Players are the LifeBlood of a game.

  • Hello Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Coast , oh i love that saying...No , i can't drift off already...For the Pirates that don't have much time : this will be TOO LONG TO READ!!!! .Am i going to bore you with one of my toecurling stories? Well...No. A thought has crossed my mind and has been growing the last week , but before i start i want to add one more thing, i will try to explain as good as possible what i mean, this week has proven to me that i have to do more my best into coming over as clear as possible, yes i'm a foreigner that hasn't got English under his arm but i really gonna try to make sure i ,hopefully ( * You wished , moron), can't be missunderstood...Sea Gods , i will need yer help...So let me begin ( * Yaaaaaawn, okay , you there , that one loyal reader , make yourself comfortable , take a pillow , because the nag is going to start his verbal chainsaw so..." Enjoy" this ....Poor soul, i don't envy you...)

    SOT has had a fantastic week thanks to the release of Schrouded Spoils.Schrouded Spoils offered so many new things , thrills and commandations and so on...This made that many Pirate Legends 10 came back since they could gather new Commandations, other Pirates came back because their road to the Legendary Status will be shortened quite a lot with all the new earnings and rewards dropped by killing Krakki, Meggi, Skeleton Ships, Skeleton Fleets , Fortresses , Mermaid statues and so on and on...For some the " grind " will feel not so heavy . Oh , many of you ( * Like many will read this written rubbish , moron - And ooh, it's Sunday and our little lovely Sunshine is cranky again...* Little ? LITTLE!!!??? keep yer tears inside , Captain crybaby ...moron) know how i feel about " grinding" but no, i won't crawl in my frontline trench...for once...Other Pirates came back after sailing " foreign shores " , other games i mean , and heard that SOT has a lot more content then at the day they gave up on this game...
    All of them are welcomed back...
    Many New Pirates also found their way to SOT, and that is very ,very good...

    Now , we go to the Geniuses behind this game , Rare ...Rare has been working on this for so many years , and are planning to add at least one more year to that development and enriching of this game . In secret i hope that Mr Spencer orders them to keep developing this game for many years , but ssssstttt, that's the egocentric illegal son in me ( * Huh, what , this has nothing to do with me , moron - " He ,who fits the shoe, has to ware it too" * Did someone asked you to open yer drafthole Captain ? No? Then close it , it stinks). But along the way , i fear that Rare has forgotten just how rich this game has become...Hold on...i will try to explain better...

    Rare decided ,from the very beginning , to only give a tiny little tutorial ,wich is woven in the game , the rest would have to be discovered while playing...That's great and i admire that tactic , and it's a gift to the PvE players but....Since SOT has grown exponentially in content ,mechanics and so on, the new Pirate may feel that he or she got struck with an avalanche. i have met many Solo Sloopers this week , and very many of them are New , they don't have Friends that want to play Pirates or ...Don't have Friends at all.But Solo Slooping is already very hard for the hardest, battle experienced knucklehead Pirate around, what will it do to the playing joy of a New Pirate?. New People are too much unaware that Solo Slooping is the " Nightmare "mode of this game.Only the strongest and most experienced of us can pull this off and many lose ships or die trying...Nothing good can come from this if this continues to the unaware New Pirate...

    i am a lucky fool ( * Oh wait, the last time i saw the mirror , i more thought of you as an ugly fool...hihihihi) , i was part of the first 1000 Alpha Players , way back at the end of 2016. In other words , i have grown along the game and i too, have forgotten how hard it may be for the New Pirate...Since i play every time i can , i seem to not realize anymore that player who don't play that much may struggle with , what i feel ,so" easy" things to do on the ship...

    Is the Tutorial , once made at the beginning, the release of this game i mean, still adequate enough to actually let the New Pirate grow , or is it just a little tiny flame that ,in some cases , can't ignite the Big Gutfire it supposed to ignite?

