Closed Crews broken...

  • So, it happened to me, and to others I know.. Crew type set to closed and suddenly someone logs into your crew. And no, it is not someone on my friends list, etc... Closed Crew option is broken.

  • 9
  • @wolfe-larsen never had this problem, maybe raise a support ticket

  • Raise a support ticket.
    But most likely somebodys friend just joined you.

    given that there alot of closed crews, the issue would have risen on a bigger scale.

  • @wolfe-larsen

    they might have u in their friendslist. Its how i join "randoms" after we met on sea.

  • @weakdexx there is an option in crew management to stop friends/anyone from joining you

  • @what-zit-tooyya I confirmed that friends joining option was off and that those that got on were not on friends list. It’s a recent bug since the last patch that at least one other person I know of has experienced.

  • @wolfe-larsen

    My crew mate had this before update.
    Even twice on same day. Dont remember the date exactly tho

  • I've had this before but the reason why was kinda stupid when we looked back on it.
    When we try to get multiple crews on a server one of our friends is always the "victim" of the friend invite. In this way he can join the crew of those peoplpe, he's got a lot of friends on x-box live.

    Sometimes one of those friends joins him (and by extention us) on a closed crew.
    It's that simple, it wasnt someone from our collected friends list but someone who we invited.
    We've also had a really old friend of someone join in who he only knew from gears of war 1 back in the day, so there's that too.

  • Even if they’re not on your friend list you can still be on theirs. The friend list works more like Twitter where you can follow someone without you following back.

    You should set the crew to invite only once in game.

6 out of 9