Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3

  • @fluidsc

    Yes there are several rivets out of place know floating in the air. You can only see them at certain angles when standing around the wheel.

  • @treefittymonsta

    Loot rises a lot faster now. Mermaid gems rocket to the surface.

  • @deashkiin

    Are you on PC with Windows 10? Often the Microsoft store bugs out. It will say it needs to get more than it did when starting the download. It will at times appear to endlessly diwnload. I close the store and reopen it. It will resume if there is more to download. Sometimes the it looks like there is more to go, but I know it should not be. Close the store and upon reopening it is installed.

  • @brym3th3ous

    That process is very buggy and has been since the beginning. Sometimes you have to keep tying. If it still does not work, open a support ticket.


    Sometimes you have to go to your profile and resend it. Some even have had to change email addresses back and forth. Keep trying it should finally pop. How I had to do it months ago when I signed up.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:


    Loot rises a lot faster now. Mermaid gems rocket to the surface.

    it sinks slot faster now too. I was looking two chests and the third started sink when I drove in for it.

  • @treefittymonsta said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    @x-crowheart-x said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:


    Loot rises a lot faster now. Mermaid gems rocket to the surface.

    it sinks slot faster now too. I was looking two chests and the third started sink when I drove in for it.

    Physics! For every action there is an opposite reaction. Guess it applies to floating loot as well. :)

  • @treefittymonsta if you pick up the chest and put it down it will reset the "sink timer"

  • @djd3athray

    Yeah the cutouts do take away a lot from the appearance of the ships. Some of my mates have falling overboard, but I will not name him as he already admitted it. Lol! Sure it is for the future. Perhaps fishing. Could be a place to even place harpoons. We will find out hopefully soon.

  • @x-crowheart-x I personally like the new cutouts, and I find it helps me decipher which way an opponents ship is facing. If you can see the cutouts, that means they are facing somewhat toward you and not away from you. Just a little helpful tip :)

  • There are good things in the update. We started off with a lot of beard errors and crew being kicked out of the game. It smoothed out as we kept sailing. Servers were quiet.

    Love the new sails. The color, pattern, and texture is very nice. Weapon tweaks are a good step, just may need some fine tuning. Hearing rumors that double gun tapping is back. Hope if true Rare drops a hotfix and will not wait until the next update.

    Weapon changes are great. Use feels good. Sword is important as it should be. They all have their purpose making them worth using when you need them.

    No Shrouded Ghost still, but that is good. Would not want to find her right away after the frequency changed. We will find her!

    Like the way the Mercenary voyages put things together. However, was expecting more to it. Nice collection of loot, but there is a difference in several grog chests and what new rum cargo should have been. It is not rum, it is grog! I get it that it is a quick way to spotlight voyages, Duke, and special doubloon items for the friends event, but it is just another rehash of everything else and not even rum.

    Rare when are you going to finally start adding truly new things? We know story mode is coming, but will that just be a better way to tell the same voyages to get the same loot? It does not have to be a lot of new things all at once. At least sprinkle in new clothes, even if it is just new colors. Same for weapons and equipment. Add a new style of an item once in a while. When you make new voyages add new items.

    It will give reason to visit the islands and shops after each update. It is more fun to start collecting truly new items. You do not always have to tell us what it will be. Let us be surprised. It will keep the sea fresh and exciting.

  • I would also like to know what everyone thinks about the new cutlass buff and how you think it will affect the future of PvP in Sea of Thieves. I personally love the new buff and find it a lot more efficient to fight against other crews.

  • @deashkiin ohhh well i guess that's better than 1 week

  • OK, so I got to play a couple of sessions last night, and this is my overall experience so far.