    Another thing that i read on these very Forums , and since it's so massive , i cannot read alot anymore, was : A guy and his wife decided to tackle a Skeleton Fleet , in the hope that the man could convince his wife to play together .They used the sloop but forgot or didn't realize to stock up as much as possible . Result , losing of the ship, discouraged feelings and a possible a shame.
    Is there no possible mechanic , warning , or line of text that could warn people ...i know it could break the immerment of the moment , but seeing people leave upset, frustrated ,angry and so on , on this beautiful game hurst me in a way too...

    Many people seem to have given up on communications, please don't shoot me , i'm not aiming to people that don't use the microphone for many reasons, there is the Non Verbal mechanism and PC players can type whole letters if they feel the need ...But...i am talking about the Pirate that doesn't talk at all...He / She mostly runs along like a fifth wheel on the wagon, doing things without knowing that it could hurt the crew ...They are not "in " the game ...And many of them don't really know very well what is expected or what they are doing?
    What has happened in so many other games that made people so quiet? Is it shyness, fear of talking, fear of talking to randoms for a posiible verbal beating?
    No, i'm not mocking the silent Pirate , i was once silent too, for a very long time and it almost killed me mentally because if i wanted to talk i simply couldn't anymore...That may sound funny but i can assure you that these kinds of reality checks really give you a mental punch...

    i do understand that people are cautious but if you play an hour with a crew that Friendly tries to make contact with you , then please give a sign of life out there , write something , listen to what others ask and please ,if you have a microphone , and would love to talk, then please take the jump...After an hour, the chance that people would still verbally attack you is very tiny...Many , not all unfortunately i know that too, Pirates try to learn from each other , enrich themselves and others by meeting, bounding and talking...You ,too, can be part of this if you take the jump...

    Now , this game is made by people ( * Wow, get the Nobel Price ready , because Old George has just invented warm water...moron)...but is people who "make " yer game ...Confused ( * Who wouldn't?, if they read yer garbage...dufus)...Let me tell you a little story of two days ago from the Seas, no i promise ,it won't be a long one ( * We all hope...).
    It was around 5.30 am my time , when Mr Xbox Geek and Mr Jay4dio, Boatswain of the Forum and one of the only two Crewbinders i have ever met in this game ,came to our " last " Island...
    We had been doing a lot of stuff, Skeleton Ships, fortresses , Meggi's and so on and on, while doing an Athena voyage. We finally came to our last place, Snake Island and our treasure was completely West.On the other side , however , was a mast ...The Plan was simple ( * yes , of course , otherwise you couldn't understand it , baboon), i was guarding the ship, Mr Xbox geek was digging and Mr Jay4dio would spy upon them...

    The treasure was fetched and we took off and left Mr Jay4dio on the island, he could take a Mermaid ....But ...Mr Jay4dio is Mr Jay4dio so he sneaked on board entered their crowsnest and observed the Pirate ...We will call her a she as it was a female Pirate character because it could had been a guy that just like a female character to play with....It didn't took Mr Ja4dio long to recognize a new Pirate .No shipcostumization, default sailor dress and the Sailor title above her head ...She didn't use a microphone but that doesn't hold Mr Jay4dio back...He talked pointed her to a few points in wich she needed to be more on her guard for and while we were cashing in he took her to our Outpost...He promised her to not ambush ,betray and steal from her...She made it to the shore , we said hello , helped her taking her stuff to shorten the time to the Factions members ...

    Mr Geek gave her a Fine Sugar box and i quickly gathered 50 bananas from our barrels and the islands and gave that to her to add to her Merchant Ranks...She thanked us and i went to sleep...
    i think , in total humbleness , that our approach to her , although you could feel that she was totally new and not comprehended what was going on , made her to come back the next day for a new adventure ...

