the new tall tale quest and was very pleased with the results of cosmetic features Rare has implemented. This should be my very first time posting to the forums on this website (so have pity if I don’t know what I’m doing) but I would like to know if anyone would mind to clarify how the last voyage “Shores of Gold” was supposed to be plan out according to how I experienced it. It all started with my very incompetent crew including myself venturing into the shroud. Once we completed the various quest on the island and battled through the underground caverns, I had noticed a glitch where I could Sea through the map noticing a ship that didn’t seem to belong to my crew. Nevertheless we carried on encountering the pirate captain after killing the gold hoarder saying something along the lines of, “leave this gold for many have changed because of their greed for it, and keep the glory you’ve gained instead”. That was a nice sentiment to the end of the long quest. Unfortunately while exiting the area my crew was ambushed by another crew waiting for who knows how long outside the escape area, killing all of us unnaturally fast with blunder busts. I do know and I am not against how others play this game as thieves is in the title, but after sinking my crews ship as we sunk theirs, bad luck would have that their ship had responded where theirs was just sunk, giving them the ability to take our skull and leave. I’m ok with losing a fight now and then especially since I got the commendation for completing the voyage anyway, but our ship once responded had no shroud breaker anymore and we were unable to chase after their ship as ours sank and we were teleported back to the normal sea of thieves to far from where they were. I will admit again that my crew and myself are not very good at pvp or the game in general, but I just wanted to know if Rare does know about the vulnerability of other crews trying to complete the quest compared to others waiting to take their loot. Lastly I would like to know how much time a certain crew has on completing a voyage in the shores of gold without the shroud breaker disappearing and how much times a ship can sink before the should breaker disappears. Thank you.

  • @unyieldingred said:

    There are No real meaningful rewards for the time put in.

    The game play is the reward! The time spent on the adventure, the challenge of the riddles and the battles, the sense of achievement. The laughs! The fun!

    I never understand why people play games like Sea of Thieves if all they want out of their time is a new jacket - drawn in pixels - that their avatar can wear while the play the game some more. To do what? Get new sails - also drawn in pixels?

    The fun you have is its own reward! If that is not enough, go do something else.

  • Just finished the Shores of Gold tall tale and WOW! I really hope we see more stuff like this.

  • Hello Support, I wanted to ask you a few questions about Tall Tales: First i wanted to say, that besides some bad descriptions regarding a few mysteries which led to confusion, a mate and I really enjoyed the new campaign. But why didn't we get the Morningstar outfit? Or why do we only get 10k gold for the skull (which btw got taken away from some random players, waiting at the shroud to sink us (Galleone), so we didnt even get the 10k), atfer we had invested tons of hours just to manage some mysteries without spoiling ourselfs with the internet. You should look over the german translation again, because many things were described very badly or also drawn very disproportionately. Over all I Am very disappointed, because even tho the story was obviously made with love, you can't just end the story with: "its not about the gold, its about the glory." It is a very nice statement but nothing we expected or any other player would expect or be satisfied with, because its called "The Shores Of GOLD" not "The Shores Of GLORY". So why couldn't you just reward all the hours the few players invested for this entire campaign? My last review is that you shouldve given us better rewards than e.g. just a compass or especially for the "Shores of Gold" something better than a suit, that is totally the same as the "pirate jacket of theswashbuckler" just not being closed. I don't know if the jacket is spelled like that in english. Also it doesn't look special at all. I just don't get it. We are talking about an Iland of gold, and that is all we get? Could you just give some statements? Thank you.

  • @freddykrug Lol. I was disappointed of the Lords because they were way too easy and it took me plus a mate only 5 minutes for graymarrow and only 12 minutes for the last one. You really gotta be very bad at fighting or i dont know. Especially the last one i expected something like 30 minutes, i mean its the last Lord you will ever fight in this quest.

  • The tall tales are totally awesome and it's just what SoT needed. However, i don't understand why anyone would want to do each one 5 times to get all commendations. It's not really rewarding at all - 3k gold isn't even close to enough - and the replayability of some missions really needs to be improved, it's not fun to replay something if it's basically the same every time.

  • The art of the trickster is a hard one to do solo. I died in vault fighting the coral skellies. Thinking i could reenter, but not impressed that you lose the totem locking you out of the vault and forcing you to start over. :mad:

  • @al-silverhook I think this is a known issue. At least I hope so because it has happened to me twice. Once on Stars of a Thief and once on Legendary Storyteller. I’ve been scouring the forums to see if this has happened to someone else.

  • As of patch 2.0.2 the french translation errors in Tall Tales 8 : Revenge of the Morningstar have yet to be resolved. Looking at various threads, these mistakes aren't exclusive to french and other languages may have incorrect translations for keywords and essential clues given in that Tale.

    As a reminder, here are the translation errors I am talking about :

    Tyler's dialogue :
    Tyler is supposed to give us a clue to head to Sunken Grove.

    In the English dialogue, Tyler says the island name as "Sinken Cove".
    In the French dialogue, Tyler roughly says "I think the island name is Shipwreck Cove or maybe it is Shipwreck Cay"

    Why. None of the location names have been traduced in French. Why this clue was changed for no reason and leads us to the wrong island (Shipwreck Bay) is beyond me. The clue in the French dialogue should be the same as in English.

    Translation errors on the symbols page :

    Setting Sun : Is translated as "Paramètre Soleil"... The correct translation is "Soleil Couchant".
    Face : Is translated as "Visage". In the enigma, Face is an action verb so is the translation meant to be. A correct translation would be "Regarder" (Look at) or "Tourner" (Turn).

    Additionally, on of the Canon Cove enigma (the one leading to the beach) is more confusing due to being displayed on three lines instead of four.

  • Got a bug in the art of the trickster tale, at one point after placing the trickster's keg the game stopped spawning skeletons for me. The music kept playing but nothing spawned. I left the lair, left the island, killed myself to spawn on the ferry of the damned, nothing fixed it. Eventually had to give up. Was probably on round 7-8 if I had to make a guess.

  • Hi, we got a bug at the beginning of the fable 7 "destiny of the Morningstar" we can't take the lantern after finding the sarcophagus... we have already reset the quest 3 time.

  • The gold hoarder is such a huge missed opportunity for having an awesome boss fight. The mechanics are literally the exact same as the other two bosses, if i didn't miss something, and this was like the one encounter where we actually could have had a really interesting and mechanically harder fight, since it's on the shores of gold island where you're very isolated from enemy crews.

    Honestly i really can't understand the thought process behind having a fight like this. Firstly, what is fun about the fight itself? What's the point of all the build up when you end up fighting the least scary boss ever. Did you not think your players could handle more than just spamming sword attacks? There are so many tools and items in this game that you could have used in creative ways for this boss fight, and it's such a shame that you didn't.

  • @surveyorpete That is why you play them once. But what about the 4 more times you have to complete them in order to get all the achievements? It's not rewarding enough to do every mission 4 times, but more importantly, they're simply not designed very well to be replayable.

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