    Still no ghost meg. Sigh
    First time in a while that I didn't get Karen to show up, is she on sabbatical for sloops?
    Did not get a single skelly ship to pop up unannounced on us all night. Is this also a change for sloops? If so, I like it, I still have the random ones already on surface to chase if I want them, and I no longer have the hunter ones that are hard to get off yer tail. But I guess only time will tell if this is on purpose or not.
    New gun mechanics/animation and delay. Love them. Yes, it took a second or two (only a second or two at most) to get used to how best to fend off skelly kegs with the new delay. But the delay really is not all that bad, so after the first one popped up, figured out I have to run a big farther than before, and now I can go back to taking them out as I used to.
    Same mechanics in PvP. WOW, WOW, WOW, what an amazing difference this makes. I had a brig that would not give up last night. I was solo on a sloop. My ship to ship combat has always been my strength, while my direct PvP was pitiful at best. I was able to sink that brig three times, and kill every pirate on that ship at least 2 times, one of them 4 times. They kept trying to use EoR and blunderbuss. I used my flint lock twice, other than that, I stuck to my trusty cutlass and dispatched them fairly easily. I love not getting insta-killed and having the fight last a bit longer. They were finally able to sink my ship, and they killed me only after I boarded their ship, killed one of them, and ate most of their bananas. But all in all, what a fantastic change this is. The delay now allows me to either charge my target or try to evade their shot and aim my own gun. I was quite successful in being able to evade their shot, I think they were trying to hipshot far too much. And even when they hit, only taking some damage while charging with my cutlass was wonderful. THANK YOU RARE. While I have no doubt that this crew I was against were not great at PvP themselves, the fact is that now I can make a fight out of it.
    Treasure does float to the top quicker, but sinks quicker too. I killed two queen megs last night, and lost partial loot each time, because I could not gather the loot fast enough by myself.
    Fluidity in the game seems to be restored for the most part. I did experience some rubber banding, but not nearly as much as before. I would say the overall experience was quite smooth, and felt great to be out on the waters again.
    Brightness of the game is great now. It was too dark before. Now, I can see much better and with much clearer details.
    Islands now render better at a farther distance, really making immersion so much better.
    LOVE the new Mercenary boat and sails, especially on a brig. Can't wait to see them up close on a galleon.
    New missions are fun, and love the last three chests. Was able to push me over the top for level V grog soaked gold.
    New ship "wedges" on the rails is a bit awkward for now, and certainly make you wonder what is coming. So many possibilities to imagine.
    The new fort is amazing and well designed. Love the fact there is a floor to top opening that adds an element of danger there. Also love the many areas you can hide in. When that baby goes active it will have plenty of fun surprises I am sure.
    Honestly, I didn't find much to complain about in the game. Game runs nice and smooth now for the most part, the PvP works better for those of us that show some patience and are able to make our move based on best timing vs just gun them down quick, game additions are nice little perk.

    Edit: One thing I did notice though, skelly kegs seem to be quite a bit quieter. Far too often I saw them coming before I heard them. And was barely able to escape, taking damage in doing so. Before you could hear them coming and were able to outrun them with a fair amount of ease. Their new stealth mode makes them much harder to evade. Maybe this is not a bad thing, but something I noticed and wanted to mention.

  • @mufikiro

    Yes there are advantages to the hull change. As I said I am sure it is also a place holder for more content. Cosmetically it is not as pleasing, however that is my preference.

    I like the cutlass changes. Makes swordplay viable and important as it should be.

  • @x-crowheart-x Yeah I can't wait to see what they bring to those cutouts. Also the stove in the bottom deck for cooking. I'm really excited for the future of this game and for the Arena to finally be released!

  • @nofears-fun

    Sails and hull look awesome on a galleon. Hopefully Rare will continue to add more Mercenary ship items so we can go full on sting. We saw and killed several Megs last night. Got lots of good loot from them, the skellie ships, fort, and fleet battle. Was a busy and bountiful night sailing.

  • Gun delay is good. I don't mind too much that it happens whenever you do something else, and not only when you switch weapons. I would prefer if it didn't, but its not terrible enough that I can't live with it.

    Did anyone else have issues with falling through the boat? My crew and I all, at least once, fell "through" the ship while it was moving. Luckily I only fell through the helm area to below the deck near the bed on the Brigantine, but the rest of my crew fell through the entire ship and into the water multiple times.

  • Was the Kraken against the Brigantine "nerfed" ?

    I'm asking this because yesterday on joining my friends Brigantine they got attacked by the Kraken and we didn't stand any chance... It even grabbed the ship with 2 tentacles at the same time. Is this intended at all?