    Now pretend , we didn't repected her "newness" ...Oh , we wouldn't had any problem of killing, her robbing her , sinking the ship and so on...But ...Ask yourself this question...Would she have come back to this game the next day?...Would she have felt this game was "fair " to her?...
    What i am trying to ask is that all of us , experienced players , that don't get attacked ,first take a little look to who is standing before you...Somebody wrote this week " The Game is dead" ...No ,this game isn't dead but we have the potential to kill it , or...not...and make it so that we first spend some of our time to train a new Pirate , it doesn't have to take much time...
    Give some tips and tricks , help with a ridlle ,or search for the place of the X on a map for him or her....There is no doubt that the next day , this person starts Sea of Thieves again...

    Do i ask you to become a " hippie Pirate " ...No...i just ask you to not destroy the new Pirate ...Is it really that fun? Is there any honor or pride to take down and destroy a person that isn't even aware of it's surroundings...Come on Pirates , we all learned this game by falling and getting up but we all have recieved help when it was needed or when we didn't expect it...
    Play sometimes with yer Heart ...And give a New Pirate a chance to find him/herself in this game .In time you have helped to create a player that can take a dissapointment and comes back because he/she has recieved a bit of kindness in the past from a total unexpected corner...
    New Pirates have a lot more to learn then the New Pirate from the release ...Most people of our Forum grant sunlight in other persons eyes , but we are 300.000 at the maximum while there are five or more millions of Pirates out there....

    A game can die because of many reasons, Server shutdown and so on , but we too have a responsibility to keep it alive ...i don't ask much, just try to lend a hand or be mild on a New Pirate, that you may have recognized from afar and who hasn't attacked you first , share a bit of yer knowledge , make them feel welcome and wanted in this game...And yer reward ? ...Well, if you feel the same Warm Glow in yer Heart as i do then i bet you will become addicted in helping new People . And you too will have contributed on the fact that this game will simply live longer because you gave a New Pirate a chance to learn and adapt to this world...

    Sure , the chance that they become frustrated ,angry , fed up after meeting stronger players will always be there but the first impression of a game is sometimes so strong and good that they learn that gaming is like life: Get downed , but get up again...Tomorrow , is after all , a new day and a new oppertunity for a new Grand Adventure...

    i'm sorry for this long text ( * No you don't...beanstake) but i hope you realize what power each and everyone has at his or her disposal to "make or break" a New Pirate's first day at the Sea ...Please be gentle because players are the LIFEBLOOD of a Game...Any game ...Thank you for reading...

  • 12
  • True, we should take it easy on new players. Perhaps there should be a message in the loading screen that only the most experienced pirates sail alone. And they need to advertise the official discord more. You can usually find a competent crew there and a new player can follow their lead.

  • @clumsy-george Sorry George - only just read this, but exactly that.. our approach changed the view that some people have of this game.. and for anyone out there that would like a hand, or some friendly help, the Old Salts are around.

    I know many say "it's not Sea of Friends", "it's Sea of Thieves", but if you don't help the newer, and solo players, then who are you going to thief from ??

    Fair winds to you all, however you play, but be mindful of those that might need a helping hand.

  • Well I definite Agree with you on a few points.

    Frist the title is very true Players are the lifeblood of any game.

    Second i also advocate for a better tutorial and one that can be done agian without having to delete your pirate and start over. As the game has been greatly expanded on.

    Lastly they should once agian add warnings to the game to make it clear what experience player are to expect.

    Now on the matters of experience players teaching new players and why some players don't communicate at all, Here are where there are issues that need to be adressed.

    I have also trianed my fair share of Newbies and The Main issue i run into is the fact that there is no region control. I can litteraly be playing with some on the otherside of the world. I have always Respected you @Clumsy-George You write very long well written and entertaining post I can't imagin how difficult it is for you as a non native speaker. Heck I didn't even know you weren't a non native for a while. I'm not even sure How much of what i write the you can understand as my grammer tends to be poor due to the limitations of my device as i do not use a Keyboard to type. Now imagin the difficulty in trying to communicate with some who doesn't even share a common language. This maybe one reason why someplayers don't communicate, simply because they can't due to the language barrier. I hope one day we can have a Unerversal Tranlator(UT) built into our Comms Systems.

