PvE Servers

  • Please create PvE only servers for those of us who love this game, but only wish to engage in the fantastic PvE experience of the game. I have been on the borderline of having to leave Sea of Thieves altogether because of the forced PvP. Most people aren't trying to have fun WITH you, they are trying to RUIN your experience for the sake of their own demented fun. There are a wide variety of pirates out there and being an overly aggressive, spawn killing, cruel player is only one type of pirate. There shouldn't be only one way to enjoy the game. Not everyone is cut out for PvP and I think that pushing these people out of Sea of Thieves is a terrible way to maintain a fanbase. Please, please consider having PvE adventure servers only. I'm a huge supporter of your game and I would love to work with you to help enhance the experience of all of our PvE community members.

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  • @ac30fac35 said in PvE Servers:

    Most people aren't trying to have fun WITH you, they are trying to RUIN your experience for the sake of their own demented fun.

    So... PVP ? (fancy dramatic words though) Someone wins, someone lose. Losing isn't fun, I get it, but it's part of the game. You practice, you get better at the game, you lose less over time.

    There shouldn't be only one way to enjoy the game.

    Unless it's a PVE only server?

    Not everyone is cut out for PvP and I think that pushing these people out of Sea of Thieves is a terrible way to maintain a fanbase.

    Unfortunate, but the game was advertised as PVPVE so if people who don't enjoy PVP still picked up SoT, they didn't do an informed purchase. Apparently the player population and popularity is as high as ever, clearly Rare is going the right direction with that they do, no?

  • Just curious, how would you prevent someone from getting on your ship and staying on your wheel, or from entering your ship in general? If you remove the ability for someone to enter your ship you remove allot of the ability for crews to work together.

    For a PVE mode did you mean just one ship per server? Because that seems like it would be a waste of server space, or did you mean like an offline version where none of the stuff you do progresses your online account?

    Just curious by what exactly you mean by PVE server, could you ellaborate.

  • @ac30fac35 said in PvE Servers:

    Please create PvE only servers for those of us who love this game, but only wish to engage in the fantastic PvE experience of the game.

    I dont think you truly LOVE this game if you dont appreciate the full aspect and entirety of the game. This game is not going to change like that just cuz guys want it to.

    If you guys want a pve only server, fine, but I hope that you guys have to start out with a new pirate and anything you do in that server doesn't count for the REAL servers, so that way not a bunch of people can just go on those servers to lvl up thinking they can just get to PL10 without any conflict between any other players, that would be stupid and there would be no point in playing the the game the way they intended it to be played.

  • @xix-zeno-xix I honestly think the only way it would have to be done is like Diablo II's Solo mode. Where everything is separate and you have to play by yourself with all progress being separate from online.

    People don't realize how boring it would be if that's the case.

  • These posts are getting a bit pointless anymore. It’s one thing to suggest an idea for “Adventure” mode. This is just a player who probably spent hours to collect two chest. Got repeatedly killed by a galleon crew who where probably raiding the supply barrels of low supplies since most players don’t know how to stock up a ship before they leave.

    If your getting spawn killed scuttle your ship and just say GG and move on.

  • @jc-yukaze exactly that yes I would at least hope for that if that's the case.

  • @xix-zeno-xix It's the only way to have it done, otherwise you would have people finding a way around the "no pvp clause" like dropping kegs in front of the ship.

    If people want to play offline that wouldn't bother me, since it would be very boring and tedious, and none of their progress would affect the people who take the "risk" to play online with others.

  • @xix-zeno-xix You're judging me based on my personal preferences? That's really not your call.

  • @jc-yukaze said in PvE Servers:

    @xix-zeno-xix It's the only way to have it done, otherwise you would have people finding a way around the "no pvp clause" like dropping kegs in front of the ship.

    If people want to play offline that wouldn't bother me, since it would be very boring and tedious, and none of their progress would affect the people who take the "risk" to play online with others.

    If private servers becomes a thing, there should be no progress, commendations or gold possible on them, to incentivise people to play on public for rewards.

    The devs mentioned this often, their goal is to make a big shared world and to get as many people as possible to play together.

    You (not you) want to play by yourself? Fine, enjoy a "pleasure cruise" mode with no gains.

  • @jc-yukaze No. Playing by yourself? Have you never seen systems like what Elite Dangerous has? They have a full on open world and closed PvE servers. This allows people to meet new people of like mindset. I will have to agree to disagree with you on this one.

  • @ac30fac35 im not judging you, I just dont believe you truly love this game like you say you do bcuz how much you want the game you claim you love to change to your satifaction. That's not love man. If you loved the game as much as you say you do then why do you want it to changes so badly?

  • @jc-yukaze People who do that could be reported and banned from the PvE server altogether.

  • @bloodybil said in PvE Servers:

    @jc-yukaze said in PvE Servers:

    @xix-zeno-xix It's the only way to have it done, otherwise you would have people finding a way around the "no pvp clause" like dropping kegs in front of the ship.

    If people want to play offline that wouldn't bother me, since it would be very boring and tedious, and none of their progress would affect the people who take the "risk" to play online with others.

    If private servers becomes a thing, there should be no progress, commendations or gold possible on them, to incentivise people to play on public for rewards.

    The devs mentioned this often, their goal is to make a big shared world and to get as many people as possible to play together.

    You (not you) want to play by yourself? Fine, enjoy a "pleasure cruise" mode with no gains.

    And this opinion is also something I can't agree with. What's it to you whether or not we should have progression? If you don't like only PvE, that's your choice, but to try and control the progress for others? What's with that? It honestly wouldn't affect you.

