Mercenary Outfit for Play for Free

  • I just found out that Rare is awarding players with the Mercenary outfit for sharing their codes with their friends. When I went to Reddit the first day of this update so many people just threw out their codes onto the subreddit and now are demanding the outfit. I find it absolutely ridiculous that a temporary item like that can just be given away. I thought having exclusive items meant something. I personally dont have the outfit and Ive always thought it was cool and admired those who had it like my friend who sees it as his prized outfit on the sea since not many people have it. To see people get it for doing absolutely nothing to really earn it except throw out their codes. I agree that they deserve maybe a new type of cosmetic or given some sort of exclusive item but not an item that is already existing for people who could have possibly paid money to get it or worked hard. Please Rare do not let this happen.

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  • @graves-v Can you show me the source please?

  • This is the first I’ve heard about it, although I won’t be complaining personally as I don’t have it haha.

    Just hope some people used my codes 😂

  • @targasbr said in Mercenary Outfit for Play for Free:

    @graves-v Can you show me the source please?

    I second, this is the first I've heard of this.

  • Rare doesn’t seem to think with exclusive items. Look at the past and how many exclusive items caused issues with eBay, etc.
    Rare...exclusives are the cream of the crop in a game that has NOTHING ELSE to make you unique. Consider more when putting them in the game, please.
    What if I didn’t buy the code back at launch? I’d never get this exclusive set? That’s insane.

  • Wauw, that is beyond bull, what about the rest of us?

    This should be granted to anyone and everyone who completes the Mercenary Voyage.

  • I don't get why new players would get the set, but current players would not.

  • @Sgt-Palooggoo @TargasBR all i could find on this was an image from what looks to be the promotion mentioned.

    I have mixed feelings about this overall, on the one hand i got this set on release (i gave away the x-box live sub i had to purchase to get it) as such i feel this (if correct) is a nice way of gifting players that choose to stick around after the "friends play free" promotion.

    I gave away my free friend codes on the forums as had noone to gift them too, i hope they found permanent Pirate homes and those that used them are now graced with this glorious cosmetic set.

    That being said if the codes are just able to be redeemed for this set to become active on any current account i'd have a slight issue with that and i think many others possibly would too.

  • @ixxolos I only have 1 feeling about this. However, describing it in detail would get me suspended from the forum.

    Please note, that I think it is a bad thing that not everyone who played during the "Friends play Free" week gets this set.
    Either everyone who played during that week should get it, or no-one should.

    This is giant finger to the regular players.

  • I paid for xbox live back at launch for this 'exclusive' even though I play pc. This was a cash transaction $20 for the set, and now its given away to new players, this is a spit in my face by Rare...

  • @danish-crusader I like to try and give the benefit of the doubt but here i would undoubtedly agree with that feeling wholeheartedly.
    As after some more digging it seems the latter of my post rings true.
    This is very sad to see, very sad indeed.

  • I think Rare is not wrong to incentivize players to purchase the game.
    They did this by discounting the game for those that used the code.

    Cosmetics may affect someone's decision to pre-order a game, but it won't entice a player to decide to buy a game.

    This is rewarding people for waiting until the game was free to try, and then buy it at a discount.

    Maybe this cosmetic should go to those who shared codes to get players into the game.
    Getting players to try it out, and perhaps purchase it, is what this whole promotion was for. Don't you want to encourage people to introduce the game to others?

  • @dyfrin And what about those of us who have already gotten our friends to play/try it months ago, and had no one to share these keys with? What about us?

  • @danish-crusader
    I understand and agree.
    I had just changed it to "maybe" because I don't think the reward is necessary for either the referrer or the referred.

    Refer a friend always comes later in a products cycle (or when in development) and it's always an issue, those who have been product evangelists did it already, and will miss the reward new referrers get.

    I had 5 people buy the game, and I feel it was rewarding to get them to, as they played with me, and it was great fun.
    I don't think it's feasible for them to award all who referred the game since there was no traceable identifier showing your account got this account to purchase the game.

    So we will come across this again, if they do a refer-a-friend promotion with rewards.

  • Wish I would of known about this before the time ended. Pretty unfortunate to do this after the fact. It would be nice to give it to people who actually completed the mercenary voyage, but I get what they’re treating to do.