  • @nunoazuldimeter Yes it was, aswell as for the sloop. Basically they dropped the frequency of the Kraken wrapping itself around your ship

  • @nunoazuldimeter And I don't know if thats intended maybe it was a glitch or bug they need to fix?

  • I don’t like the increased speed of loot floating to the surface. Who wanted this? It is now comically fast and unrealistic. That’s immersion breaking. I just can’t imagine who thought this was a good idea. I loved the way loot rose so serenely to the surface. Finding and catching the loot was part of the game, part of the challenge. Now it zips up like it’s on bungee cords. Ridiculous.

  • @genuine-heather said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    I don’t like the increased speed of loot floating to the surface. Who wanted this? It is now comically fast and unrealistic. That’s immersion breaking. I just can’t imagine who thought this was a good idea. I loved the way loot rose so serenely to the surface. Finding and catching the loot was part of the game, part of the challenge. Now it zips up like it’s on bungee cords. Ridiculous.

    Yeah I thought it was a little weird to see a chalice zoom up to the surface. I wonder if it will make looting sunken ships much quicker, or will loot just end up getting stuck inside the ship model now?

    I think the speed increase was to make it less likely that you would lose loot from megs or skeleton ships, but it seems way too fast.

  • @genuine-heather

    I completely agree with you. Totally agree the loot float to surface speed needs to be reverted back. Glad you brought it up as I forgot to mention it in my earlier post.

    It takes away from the feel of the game. It is silly. Always loved diving into the water to see what will be coming up. One of the things I am noticing here and there dumbing down the game and putting things on an easy mode without a choice. We do not need training fins on our ships!

    Rare please change it back. Thank you in advance!

  • @genuine-heather I love it, I can spot it faster and gather it quicker and get gone. I have things to do.

    I am not sure why you feel realism matters because if it was going to float it wouldn't have sunk under surface anyway
    (unless trapped) and do you think a chest full of gold coins would float? I never think realism is a good argument in a game full of mysticism.

  • @zormis

    @Genuine-Heather did not mean true realism. It is “real” as it felt to the game as it was. I am sure it is what you said. In the age that many want and demand things fast and seek instant gratification, no one can wait a moment or two. It is a shame really. People want to get in and out so fast. Why even play at all.

  • Barrel Interaction

    • snake venom: fixed;
    • drowning: not fixed;
    • boiling water: ????

    Yesterday had 2 main issues that were fixed with dying: the drinking animation was none existent, even though I could hear myself drink and getting drunk; crates didn't make a sound when dropped on the floor.

    The cut-outs on the bow of the ship have an invisible wall that shouldn't be there I think, players should be able to fall through them, just like the gaps where the cannons are placed.

    Loot surfaces WAY to fast! Reduce the surface speed a bit more, maybe in between the way it was before (I had no complaints about it) and the way it is now. It's nearly impossible to grab mermaid gems right after you destroy a statue.

    As for double gunning, personally I wouldn't mind having a mandatory cutlass + gun combo. These new animations and timed gun swapping will take some time to get used to, but they might lead to new bugs and glitches, and people have already found out how to double gun anyway...
    I know that SoT intent is not to retract historical pirates, but real life pirates had a sword with them almost all the time. The guns were mostly used to make a shot or two prior to boarding and then they would use swords at close combat, because guns of that era took lots of time to reload.

  • @Zormis

    @x-crowheart-x said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:


    @Genuine-Heather did not mean true realism. It is “real” as it felt to the game as it was. I am sure it is what you said. In the age that many want and demand things fast and seek instant gratification, no one can wait a moment or two. It is a shame really. People want to get in and out so fast. Why even play at all.

    Basically this. It's a common mistake to think that in a fantasy world, anything should go because "magic." That's not how you build believable, immersive worlds that you want to dwell in. There are rules even in the most fantastic setting. Violate the rules and you destroy immersion. We all accept that loot floats to the surface in Sea of Thieves. We suspend our disbelief because it enhances the gameplay. But there's a rule to things floating up. If they simply zip to the surface (as they do now) it ruins the sense of order in the universe.