    Another Issue that is unique to this game is actually the commitment it takes to identify treats. In your story your crew mate had to take time to swim to the enermy ship, board, infiltrate, then monitor the target before you deciced to take the action you did. Why? cause frist a skilled player could always dress up as a New Player. Most crews won't even bother. Most that attack have already made the choice to attack and have commited to that attack before ever bothering to gain intel on the target frist. I been on Many Crews both Passive and Agresive both Skilled and UnSkilled. It's all about risk. A crew might be unwilling to take any risk and stay far away from another ship. Another Crew might take a small risk with perecaution like yours did. The crews that are most problematic are the High Risk crew who take the risk expecting rewards. After a Crew attacks it's all about recouping from the risk that is all. Normally when i attack a ship unprovked i'm there to steal resources that is all. I'll even leave the ship intact. Sometimes I just want to upgrade to a larger ship so my friends could join.

    Anyway i do agree with your sentiment that Experienced crews should help out newbies and provide them with a good experience as i have attemped to do this myself with varing degrees of success, but there are still issue that have yet to be addressed with this Philosophy as a Strategy.

  • @clumsy-george I agree with you, help out the new pirates.

    Personally have the simple rule of initiation voyage on the table is an instant repair the damage and disengage. Might give some words of advice or encouragement on the way out.

    Being destroyed in the game is part of it, but as a PL10 it isn't my place to show you the hardships of the pirates life during your first couple of hours.

    Also, usually can be talked down to leave people alone based on their explanations and actions.

    Though to the game, personal would like initial stocks to be rebalance making stocking up at the beginning of a session not a mandatory action. Let people boot up and play.

    Also, believe RARE should spend some time on improving open crews.

  • @Clumsy-George @J4dio

    Very well said and played.

    I often find it more rewarding to help new players and solo players, than just sailing around killing and looting everything in sight.

    Recently I gifted Sea of Thieves to a couple of my sons friends for the holidays. I have been spending a lot of time showing them how great the world of Sea of Thieves can be.

    This was also a startegy to limit my sons time on Forknife and so far I have cut his time down to half. :)

  • @cotu42 Well said. I bought SoT for Christmas this year so have been playing now for only five days. Nevertheless almost every other player I've met, with one or two exceptions, has simply killed me on the spot. I understand that PvP games generate a certain amount of conflict but guys - please - when you see a single player clumsily manning a sloop, have a heart. Overall there seem to be very few players on the SoT servers (which surprises me as the game is great fun), and perhaps part of the reason is the frustration new players feel at being little more than target practice for more experienced (and less compassionate) players. For my part I'm not going to whinge too much about the less helpful players, after all I've managed to rack up a few lantern light colours whilst in the spirit world.

  • @clumsy-george mate I didn't read half and I love to read PLEASE make your stories smaller

  • @closinghare208
    Sorry Sir , but i warned you in the beginning that it would be too long to read...It is no obligation to read my stuff ( * Stuff? , rubbish is more appropriate) and i don't have one hair on my whitehaired head that thinks about making my stories smaller , on the contrary , i'm planning on making a massive sized story one day ...Sorry ( * you're not , hihihihihi)

  • @clumsy-George ok make a book then I'LL read it mate

  • I help new players all of the time by helping them learn how to fight and sail effectively with a crew as well as how to create alliances. ✌😁

    Only once have I ever been swindled by a PL pretending to be a new player - he used my alliance to leach off my Athena voyage, then stole my Chest of Legends. 😡🔥

  • @clumsy-george

    It's here in the Pirate Code after all - for on and off the seas!

    Article 6 - Respect New Pirates and Their Voyage Ahead
    May the old legends help to forge new ones: treat new pirates with respect and share your knowledge.

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