New Big Update Idea

  • The Wicked Expanse

    A new area to the far south has been uncovered from the mysterious shroud. It is said to be a ghostly ship graveyard that is always nighttime. Pirates there fight and plunder each other for sheer competition. There's even rumors of new accursed skeletons and a cursed mothership roaming those waters. Pirates will have to gear up with new weapons like the huge broadsword and marksmen's hunting rifle and items such as Molotov's and small throwable explosives to tackle what's ahead. Pirates can even distinguish themselves now with keepsakes that have been washing up left and right. So if you think you have what it takes? Then set sail for the Wicked Expanse for keepsakes, blood, and riches.

    Crimson Circle

    The crimson circle are a group of outsiders that hates civilization and have taken refuge in underwater caves at outposts in and near the Wicked Expanse. The Crimson Circle is a new optional PvP reputation that players can level up on the side when they aren't going for pirate legend status or if they've already become one.
    They will offer missions to seek out and sink ships, kill players, and acquire keepsakes because they hate humanity that much. In return The Crimson Circle will sell exclusive PvP rewards in their shop additionally more become available the higher you prestige in their ranks.


    Keepsakes are a decorative/cosmetic item that you will "cherish". Keepsakes can be anything and well almost literally anything :P They can be pictures, plants, rocks, gems, toys, a pet, a sword, and pretty much anything rare can think of. There will be a slot somewhere on each ship for each players keepsake to be displayed. Keepsakes can be bought in certain stores and earned. If a players keepsake is stolen they will have to buy it back from the bilge rat vender at the inn for a small fee.

    New Weapons

    Broadsword - A larger more powerful sword, it cannot block like the regular sword instead it has a wind up whirlwind attack that damages and slightly knocks nearby players away. With its strong attack it can damage through block and knock a player way back.

    Hunting Rifle - An un-scoped eye of reach for true marksman. Does the same damage but has scope and reloads slightly faster than the eye of reach.

    New Items

    These are items that can be found around the world in barrels, crates, etc...

    Molotov - A small throwable item that sets an area on fire including those who run through the flames. The fire goes out over time or instantly with water.

    Small Throwable Explosive - A small throwable explosive that detonates when shot or comes in contact with fire. This causes an explosion and knocks player back. Does less damage than the keg.

    New Skeleton Types

    Giant Skeleton - A bigger bonier type of skeleton for the regular, brass, shadow, and plant versions. It would have more health and slower attacks but knockback with every swing and deals some damage through blocking opponents.

    Skeleton Bird - A small flying skeleton bird that fly's above its prey and then swoops down at it's victims. It would have very low HP so it could be one shot.

    The Dueling Post

    The dueling post gives the option to players to offer a duel to another player using wooden swords. The duel starts a few second after all participating players pick up their wooden sword from the dueling post. When a player reaches 1 HP he/she loses. No pirate can be killed from this and Gun are permitted.

    Multiple Crew Raid - The Accursed Skeletal Mothership

    It will be a huge skeleton mothership the size of a smaller island that is always surrounded in fog and opens fire on anything foolish enough to get near it. It will act as a moving skull fortress that does not reveal it's self in the sky.

    There will be a huge bonfire lit in the center of the ship that causes it to move. But if the fire is doused with water enough times it will go out and the mothership will come to a halt for a 2-3 minute duration and rain will start to fall for the remainder of the encounter. On the final two waves of the encounter it will start to storm thus removing the fog that surrounds the ship.

    Occasionally ghost sloops will pop out of the water to aid the mothership.

    Because this ship is so big there are much more skeletons on it than a normal skeleton fort. Thus forcing players to seek the help of others.

    The rewards give more than a stronghold because the difficulty and risk is higher.

    Thank You for your time!

  • 6
  • @Wajuwanmekill Wow this is a well written and thoughout update. I would like to add it to the Community Idea's Master List Althou you should a the name to the title of your Topic. Would you like your post to be added.

  • Well written, yes; well thought out, though? I'll have to disagree on that point.

    First of all, a broadsword? Really!? That's not even period authentic! A boarding ax, however, would make far more sense, and even have more utility.

    Any kind of a throwable explosive would absolutely break the game!

    And fire bottles ('cause Molotovs didn't exist, at least by that name, until much more recently)? We don't even have fire mechanics yet (at least the kind that can hurt you or damage a ship), so I think we're a long ways off from anything having to do with that kind of thing.

    A marksman's rifle might work, but we already have short, mid, and long-range weapons, so it seems kind of redundant or pointless, IMO. That said, I wouldn't mind having the ability to swap out the scope on an eye of reach for a bayonet.

    For what it's worth, I do like the Wicked Expanse idea...

    Regarding the Crimson Circle, any rewards to hunt down and kill other players will also break the game, as it will cause many players to quit playing. There's a reason we don't have anything like that already - it's because the developers have already done their testing and research and know better (they've got a 2-year lead time on development).

    Keepsakes - okay. So, a new way to cosmetically decorate your captain's cabin, maybe? How many can a player have at 1 time? How will this work with other crew members and their own keepsakes?

    Skeletons seem okay, but I worry about the similarities between the big-bone skeleton and the golden ones we have now. Again, some redundancy. The bone-bird sounds great, though!

    Dueling Post is pointless, 'cause the Arena is coming.

    The mothership is basically... A moving active-skeleton fort? Again, REDUNDANT!

  • @enf0rcer thank you very much and yes you can post this on the list ;)

  • @wajuwanmekill said in New Big Update Idea:

    @enf0rcer thank you very much and yes you can post this on the list ;)

    Your post has been added to the list I thankyou for your contribution.

  • New skeleton types are my favourite!

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