    I think it's completely crazy to suggest realism doesn't matter in a game like Sea of Thieves. Without realism, there's no game. Realism isn't just strictly adhering to the rules of the real world. It's creating a fantastic world that is believable. A well-crafted game can make the most fantastical things feel perfectly realistic. Realism most definitely "matters."

    Watching loot zip to the surface is ridiculous. There's no reason for it. This inclination towards making everything faster, faster, faster will assuredly ruin Sea of Thieves. Part of the exquisite charm of this game is the pacing. You can't even catch a mermaid gem before it shoots to the surface now. It's insane.

  • @genuine-heather very well said! Why many games lack the beauty, charm, and luster they use to have.

  • @nunoazuldimeter said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    Was the Kraken against the Brigantine "nerfed" ?

    I'm asking this because yesterday on joining my friends Brigantine they got attacked by the Kraken and we didn't stand any chance... It even grabbed the ship with 2 tentacles at the same time. Is this intended at all?

    It was nerfed against the sloop according to the patch notes (spawn rate). But what you describe sounds like a buff, not like a nerf.

  • @raen-yrtham said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    @nunoazuldimeter said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    Was the Kraken against the Brigantine "nerfed" ?

    I'm asking this because yesterday on joining my friends Brigantine they got attacked by the Kraken and we didn't stand any chance... It even grabbed the ship with 2 tentacles at the same time. Is this intended at all?

    It was nerfed against the sloop according to the patch notes. But what you say sounds like a buff, not like a nerf.

    Huh. I thought the only ship that really needed a little help against the kraken was the brigantine. I nearly always survive in a sloop, even solo. The brig goes down like a rock. It's odd to me they'd have nerfed the kraken for sloops and left it the same for brigs. Too many solo players complaining, I guess. Pity if you ask me.

  • @Genuine-Heather I can't remember the last time I sank to the Kraken when solo slooping. It's pretty easy, just take out 3 tentacles and that's it. As a newbie the challenge is to figure out how to "kill" it, avoid being sucked (and if you are sucked, how to make yourself free) and make the grabbing tentacle release your boat. But once you figure it out, it was already pretty easy, you just have to be good on supplies.

    I'm sure that when we all started playing before this new wave of newbies due to the streaming hype, we weren't complaining that much and being hold by the hand like new players are being now...

    Kraken on a brig is usually somewhat harder because the brig itself is easier to sink if not attended. But if you know what you're doing, you'll be able to defeat it no matter what your ship type is and live to tell the tale.

    3 tentacles on a sloop, 6 on a brig and 10 (if I'm not mistaken) on a galleon, know what to do when a Kraken spawns on you (timing your actions!!) and that's it.

  • @raen-yrtham I would add that the red screen is way too overpowering now when poisoned. If it is night time, and you are trying to flee skellies while poisoned, you are in a lot of trouble. I don't mind having some red screen, but right now, it is too much when you can't even identify where you are, or where you are going.

  • @genuine-heather I would only say on this, that while I personally love kraken fights now, especially while solo slooping, I think the frequency was far too often. So for me, on the sloop, the only change I would have wanted was less frequency to the encounter. If anything I thought the kraken was a bit too easy on a sloop.

    Edit: I want the kraken to feel special. So having less frequent encounters would have made it a bit more special. As it was, I was getting the kraken twice per gaming session. Though I didn't get a single kraken last night, so maybe this was already addressed.

  • @raen-yrtham For the brig and kraken, the only change I wanted was less frequent tentacles blocking the stairs. It seemed to me like anytime, and everytime the tentacle wrapped our brig, it would be the stairs. Now I know there are counters to this. But for some reason, that head didn't always pop up in a spot that you could get to it with cannons or snipers on a brig. Most likely because the stairs are closer to the center of the brig. But other than make it more random where that tentacle would wrap, I wouldn't want any other changes. I like a good challenge.

  • @nofears-fun Being poisoned was already something annoying, specially during night time, I don't see any difference with this update. The screen turns purple with red borders, always has been this way. At night, purple turns almost black, that's why. Similar to the Kraken ink on your screen when you stab the grabbing tentacle. But that has always been like that.

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