  • I managed to get two of my friends to play during the free play time... and even one of them finally decided to buy it outright (was worried he wasn't going to after some issues with trolls and griefers on our first outing)

    Tbh, I think everyone who took part in the friends play free event should be getting this outfit. Those who had codes given to them and bought the game, and those who gave out codes that were used as well, as a thank you for getting new players into the game. Otherwise, there is really no incentive to try and get new players into the game...

    {edit} also, I want to mention the second friend, even though they didn't buy the game outright yet, did go and purchase the xbox live pass thingy to be able to keep playing the game, so that should count as well

  • @kitsunelegend69
    Wait, so I'm not getting a code!
    Even though I handed out my 3?


  • @sgt-palooggoo No, from what I've been told, only players who used a code, then bought the game are getting the outfit. The people who gave out codes and had them used aren't getting anything apparently.

  • There has to be a mix up. This can't be the dumbest PR move on Rare's part? I'm really upset that I spent days trying to get my email to get verified in order to even get the codes unlocked. Now after I do and give 3 codes out I'm the one rewarded with nothing?

    There has to be something wrong and they are giving the referrals something in return, no?

  • Sucks because every friend I have made was through this game. All other friends call this game a joke and play BR games instead. So if this becomes a thing then I'm going to laugh my head off. Still won't stop me playing though.

    Sorry Rare i didn't know I could just freely hand codes out to the public. Thought it was 'friends' not 'strangers'

  • @kitsunelegend69 said in Mercenary Outfit for Play for Free:

    @sgt-palooggoo No, from what I've been told, only players who used a code, then bought the game are getting the outfit. The people who gave out codes and had them used aren't getting anything apparently.

    This makes me displeased, I hope Rare remedies this asap.

  • This is surprising. I play via game pass, wonder what would have happened had I used a code :(

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  • This is probably the single stupidest thing they've done in regards to limited time items. No new player is going to be motivated by this at all towards buying the game or not.

    And it ticks off the veterans who already had it, and the veterans who want to get it but can't

    There was even a guy on Reddit who said he didn't bother with the code cause he knew he was just gonna buy the game.

    They basically p****d off the entire community in a way that was easily predictable, for no reason.

  • Im not Salty about that, im happy with every new player through this Promotion!

    But we know Rare, I think they giving us the Set through an Mixer Giveaway or as 1 Year Anniversary Gift later! So in the End everybody has this Outfit :)

  • Wait a second. We do Rares work for them and market the game to three people, and we get nothing for it, except to see your newbie friends in gear you yourself have desired since day one? That is absolutely b.s

  • It seems to me the wiser move would be to reward players who recruited new players to the game. Brand new players shouldn't be getting fancy mercenary sets just for joining. I didn't get one when I joined. Cosmetics are the only reward we have for putting time into the game. When brand new players get to start with much sought-after sets that most experienced players don't have access to...there's something wrong with that situation. It just seems like Rare went about this really backwards.

  • @genuine-heather It would have been wiser to give it out to everyone who played during that week.
    This is just so very uncool of Rare to do.

    This is an extremely Rare set due to the fact that the promotion to get it was only available in a few countries and only when you bought Xbox Live. PC players have no use for Xbox Live either, so even less people could get it, and now they just give it out to a select few? Not something that makes me(and a lot of other people it seems) happy.

  • I gave my 3 codes away on this forum and on Reddit.

    Not very happy to hear this.

  • @graves-v Is this confirmed as a real thing? I saw the reddit post but just couldnt believe Rare would do this.

  • Seeing a few people on Reddit say that if you used one of the codes on your own account then you would have got the Mercenary set.

    If this is true then this is going to get close to Bethesda levels of community unrest.

  • @aclassali It is apparently true. If I had known that I would have instantly used a code on my own account.
    But seeing as they gave no warning or heads up about the Mercenary Outfit, it just leaves us where we are now.

    In the future though, whenever they decide to do this type of promotion again, I'll just use the codes on myself or trade it with others if they make it so we can't use our own code on ourselves, to avoid getting left out again.

  • It's nice to get limited items recycled. While I do not like this specific form of excluding the older players, I totally love this for the fact that there are now few people who dislike the idea of recycling the limited items who are not gonna have this set while new players do. Funny stuff this is.

    Personally when it comes to the mercenary set I think it should be sold in the cash store together with the blackdog set. It's pretty much pay to get set anyways.

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