I hope I'm worng.

  • The upcoming fog mechanics sound interesting. But then I got thinking. In the Roar skeletons have shown that they're unaffected by environmental hazards. They ignore the earthquake. So a fog shrouded island plus Eye of Reach skeletons would be a blood bath.

  • 9
  • I can see this being a potential issue as they do indeed ignore pretty much all environmental hazards.
    However with EoR skeletons only having the same effective lock on target range as Pistol skeletons i feel it makes them somewhat easier to negate.

    I'd still like to see Skeletons "line of sight" for targeting being blocked by Foliage like it is with Tree trunks, Rocks (most of them), Posts, Walls, Fences etc. I feel this would quell a lot of players frustrations (mine included) at times with their Aim, Lock on, Shoot mechanics.

    That being said i see far far fewer EoR and Pistol skellies as island default spawns recently only ever come across full waves of them during Order of Souls voyages.
    So let's hope it's not going to be a full on bloodbath for us when the fog hits an isle.

  • I am sorry you got thinking... Hope you get rid of it.

  • @goedecke-michel said in I hope I'm worng.:

    I am sorry you got thinking... Hope you get rid of it.

    Indeed. It's a bad habit.

  • Well, the fog will work like the storm (I think).
    And when the storm rains it effects gold Skeletons.
    So it's possible that Rare might be able to make the fog effect Skeletons.

  • They are likely going to be able to target exactly the same, so you've brought up a good point.

  • Just to play devil's advocate for a moment, part of what can make combat interesting is when it occurs in less than ideal conditions.

    Whether it's fighting plant skellies in the rain, a group of goldies all the way at the top of Old Faithful Isle, or... pretty much anything in Devil's Roar. Sometimes going into a fight at a disadvantage can add a lot of spice to the gameplay.

    That being said, it is entirely possible to overdo it. And hopefully that can be looked at and addressed in the testing.

  • I say bring on the added challenge!

    Also, I had to chuckle when you said “I hope I’m worng” lolllll

  • well your at least wrong about the spelling of wrong.
    hahaha! doubt your wrong about the skellys though.

4 out of 9