Quick Learning "New Player" Looking for a few Friends.

  • Hello, everyone I am a very casual PC gamer that can also be serious when the time is needed. I'm just looking for a few friends to make the game more interesting then just sailing the seven seas alone. If you would like to join me on making my adventures even more mysterious and thrilling you can add me on the following. Hope to "sea" you out there!

    Discord: Bean#1266
    Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/OfficialBeanly/
    Xbox: Doctor xx Who (Will check this the next week daily, but I normally don't check this on a regular basis.)

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  • Hey man. I’d be up for grouping up sometime. I’m kind of in the same boat (pun intended) as you are. Casual PC gamer that can be competitive if called for. Been solo slooping for a while now and would like to join up with a couple people if possible. My girlfriend plays sometimes too but she’s not the greatest lol.

    Anyway, I’ll add you on discord now and feel free to add my tag or hit me up if you wanna game sometime.

  • @doctor-xx-who hey welcome aboard!
    My name is Pride yeah you can add me i am also on pc, played from day 1

  • @redeyezero I have accepted your discord invitation.
    @FaceYourDemon I have added you via the Xbox app.

    I should be very active the majority of this weekend so feel free to message me when ever your on.

    Everyone else viewing this thread, feel free to still reply or add me. The more the merrier!

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