Tales in the Taverns Light: Chapter 1 - Deception

  • Gather around, dear listeners! Fill your pints and take a seat, as I have a tale to tell. Those feint of heart best steer clear, this is not a story of happy endings - at least, not to all parties involved, hah hah hah! No, this is a tale of deception, of mischief, of betrayal. Some may hear this tale and think, "Captain Fuzzbutt! You heartless dog!". And aye, that I am! I did not make a name on these seas as a charitable, giving sailor. No, I am a pirate! As are we all! But I digress...

    It was a late evening, the seas rattled only by the storm that hangs in the outer reaches of Reapers Hideout. I was serving the crew of another captain. A captain that was, in my opinion, too soft. After all, why fly the Reapers Flag if not to end the voyages of those who feed into the capitalistic society of the Pirate Lord? Instead, to alliance with them? Preposterous! But my objections fell on deaf ears, and here we sat at the end of our voyage as the Athena's sailed their flag free of harm. I would not stand for this. And when my captain and his ship-hand departed from our Brigantine, I was left in charge. Immediately, I raised the reapers flag once more, this time in pride! I was in control of this flags fate this time, and I would not let that opportunity go to waste. But a foolish endeavor is it to sail a Brigantine without a crew. Luckily, there was something a little more my size just off the shore...

    A rowboat can be unwieldy in the open seas, but our overly-trusting friends were parked just one island over, close enough to hear their scuffle with the undead Galleon that was serving them a hearty dose of cannon fire. The fight was hectic enough for me to ditch the rowboat, hop aboard their vessel, and scurry my way up to the crows nest. From there, I can begin scheming my plan. Should I sink them? Run with their chest of legends? At this point, I knew they were doing a level 5 Athena's voyage, I could see it in the items they were digging up. If I did not act soon, they would reach their final destination, and I knew they would put that Ancient Black Powder keg right on my hiding spot. Just as I was considering moving my tucking position, I saw one of their crew take the rowboat that I had rowed over! I thought for sure I was done for, it wasn't the most inconspicuously hid boat after all... But no! They used it to collect the Athena's treasure from the island, AND the loot from the skeleton ship! My heart was racing. That was my ticket! Take the rowboat, and bring it back to my vessel in open arms. I just needed to wait for the right moment... And after another scuffle with a skeleton sloop (of which they stored the loot on the rowboat), I saw my opportunity at the shores of Lone Cove. This crew thought themselves clever, keeping a member on their deck at most times. But a couple of seconds with an empty ship was just what I needed to leap from the crows nest, dash into the rowboat, and cut the ties that kept their loot from becoming my own. I made a swift dash away from the island, rowing as hard as my arms would take me. By the time they would discover that their rowboat, and all the treasures they had left on it was gone, I would be passing by Rum Runner Isle on the home stretch to Reapers Hideout, where my empty Brigantine sat awaiting my approach. Now, how an unattended ship with a level 1 reapers flag, sitting perfectly still for approximately 20 minutes failed to attract the attention of any other local ships is beyond my cope of understanding. But I was surely glad to see those sails flowing in the wind as I rowed up.

    The treasure was just enough to impress the Reaper for grade 5. Perhaps he gave me a bonus, having stole it from another crew. Regardless, my contribution of stolen goods left him satisfied, and taught a lesson to those who sail these seas. It is home to pirates, and nobody can be trusted. Not even those who you think to be friends. And with that extra stash of gold, the next round is on me!

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  • Well done, well written.

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