  • @xix-zeno-xix said in PvE Servers:

    @ac30fac35 im not judging you, I just dont believe you truly love this game like you say you do bcuz how much you want the game you claim you love to change to your satifaction. That's not love man. If you loved the game as much as you say you do then why do you want it to changes so badly?

    Your belief if misplaced and made out of ignorance. You don't know me.

  • @ac30fac35 But if they just get on your ship and stay on the wheel without causing damage to your ship they arn't engaging in PVP.

    Would you make all parts on the ship only able to be used by the player who owns the ship? If so, lets say you're in an alliance and you need help against a skelly ship, if someone is to help you on your boat they would not be able to.

    What if someone crashed your ship and said it was an accident? You would have to be recording at all times in order to gain proof, otherwise it's he said, she said.

  • @k1lroyw4sh3r3 said in PvE Servers:

    These posts are getting a bit pointless anymore. It’s one thing to suggest an idea for “Adventure” mode. This is just a player who probably spent hours to collect two chest. Got repeatedly killed by a galleon crew who where probably raiding the supply barrels of low supplies since most players don’t know how to stock up a ship before they leave.

    If your getting spawn killed scuttle your ship and just say GG and move on.

    Getting pointless, for yourself perhaps. I haven't weighed my two cents in yet and here it is. So, being pointless to yourself, this should really have no affect on you. That's like walking into someone's party and saying, these parties are really becoming pointless. Why would you enter if you're not having fun?

  • @ac30fac35 then dont claim you love something if you want it to change so badly, it's a great game, love it for what it is.

  • @ac30fac35 It’s not happening, ruins the whole purpose of the game. Get over it. Or play a different game.

  • @jc-yukaze said in PvE Servers:

    @ac30fac35 But if they just get on your ship and stay on the wheel without causing damage to your ship they arn't engaging in PVP.

    Would you make all parts on the ship only able to be used by the player who owns the ship? If so, lets say you're in an alliance and you need help against a skelly ship, if someone is to help you on your boat they would not be able to.

    What if someone crashed your ship and said it was an accident? You would have to be recording at all times in order to gain proof, otherwise it's he said, she said.

    That's called disruption. That too is considered an offense in PvE only servers. You can come up with lots of excuses for this, but it could be made pretty solid.

  • @zaannox said in PvE Servers:

    @ac30fac35 It’s not happening, ruins the whole purpose of the game. Get over it. Or play a different game.

    Well, if it isn't a local party pooper. Don't forget to scoop yourself up before leaving, please.

  • @xix-zeno-xix said in PvE Servers:

    @ac30fac35 then dont claim you love something if you want it to change so badly, it's a great game, love it for what it is.

    You need to get a new hobby besides trying to trash someone and their opinions on a feedback and suggestions forum.

  • [Mod edit - personal attacks are not welcome here. Please be conscientious and constructive when commenting on these forums.]

  • @ac30fac35 I mean, it's not my fault you accidentally hit the gun powders I was placing in your path or lightning hit the gunpowder barrels I put all over your ship.

    I could simply be helping you stock up to help your merchant rep.

  • I think most of the people coming in to post are missing the whole point of this post.

    I'm writing this for the Devs to see, not for the PvE haters of the community to troll on. If you can either support or respectfully contribute to the rebuttle of why PvE servers shouldn't be an option, the. I invite you to have a discussion with me. Otherwise, please seek another post to troll. Thanks for keeping this post up and at the top. I appreciate it.

  • @jc-yukaze said in PvE Servers:

    @ac30fac35 I mean, it's not my fault you accidentally hit the gun powders I was placing in your path or lightning hit the gunpowder barrels I put all over your ship.

    I could simply be helping you stock up to help your merchant rep.

    It would be if I saw you doing it. Got another one for me?

  • @ac30fac35 As I mentioned, it would be a matter of incentive to get people to play together. God forbid you have to play like everyone else to earn rewards the same way everybody else does.

  • @ac30fac35 So it's ok as long as you don't see who did it?

  • @zaannox said in PvE Servers:

    @ac30fac35 You’re the one trying to leave the party and go off into your own special little corner because you can’t play with the big kids.

    It's these "big kids" that make the game toxic and unenjoyable for others. I prefer to play with adults who can actually use sensibility.

  • @jc-yukaze said in PvE Servers:

    @ac30fac35 So it's ok as long as you don't see who did it?

    I mean, if you want to go around leaving barrels in the water, go for it. You'll end up having them respawn instead of actually causing damage to someone's boat. Nice try though.

  • @ac30fac35 you need to stop getting offended by the truth

  • @bloodybil said in PvE Servers:

    @ac30fac35 As I mentioned, it would be a matter of incentive to get people to play together. God forbid you have to play like everyone else to earn rewards the same way everybody else does.

    Playing the same way as everyone else means picking on others and trying to ruin a days work they've been slugging away on. That doesn't appeal to me. I would prefer to work with and alongside others for reaching an end. That's just how I play. Having a PvE server would allow everyone in it to play this way and meet new people without having to be harassed by the same boat time after time and the like.

  • @xix-zeno-xix said in PvE Servers:

    @ac30fac35 you need to stop getting offended by the truth

    What truth do you hold while maintaining your ignorance?

  • @ac30fac35 Also, how is your "Big Brother" report system going to work out if we ram eachother's ship? You didn't get out of my way and because of the Ram you are now disrupting my voyage. Would I be allowed to report you in this situation? How does this report feature distinguish accident from intent?

    As for the barrels I can simply place them in front of your ship as you're on the island. I could even be on your ship and do it, but as long as you didn't see me I would be in the clear. And if you say then I wouldn't go on the island and that would be disruption are you inferring that someone could be banned simply for standing on your ship?

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